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1、可数名词的复数构成适用学科英语适用年级初一适用区域外研社版课时时长(分钟)1课时/60分钟知识点1.名词的分类; 2.可数名词单数变的复数形式的规则;3.不规则名词的复数构成.教学目标能力:1、能分清口数名词和不口数名词。2、能够掌握5条可数名词变单数变成复数的规则。3、考题中能够轻松处理不规则名词的复数形式。教学重点1、常见的不可数名词;2.可数名词的单复数变化规则教学难点1、不可数名词没有复数形式;2、不规则名词的复数构成教学过程、课堂导入 老师将下列句子呈现给学生,学生跟着老师读下列句子,并对比前后两句话中划线部分的不同1. There are so many boxes on the

2、floor.There are so much water on the floor.2. I like eating fish.I like keep some different kinds of fish in my fish tank.、复习预习教师引导学生复习上节课所学的there be句型的概念,用法,以及there be的一般将来时态等。(以提问、回顾的形式进行),针对上节课的作业进行讲评、订正、答疑,并通过对 there be具体用法的分析和扩展导入本节课所要学习的名词的分类,可数名词的复数构成等知识点。三、知识讲解知识点1:名词的分类专有名词:主要指人、地方、组织、机构等的专

3、有的名称。专有名词的第一个字母通常大写,如Parisr名词个体名词 desk, table, computer可数名词集体名词 people, police, classI /普通名词I不可数名词物质名词water, meat, breadY 一抽象名词 imagination, happiness freedom1 .【考查点】可数名词与不可数名词的区分,不可数名词没有复数形式。通常肉类,液体,面包等时不可数的。如:There is much water in the bottle.There are 7 days in a week.Im so hungry. Please give mr

4、ee pieces of bread to eat.2 .【考查点】专有名词首字母必须要大写。如: we go to the Great Wall on Saturday知识点2:规则可数名词复数的构成规则一般情况下,在单数名词词尾直接加 一s。在清辅音后读冏,在元音和浊辅音后读|z|如: map f maps,boy boys,horse horses, table tables.s,x ,sh,ch结尾的词加 es,t|iz|如:class classes, box boxes, dish dishes, bench benches.以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i,再加es。如:fam

5、ily families, city cities, party ies.part注意:以元音字母+y 结尾的词,直接加 s. boy_boys以 o 结尾的名词a. 一般情况下直接力口 s,读|z| photo_photos piano_pianosb. 少数力口 es, 读|z| hero -heroes, negro-negroes, tomatcrtomatoes, potato-potatoes (巧记: 英雄和黑人爱吃西红柿和土豆)以f或fe结尾的名词a.般将 f 或 fe 为 v,再力口 es, 读|vz| 如:shelf shelves, wolfwolves, life li

6、ves, knife (wifeknivesknife, wolf, thief, shelf, self, life, half, leaf)b.有些直接力口 s读 |s| roof _ roofs ,safe_safes1 .【考查点】规则名词的复数形式如:a. There is a_box on the desk There are some boxes on the desk写出戈U线部分的复数形式 )b. There is a potato in my basketf There are 2 potatoes in my baskets(上)c. I like the city ve

7、ry much. I like these cities very much.(同上)2 .【考查点】名词作定语如: What kind of porridge would you like, Alice?一I would like egg porridge.3 .【考查点】名词在语境中的辨析如:There are some C on the floor.A. milkB. childC. boxes知识点3:不规则名词复数的构成变内部元音:man-men ,woman-women, tooth-teeth单复数同形:fish, sheep, deer, Chinese, jin(斤)yuan

8、(元)无规则变化:mouse-mice ,child-children1 .【考查点】不规则名词的复数形式如: There are 3 fish in the fish tank.My parents have 2 children.2 .【考查点】表示某国人时的复数形式 如:德国人:Germans;英国人:Englishmen四、例题精析【例题11【题 干】一Do you think the of this skirt suits me? Of course! You always look beautiful in red.A. sizeB. designC. priceD. color【

9、答案】D【解析】考查名词的辨析。size尺寸;design设计;price价格”;color颜色”。由答语 当然了!你穿着红色总是很漂亮。所以选择答案 Do2】题 干 】 Would you like some ? No, thanks. I m not hungry at all.A. water B. soup C. orange D. breadD考查名词词义辨析。 water “水” ; soup “汤”; orange “橘子 ”; bread “面包 ”。由下文句意 “不,谢D。谢。我一点也不饿。 ”可知上文询问对方是否吃某样东西。故选【例题3】【题 干】More and more

10、 people would like to go on vacation abroad. They should remember to be withgood manners.A. visitorsB. playersC. volunteers【答案】 A【解析】 考查名词词义。 题意: 越来越多的人想去国外度假, 他们应该牢记要做一个有礼貌的游客。 visitors 游客;players 运动员; volunteers 自愿者。根据题意选A 。4】【题 干】 Where are the students? They are playing football with students fr

11、om Hilltop School.A. boys, / B. boys, theC. boy, / D. boy, the【答案】D【解析】考查名词作定语和冠词的用法。一般而言, 作定语用的名词都是单数形式, 第二空后的 students特指Hilltop School的学生,故前面加冠词the,所以选择答案D。五、课堂运用【基础】1.Where is Thomas?He left a .A. information B. message C. news【答案】Bo【解析】考查名词单复数。冠词 a提示空格处用可数名词。三个答案中只有 message是可数名词。2 What would you

12、 like to drink, girls?, please.A. Two glass of waterB. Two glass of watersC. Two cups of teaD. Two cups of teas【答案】 C【解析】考查名词的数 glass和cup是可数名词,两杯应用复数形式,因此 A、B错误;tea是不可数名词,没有复数,故选C。3. Are there any in your school? Yes, there are.A. GermenB. GermansC. German【答案】 BGerman 的复数形式为【解析】本题考查名词复数形式。由句中be动词are

13、可知此处应名词复数形式,Germans 故选 B。4. The students didn t find much about the topic on that website.A. report B. article C. information D. story【答案】 C【解析】考查名词的用法 句意:学生们在网上没有发现有关这个话题的很多信息。 Much 之后要用不可数名词,只有information 是不可数名词。其他的report, article 和 story 都是可数名词。【巩固】5. Someone called you just now. I know. But I wa

14、s busy at that moment. When I called back, there was no .A. voiceB. sound C. answerD. result【答案】 C【解析】 考查名词在语境中的辨析。句意:刚才有人给你打电话。我知道。但是当时我正忙着。当我回拨的时候,没人接了。选C, answer,回答,在此意为接电话。其他的voice,说话声;sound,声音;result ,结果,都不符合题意。6. Do you have any?Yes, I like chess and drama best.A. jobsB. duties C. hobbies D. p

15、roblems【答案】C【解析】名词辨析题。根据答语,我最喜欢棋类和戏剧。得知问句应是问习惯爱好7. Mum, I ve heard that we can t eat these days. Is it true? Take it easy. It is safe to eat cooked meat.A. chicken B. chickens C. a chicken D. the chicken【答案】 Aa,后也能加s ,泛指吃鸡chicken 鸡肉,为不可数名词,故不可以加冠词肉也不需要加冠词the,所以选择答案 A。【拔高】8. The mountain I visited last Sunday isn t very . Few go sightseeing there.A. tourist; tourists B. touristy; tourist C


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