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1、湖南省2023年普通高中学业水平合格性考试(四)英语试卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解Festivals in 2023Roskilde Festival With some of the biggest names in music, the Roskilde Festival in Denmark is preparing to bring fans an experience of a lifetime. Besides rock, electronic, and pop music, fans will also be treated to comedy, poetry,

2、 a carnival, and much more at this week-long festival. You can even rent a bike to get around the festival quickly. Boomtown Fair Boomtown is considered to be one of the wildest independent festivals in the world. Established in 2009 Winchester, United Kingdom, the fair takes place every summer, off

3、ering entertainment for visitors of all ages. Additionally, it specially conducts arts and crafts workshops for kids. Tracing its origin to its “underground” roots, Boomtown offers every type of music, from folk and jazz to disco and punk. Impact FestivalThe festival stays true to its name and truly

4、 impacts you through the experience you have while you attend the festival. You will spend your day meeting beautiful people, listening to some incredible live music, seeing an combination of fashionable costumes and clothing, freeing your mind and spirit and dancing the night away with a bunch of o

5、ther people. You will be staying in Lodz, the third largest city in Poland, a beautiful city. Wilderness Festival The combination of fantastic music, amazing food, and a lovely atmosphere come together to give you the Wilderness Festival in Oxfordshire, UK. More than live music performances, the Oxf

6、ordshire Wilderness Festival also offers an environment for camping and enjoying the quiet backdrop of countryside.1Where should you go if you want to cycle around the festival?A. To Denmark.B. To Winchester.C. To Lodz.D. To Oxfordshire.2Which festival is the most suitable for children?A. Roskilde F

7、estival.B. Boomtown Fair.C. Impact Festival.D. Wilderness Festival.3What can you do at the four festivals?A. Enjoy music.B. Taste food.C. Buy clothes.D. Draw pictures.4Where can you read this passage?A. In a science report.B. In a fashion magazine.C. In a novel.D. In a newspaper.Im now at a special

8、university where 46 speech and hearing impaired (受损) students graduate each year. Every morning, I made it a practice of setting the intention (意图) in my heart of “May I be a tool for them to get what they need right now?”.Today, one girl came and sat down. I started with how we usually do. She can

9、speak but cannot hear and lip-read. I asked one question, and she went on for 10 minutes straight, and in Tamil (泰米尔语). I understood a couple of words here and there, so I understood that she was not saying anything connected with what I asked. I just kept on listening to her without speaking a word

10、. This went on for an hour and a half! Then, after a long pause, I told her to get back on track with another question. And then she shared for another half an hour straight! The whole time I was just looking in her eyes which would go here and there but come back to me. In the end, I just got up an

11、d hugged her and she was smiling wider.Then I invited her to have juice with me. She said yes. What put me in a state of fear was realizing, just a few minutes later, that treating my new friend to some juice was the first celebration of my very first salary! A month ago, I started my first job, and

12、 what a blessing to have this important moment in my life be rooted in generosity.5What was the writers intention according to Paragraph 1?A. A doubt.B. A wish.C. A struggle.D. A guess.6When the girl came, the writer _.A. required her to speak in EnglishB. discovered something strange about herC. as

13、ked her questions as usualD. began to teach her to lip-read7What did the girl do in the conversation?A. She asked the writer to speak.B. She listened most of the time herself.C. She stared at the writers eyes all the time.D. She went on talking for 1.5 hours before a long pause.8How did the writer f

14、eel after treating the girl to juice?A. Glad.B. Regretful.C. Bitter.D. Grateful.If you think of the jobs robots could never do, you would probably put doctors and teachers at the top of the list. But, in some cases, they already perform better than doctors at diagnosing (诊断) illness. Also some patie

15、nts might feel more comfortable sharing personal information with a machine than a person. Could there be a place for robots in education after all?British education expert Anthony Seldon thinks so. And he even has a date for the robot takeover of the classroom: 2027. He believes robots will do the

16、main job of transferring information and teachers will be like assistants. Intelligent robots will read students faces, movements and maybe even brain signals. Then they will transfer the information to each student. Its not a popular opinion and its unlikely robots will ever have empathy (共情) and the ability to really connect with huma


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