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1、湖北省黄石市阳新县2023-2024学年八年级上学期期末考试英语试卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1Im going to study math at _ university because I want to be_ engineer when I grow up.A. an; anB. a; anC. an; aD. a; a2The food in that restaurant was good but the _ was very slow.A. seatB. priceC. menuD. service3No one can get better grades _ w

2、orking hard.A. withB. forC. throughD. without4Its after 12:00. Im _.What about a few cakes?A. differentB. excellentC. hungryD. beautiful5Jane, moms birthday is next week. Whats your idea?Lets _ a surprise party for her.A. solveB. organizeC. inviteD. refuse6John, its too noisy. I cant hear you clearl

3、y.Sorry, Ill _ the TV right now.A. turn onB. turn downC. fall downD. look after7Our English teacher is pretty friendly.Thats true. Im sure _ likes him very much.A. someoneB. anyoneC. everyoneD. no one8 _ do you help your mom do the housework? Twice a week.A.How longB. How farC. How oftenD. How soon9

4、 What will you do tomorrow morning? I want to climb the West Mountain, but if it _, I will read at home.A. will rainB. rainsC. rainD. doesnt rain10What a nice bicycle it is!I think so, too. But its _ one of all, just only¥50.A. expensiveB. cheaperC. the most expensiveD. the cheapest二、完形填空I had a bad

5、 day at school yesterday but I also learned something. My friends and I were in the 1 . It was twenty past nine and we were waiting for our 2 . She was late. My best friend Oliver didnt feel well that day 3 he didnt come to school. I was 4 some text messages on my mobile phone. Two 5 from my class,

6、Mike and Cindy, were fighting. Maria was copying Dans homework because she 6 does her own homework. Marcus was listening to music on his small radio. Suddenly, Miss Harris came into the classroom. She was very angry. She 7 in front of my desk, looked at me and said, “ 8 are you using your mobile pho

7、ne in class? You are breaking (打破) the school 9 !”“But Miss Harris, I was 10 reading some text messages,” I said. “Why are you so 11 ?” “Dont say anything more, Rob! You are using your 12 !” she said, and she took me to the head teachers office. The head teacher punished (惩罚) me 13 he didnt punish o

8、ther students. He even (甚至) called my parents. When 14 arrived at school, I handed in my phone. From this lesson, I knew I should always 15 the school rules.11A. hospitalB. classroomC. libraryD. office12A. doctorB. friendC. parentD. teacher13A. becauseB. butC. orD. so14A. readingB. writingC. leaving

9、D. taking15A. girlsB. boysC. studentsD. teachers16A. neverB. alwaysC. usuallyD. sometimes17A. jumpedB. readC. playedD. stopped18A. WhenB. WhyC. WhatD. How19A. dreamsB. symbolsC. rulesD. windows20A. alwaysB. eitherC. onlyD. often21A. tiredB. angryC. boredD. scared22A. model planeB. toy carC. key ring

10、D. mobile phone23A. butB. soC. becauseD. if24A. IB. heC. theyD. we25A. breakB. forgetC. findD. follow三、阅读理解Last Sunday morning, four students talked about the topic (话题) “What do you want to do when you grow up” at the class meeting.Wang LiI want to be a movie director (导演). And I want to make movie

11、s more creative and exciting. Maybe you will see my great movies many years later. And Im sure you will like them very much.EricI want to be an actor because I love acting. I enjoy doing it, and I always perform with the DVD on. I love doing this and if it cant come true, Im going to keep on acting.

12、 ThomasWhen I grow up, I want to be a dentist because Im very interested in dentistry. I also want to make my mom and dad proud (自豪的). But I need enough money to get the education.RayI am going to be a computer programmer. Why? Because I like to work on computers. I like surfing the Internet, and I

13、know the job can help me make a lot of money for my family. We are going to live in a big house with my petsa cat and a dog.26What did the four students talk about at the class meeting?A. Their great movies.B. Their businesses.C. Their dream jobs.D. Their families.27Who wants to make movies more cre

14、ative?A. Wang Li.B. Thomas.C. Ray.D. Eric.28The underlined word “perform” means “_”.A. 演奏B. 表演C. 申请D. 玩耍29What is Thomas going to be when he grows up?A. A director.B. An actor.C. A dentist.D. A programmer.30From Rays words we know hes _.A.even richerB. quite hungryC. pretty happyD. very kindFor Liu Xiaowei, 15, a student at a middle school in Xian, this winter vacation is different. His father is going to send him back to his home village.“My father wants me to experience hard rural (农村的) life. And Id like to try it,” Liu said. “But Im not


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