第三版大学体验英语综合教程4UNIT 8

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1、Unit 8Listen 1. popular 2. uniform 3. started 4. salesman 5. strong 6. gold 7. young 8. helped to make jeans popular with teenagers 9. But teenagers loved him and started to dress like him 10.Their clothes showed their independence Think about it1. Every February 14, across the country, candies, fl

2、owers, especially roses, which symbolize love, and other gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. Giving Valentines Day greeting cards is also one of the activities of this day.3. With the coming of globalization, some English holidays or festivals are becoming more

3、and more popular all over the world. They are celebrated by some non-English speaking countries. For instance, in some big cities in China more and more people, especially the young celebrate foreign holidays, such as Valentines Day and Christmas. A possible reason might be that young people easily

4、accept new things and Valentines Day is a romantic holiday. In addition love is global and universal, and many people enjoy celebrating this holiday to express their affection or emotions to those they love.霍尔马克的亚洲情人节 情人节赠送贺卡从表面上看是美国的做法,但这种现象也正在亚洲生根发芽。然而, 亚洲顾客在购买情人节卡片时,他们常常选择带有英语原文的卡片,哪怕他们一句英语也不会说。

5、霍尔马克问候贺卡在全世界人人皆知。自1910年乔伊斯C霍尔根据他储藏在床底下的贺卡式样生产贺卡至今,总部设在堪萨斯城的卡片生产公司已经发展成为拥有3.5 亿美元资产的企业。90多年后的今天,霍尔马克已成为一家全球化公司,并且把向亚洲扩展作为它战略决策的主要部分。 仅仅在亚洲,这家总部在堪萨斯城的公司就于1994年在日本收购了一家公司,又于1998年在香港和新加坡,1999年在上海开办了多个富有创造性的机构。霍尔马克公司的代表指出,亚洲已成为一个重点区域。香港和新加坡正从分销中心变成投资中心。 单就美国而言,情人节人们67%的活动是赠送情人卡。根据霍尔马克公司的说法,2000年的情人节美国人购买

6、情人卡花去了3.6亿美元。尽管美国的市场很大,但在亚洲销售1 330种不同类型的情人节卡片的潜力就更大。 根据霍尔马克卡片的销售量似乎可以看出,中国、日本、韩国的具有浪漫色彩的消费者的数量正在上升。这一现象并不令人吃惊,因为霍尔马克贺卡已成为一种绝妙的克服情感拘谨的好方法,而情感拘谨在亚洲许多国家仍然很普遍。 既作唐璜式的风流才子,又不失脸面。东方国家的人们由于文化的准则与浪漫的爱情常常陷入两难的境地,那就是: 你怎样才能告诉一个女孩你喜欢她,但又不至于使自己丢面子呢?比如在中国,由于文化准则的缘故,中国男性大概永远不会被误认为是莎士比亚笔下的罗密欧,而西方的风流韵事也绝不会成为中国男人茶余饭

7、后的话题。因此,怎么克服这种两难窘境?为了避免文化习俗上的失误,中国的唐?璜们购买情人卡送给他们的心上人。这样,他可以通过卡片上事先印制好的文字来表达他的感情,而用不着当面说一些令人尴尬的甜言蜜语。在日本和韩国,文化准则又稍有不同。总的来讲,日本和韩国男人对自己的感情和浪漫情趣较少抑制。评价日本男人在生活的各个方面是如何易动感情的,只需回忆一下一个日本和韩国的高层首席执行官在国家电视台的摄像镜头前,泪流满面地为公司的不良运作和破产而道歉的新闻特写的情景就足够了。 在日本和韩国,女人要比男人更加克制自己的感情。因此,为了用恰当的方式表白自己的爱情,女性往往喜欢送霍尔马克卡给她们爱慕的对象。但是,

8、假如你认为应该把霍尔马克卡片上的英文翻译成亚洲各国的语言,以便使情人们能相互交换爱慕的话语,对此你可得三思而行。 谈情说爱是世界相通的,不需要任何语言技巧。由于在亚洲出售的大多数霍尔马克卡片是在当地国家生产的,因此,把卡片的英文译成当地文字似乎是很自然的。为了适应全世界消费者的需要,霍尔马克用30种不同的语言印制贺卡。因此,霍尔马克卡片正在使用汉语和日语印制,并计划扩大语言范围,如印地语、古吉拉特语和泰米尔语。然而,对顾客的调查却发现,这种努力没有真正的必要。英语就是一种时髦语言。如果你真的想给你的中国女友或日本男友留下深刻的印象,不要给他们送日语或汉语贺卡。这是让人扫兴的事。与霍尔马克(卡片

9、)公司的预料相反,亚洲的情人们更喜欢给他们的心上人送英文贺卡,哪怕他们基本不懂或根本不懂英文。送英文贺卡是一件很时髦的事。在了解了这一文化偏爱后,霍尔马克(卡片)公司作出了快速反应。尽管中国和日本的当代罗密欧与朱丽叶们现在能够买到汉语和日语的贺卡,霍尔马克(卡片)公司还是确保供应大量的英文贺卡。这样,既展现了顾客的时髦的世界性的品位,同时又能向他们的心上人表达至关重要的爱恋信息。二. 1. Chinese men can express their emotions without worrying about being culturally improper.2. Emotionally

10、inhabited women in Japan and Korea can display affection in a suitable manner.3. Cards are printed in 30 different languages, but this is not really necessary.4. Hallmark reacted quickly to young peoples preference to buy English-language cards.三.1. Because the number of romantic consumers in Asia i

11、s rising and the potential market for Hallmark cards is great.2. Because people in Asia are often restricted by cultural norms and they are more emotionally inhibited than Westerners. Besides, they are afraid of losing face if they are rejected.3. Because using a nice English card to convey ones lov

12、e is a fashion everywhere in the world.4. Valentines Day is more and more popular in China, especially with young people in cities who always like new things and follow the fashions5. Japanese and Korean men are less restrained or inhibited by cultural norms than Chinese men in the way tender emotio

13、ns are expressed.四. potential created distribution consumers overcome express affection global fashionable impressive 五. 1. rescue 2. fancy 3. potential 4. dilemma 5. restricted 6. descendant 7. affections 8. samples 9. were assessed 10. version 六. 1. has taken root 2. turned out 3. in person 4. ran

14、 into 5. prefer to 七. Synonyms1. potential; possibility 2. overcome; get the better of 3. dilemma; unsatisfactory alternatives4. accommodate; adapt 5. reveal; make known 6. inhibit; restrainAntonyms 1. hip; old-fashioned 2. descendant; forefather 八.1. No matter what difficulties we come across, we s

15、hould try our best to overcome them.2. Respecting the old and caring for the young is a traditional Chinese virtue.3. Today, people from all walks of life are trying to acquire more knowledge to keep pace with the development of the times.4. Children have a fancy for cartoons.5. Given that they are lacking in experience / inexperienced / green hand, they have done a good job.九.1. She ran into a dilemma when she had to make a choice between family and her career2. But while I admit that the problems are difficult, I dont agree that they cant be solved.3. Since he had committed such a se


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