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1、武汉市武昌区英语三年级下册专项复习:情景交际姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 情景交际 (共15题;共142分)1. (10分) Can he _ ?Yes, _ _.2. (8分) _Its 7:20 .3. (6分) 选择合适的答语。A. I see 12! B. Im from the UK.C. No, he isnt. D. Its in your desk.E. Its blue and white. F. Here you are.G. Its a duck. H. She is my cousin.I

2、. Im six years old. J. My names John.(1) Whats your name ?_(2) Whats this?_(3) Id like some juice, please._(4) How old are you?_(5) Where are you from?_(6) Is he your father?_(7) Where is my pencil box?_(8) How many kites do you see?_(9) What colour is it?_(10) Whos she?_4. (10分) Can he _?_, _ _.5.

3、(8分) 选择合适的答语。Have some juice._ A. Me too.Can I have some water,please?_B. Youre welcome.Id like some milk._ C. Here you are.Thank you._ D. Thank you.6. (10分) Are there any bananas on the tree? (作肯定回答) 7. (10分) 读一读,选一选Is it hot?_ A. Its on the second floor.Whats the weather like in Beijing?_ B. Its w

4、arm and sunny.Where is the library?_ C. Yes,we do.What time is it?_ D. No,it isnt.Do you have a computer room?_ E. Its 6 oclock.8. (10分) 选择匹配How many kites can you see ?_ A、Im from China .Where are you from ?_ B、I can see 13 kitesWhos that man ?_ C、My name is Sally .Do you like oranges ?_ D、He is my

5、 dad .Whats your name ?_ E、Yes , I do .9. (10分) What do you have for breakfast? _10. (10分) 我会选出正确的答语A. Great!B. Sure. Here you are.C. Its cloudy.D. Yes, it is.(1) Hows the weather today?_(2) Lets go shopping._(3) Its sunny now._(4) Can I have some cold water?_11. (10分) How old is your mother? 12. (1

6、0分) 选出正确的答语。What are you going to eat tonight?_A. Yes, she does.Do you like hamburgers?_B. Im going to eat rice.What did she have?_C. She had some apples.(4)Does Mary like the blue dress?_D. Yes, I do.Who is going to work?_E. Her father.13. (12分) How old are you? _14. (10分) 情景选择。 How is the lemon? _

7、A. Its an apple. Look at the picture. _B. Theyre bananas.What are they? _C. Oh, its nice. What is it?_D. Im fine. How are you?_E. Its sour.15. (8分) What colour is the panda? _第 1 页 共 1 页参考答案一、 情景交际 (共15题;共142分)1-1、2-1、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、3-6、3-7、3-8、3-9、3-10、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、


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