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1、四川省广元市小升初英语专题复习(题型专练):选词填空姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共32题;共175分)1. (5分) 看图,从方框中选择正确的单词完成对话。left,straight,right,up,school,hill,supermarket(1) A:Wheres the train?B:Its _;the_.(2) A:Excuse me. Wheres the _,please?B:Go _on and turn _.(3) A:Wheres the _,please?B:T

2、urn _.2. (5分) 选出适当的短语,完成对话。 A. each otherB. turn onC. play chessD. take.toE. reads.books(1) The dog Coco runs to the bus stop. What is she going to do? She is going to _;Mary and John _;Grandmas home.(2) How to be a good friend? Whats your idea,Ms. Guo? I think good friends should like and help _;_.

3、(3) What does Oliver do? He _;some _;at home. But the books are not interesting.(4) What do you usually do with your grandparents? I usually _;_;with my grandpa.(5) Its dark here. Can you _ _;the lights? OK,Mum.3. (5分) Who is _(he/she)?Shes my mother.4. (5分) Toms sister is a _(cook / nurse).5. (5分)

4、My father _ (have/ has) a football. 6. (5分) This is my _(mouth/mum).7. (7分) (2019四上微山期中) 读一读,根据句子和图片选词填空。 keysglassesshoes hair doorgirlmaths wallstorybookschoolbag(1) Lets clean the_. (2) I have two _. (3) Show me your _. (4) My sister has _. (5) His _;are brown. (6) The _;is on the desk. (7) The _

5、;has long black _. (8) I have three _books. (9) The picture is on the _. 8. (10分) 请用所给的代词填空this,that,these,it(1) _keys are mine. That is yours. (2) Whats _?Its an egg. Whats _over there? Its an orange. (3) Look at _pencils. Are they Lucys?No,these arent hers.(4) Hi,Mum,_is my friend,Lucy.(5) What is

6、 it?_is an apple. 9. (4分) This is his_(face/hair ). 10. (5分) She_ (like to/likes to) play with toys. 11. (5分) Pass me the _(plate / bowl).12. (5分) What are your _(hobbys/hobbies)?13. (5分) This is _ (my/I) mother. 14. (5分) 从方框内选择适当的单词,补全下列对话。aanthesomeanyhowwherewhatwhoA:Hello,Allen. _ did you go las

7、t week?B:Hi,Sharon. I went to Turpan. I had a lot of fun there.A:_ did you go there?B:By plane.A:_ did you do and _ did you go with?B:I went to visit my uncle with my parents. He has a big farm.A:Sounds great! Tell me more about it.B:There were lots of fruit and _ vegetables.A:Really? Were there _ m

8、angos?B:No,but there were many grapes. I ate _ pear and _ apple a day. They were very delicious. My uncle told me I was _ first to taste the fruit.A:I also want to take a visit to Turpan.15. (5分) 根据句意选词填空。(1) Look at the books. They _;old. (2) _;are blue pens. (3) This is a new shirt. It is _. (4) I

9、 like green. _;is my favourite colour. (5) She likes her _;sweater. 16. (5分) 读对话,选择合适的单词,将字母代号填写在横线上。A. ThankB. OKC. OpenD. pleaseE. Close(1) - _thedoor ,_.- OK.- _you.(2) - _thewindow,please.- _.17. (5分) Mr Yu is _ (tall and strong/ old and thin). He is 30 years old.18. (6分) 选词填空ofatintoaboutin(1)

10、Neil Armstrong flew to the moon _;Apollo 11(“阿波罗”11号) in 1969.(2) Li Qiang spent _;three hours in the library. (3) Look _;the river. The water is very clear. (4) All the people of our country are proud _;Yang Liwei. (5) I want to go _;space someday. 19. (10分) 选择合适的词填空,使短文的内容完整,每词只能用一次。(reading,go,co

11、mes,goes,take,going,an,doesnt,with,next)John is my friend. He _ from Australia. He _ to school on foot. He _ like sports. He likes _ story-books. On Sundays he and I _ to a bookstore. We often _ the No. 3 bus there. The bookstore is _ to a bus stop. His father is _ accountant. He works in a bank. Jo

12、hn is _ to Hong Kong _ his father this Friday.20. (5分) 选词填空。green sweater oclockIs these(1) Its four_. Time to go home. (2) _;this your book? (3) I like my_;shoes. (4) Its cold. I put on my_. (5) Are_;your pants? 21. (6分) (2020二上期中) 选词填空。 A. for B. favouriteC. flyD. homeE. party(1) Lets _;my kite. (2) Sam,heres a T-shirt _;you. (3) Sam is at a _. (4) Its my _,too. (5) I go _ at 5. 22. (6分) 选词填空。HowHow muchHow manyHow old(1) _;is the pencil?Its five yuan.(2) _;girls can you see?Five.(3) _;is your sister?Shes fine.(4) _;is your mother?She is thirty.23. (6分)


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