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1、Unit 8 Were twins 【教学内容】3B Unit 8 Were twins Story time (第一课时)【教学目标】1.能听懂,会说,会读,会拼写单词:boy, girl, we. 能听懂,会说,会读单词:uncle, aunt, twin.2.能理解,会说,会读句型:Who is he? Hes Who is she? Shes Whos that boy? Were twins.并能在真实的情境中运用这些句型进行交流。3.能正确理解对话内容,并能正确地朗读、初步表演对话。4.引导学生与同伴和睦相处,热爱自己的家庭。【教学重难点】1.能听懂,会说,会读,会拼写单词:boy

2、, girl, we. 2.能理解,会说,会读句型:Who is he? Hes Who is she? Shes Whos that boy? Were twins.并能在真实的情境中运用这些句型进行交流。3.能正确理解对话内容,并能正确地朗读、初步表演对话。【教学准备】多媒体课件,单词卡,人物头像。【教学过程】Step 1:Greetings and Introduction1.T:Today is the open day in our school. How do you greet the teachers?Ss: Greet the teachers.2.Students self

3、 introductions.(由班上一对双胞胎的介绍,呈现课题Unit 8 Were twins)Step 2:Presentation and practice1.Watch and circle: Who are talking about the open day? Learn the words: a boy, a girl.2.Listen and find: Who comes to the open day?Learn the words: uncle, aunt.3.Read and find: How do they ask each other?(picture 1 an

4、d 2)Learn the sentences: Who is he? Hes Who is she? Shes 4.Read picture 1 and 2 .5.Ask and answer: (师生操练,生生操练)A: Who is he?/ Who is she? B: Hes/Shes6.Learn the sentence: Whos that girl?T:(picture 3)Does Mike know Su Yang?What does he ask? 呈现句型: Whos that girl? (通过选择题比较this, that在句中的不同含义和用法)7.Learn p

5、icture 3 and 4. T: Is Mikes question right? Listen!(No)Who is Su Yang ? Listen! (Shes Su Hais sister.)Ss: Listen to picture 3 and 4 and learn.8.Read picture 3 and 4 with our emotion. 9.Help Mike how to recognize Su Hai and Su Yang.10.Learn: Were twins!Question: Why do they look the same?Learn:Were t

6、wins!Make some sentences: Were11.Reading time.a. Listen and repeat.b. Read together.c. Lets dub.Step 3: Consolidation1.Look and matchT: Today is the open day in Mikes school. Many other families come to school, too. Whose families are they?2.Make a dialogue Choose one of your favourite characters of

7、 the four children, and make a dialogue with your partner.Sentences: Who is he? Hes Who is she? Shes Whos that?3.Enjoy some photos about twins from different countries.Step 4: Homework1.Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.2.Make a family tree and make dialogues.【板书设计】 Unit 8 Were twins Who is he ? Hes uncle 叔叔头像 Who is she? Shes aunt 阿姨头像 Whos thisthat ? a boy 迈克头像 HesShes a girl 杨玲头像


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