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1、Sole Distribution Agreement独家经销协议No: 编号: 1. This agreement is entered on June , 2006, by and between,_ Inc (AA), currently located _And Inc,(BB),currently located _ 某公司(以下称AA)位于_和中国 公司(以下简称BB),地址 电话 联系人 于2006年 月 日签署本合同。2. Definition定义2.1 Item & Product of Sole Distribution (the Product) is 独家经销的产品(以

2、下简称产品)是 2.2Distribution Area (the Area) includes , , 独家经销的区域(以下简称经销区域)是 (国家或地区名称)2.3 Duration of the Agreement is from (date) to (date).本协议的期限从 (日期)到 (日期)止。3. Both parties agree that AA may sell the Product in the Area as the Sole Distributor of BB. BB promises that BB neither can sell, nor can allo

3、w any third party to sell the Product to the Area beside AA.双方同意,AA 可以在经销区域以BB公司的独家经销商销售产品。BB 承诺BB 不能自行销售,也不能允许任何第三方销售产品给经销区域内的客户。4. Orders订单4.1 AA places orders to BB to purchase. The orders shall incorporate this Agreement automatically. AA 给BB 下订单采购产品。 订单自动合并本协议的内容。4.2 AA will list the quantity,

4、delivery time and other information in the orders for each purchase. AA在订单中写明定购数量,交货时间以及其他信息,以便采购。4.3 BB shall sign back AAs orders if BB accepts. However, if BB fails to do so but BB start performing the order, the order is deemed to be accepted by BB. BB如果接受订单,应当在AA的订单上签署并发回。但是,如果BB 不签回,却已经开始执行订单的

5、内容, 此订单视为BB已经接受。5. Quantity of Sole Distribution独家经销数量5.1 Minimum quantity. AA shall purchase from BB pcs in minimum per year.最低数量。 AA 应当在一年内至少向BB 采购 只。5.2 If AA purchases over pcs per year, BB agrees to award AA by returning USD , or % of AAs purchase amount in cash, or same value of the Product to

6、 encourage.如果AA一年内采购数量超过 只,BB同意奖励AA。 奖励方式有返还 美金的现金,或AA采购总金额的 的现金,或者相同价值的产品,以资鼓励。6. Price and Payment价格和付款6.1 The price of the Product is USD /pc, FOB Shanghai. The package is standard export package.产品的价格是每只 美金, FOB 上海。 包装是标准出口包装。6.2 AA will pay by TT within days after AA receive the Product deliver

7、ed by BB.在收到BB 交付的货物后 天内AA 通过电汇付款。6.3 BB shall post the full set of documents including B/L, invoice, packing list, etc., to AA as soon as possible after shipment.在交货后,BB公司应该尽快的将全套单据包括提单,发票和装箱单等寄给AA。7. Support支持7.1 To support AA to develop the market, BB agrees to provide samples on its own cost to

8、AA during the Agreement time period.为了支持AA 开拓市场,在本协议期限内, BB 同意自己承担费用为AA提供样品。7.2 BB agrees to reimburse the cost and expenses of advertisement spent by AA to promote sales of the Product. BB同意,AA为了促进产品的销售而支出的广告费用由BB公司报销。7.3 Other其他 8. Inspection of the goods货物检验8.1 Pre-shipment inspection. BB shall i

9、nform AA of the readiness for inspection before shipment. AA may send its representative to inspect the goods by sampling. BB can not ship if the goods fail to pass the pre-shipment inspection. On the other hand, however, the satisfied pre-shipment inspection report is the Prima Facie evidence of th

10、e quality of the goods. The goods will finally be inspected by AAs customer, whose inspection report is the final evidence of the quality which can not be challenged.装船前检验。BB应当通知AA货物已经备妥,可以检验。AA可以派代表前往以抽样方式做装船前检验。如果货物没通过装船前检验,BB不得出货。不过另一方面,合格的装船前检验报告是货物质量合格的初步证据。货物将最终由AA的客户检验,他的检验报告是货物质量最终的证据,不得抗辩。8

11、.2 AA shall require its customers to inspect the goods within 6months after shipment. In no circumstances can anyone allege the quality of the goods to be inferior after one year since the shipment. AA 应当要求他的客户在发货后6个月内检验货物。发货后一年以后,任何人不得以任何理由提出货物质量异议。8.3 Defective goods瑕疵货物BB shall replace the defect

12、ive goods in the time AA requires. The defective goods can be destroyed, or shipped back, or repaired by AA or its customers, at BBs option and cost. BB 应当在AA规定的时间内补货,代替瑕疵货物。瑕疵货物根据BB的选择并由BB 承担费用,可以由AA或他的客户就地销毁,或运回,或修理。9. Liability of breach of this agreement违约责任9.1 BB shall compensate AA USD if BB s

13、ell the Product the any third party, or allow any third party to sell, to the customers in the Area. BB如果自行或允许他人销售产品给经销区域内的客户,BB应当向AA 支付 美元的违约金。9.2 BB may rescind the Agreement if AA fails to reach the minimum annual purchase quantity without any compensation. BB shall buy back or allow AA to sell t

14、he remaining stock of the goods of AA after the termination of this Agreement, nevertheless what is the reason of the termination. 如果AA没有达到最低年采购量,BB 可以解除本协议,并且没有任何赔偿。 在合同终止后, BB应当买回或者允许AA销售剩余的库存,不管合同终止的原因是什么。10. Entire Agreement完整协议This agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes all prior agreements or proposal, written and oral, relating to the subject matter hereof, between the parties to this Agreement.本协议应该构成双方之间合作的整体协议,并取代此前双方有关本合同事项所做的协议、建议书(不管书面的还是口头的)。11. Miscellaneous杂项a) The agreement shall



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