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1、 有关厚爱中差生全面进行素质教育的探析中英文对照Connected with the difference of all-round quality education has deep affection analysis contrast in both Chinese and English我校数学“中差生”产生的原因是多方面的,有的来自于家庭、有的来自于社会、有智力方面的原因,也有非智力方面的影响、有先天的、也有后天的,但绝大多数“差生”应该是后天形成的:社会的影响、家庭的变故、交友的不慎、忧患(前途命运)的意识不强,从而产生了学习兴趣不高,学习逆反情绪加重,从厌学过渡到放弃学习。 所

2、谓差生也就是后进生,一种表现为成绩差,一种表现为思想落后及行为习惯差。优生则相反。而介于优生和差生之间的则为中等生。由于中差生的种种表现欠佳而影响集体,作为人的正常心理反应,他们会不同程度受到师生的冷落、薄待甚至歧视。这样教育的结果是差生更差。Our school mathematics difference is caused by many factors, some come from the family, some from the social and intellectual reasons, also the influence of non-intelligence aspe

3、cts, have congenital, also has the day after tomorrow, but the vast majority of them are should be formed the day after tomorrow: the influence of the social, family misfortune, makes friends carelessly, suffering (fate) consciousness is not strong, resulting in the study interest is not high, learn

4、ing negative feelings is aggravating, transition from learning to give up learning. So-called difference, that is, the underachiever, a low performance for performance, a sign of poor backward thinking and behavior habits. Eugenics is the opposite. And between the eugenics and the difference is for

5、the secondary students. Due to the difference in the performance and effect of the collective, as a normal psychological reaction of people, they will be different degree is neglected by teachers and students, treat ungenerously and even discrimination. So the result of the education is poor or wors

6、e. 而不容忽视的是:优生毕竞是少数,中差生却是学生群体中占压倒多数的芸芸众生。 教育学理论告诉我们:小学教育的基本任务就是对少年儿童进行身心全面发展的基础性素质教育,也就是说,应属于为少年儿童身心两方面的和谐、统一发展,为他们学会怎样做人和进一步的学习与发展,全面地打基础的教育。素质教育主要的标志是:教师是否面向全体学生,是否进行全面发展的教育。 由此看来,教育者如何对待中差生问题,中差生的境遇和状况如何,关系着我们教育者是否在全面育人,是否在实质性地进行素质教育。Before and should not be ignored is that eugenics is one of the

7、few, the difference is in the student community in the overwhelming majority of sentient beings. Pedagogy theory tells us: the basic task of the elementary education for childrens physical and mental basis for comprehensive development of quality education, that is to say, should belong to two aspec

8、ts of childrens physical and mental harmony, unified development, for them to learn how to life and further learning and development, to lay the foundation of education in an all-round way. Quality-oriented education mainly logo is: whether teachers for all students, whether or not to conduct a comp

9、rehensive development of education. Educators difference problem in how to deal with, it seems that in difference situation and status, relationship with whether we educators in comprehensive education, whether in substantive to quality-oriented education. 应该说不存在面向优生的问题,故而面向全体的关键就在于能否面向中差生。大量事实说明:今天

10、的尖子明天不一定就是尖子,今天的差生,不一定明天还是差生,更何况所谓优生与差生的评判标准本身就有局限性和片面性。比如许多在校的优生,在社会实践中不一定工作就很出色,而有一些所谓在校时的差生,倒还表现出了创造性。这说明:唯有坚持面向全体,特别是面向中差生才是切切实实的素质教育。Oriented to eugenics, it should be said there is no problem, so for all the key lies in whether difference in orientation. That large fact that todays top, tomorr

11、ow is not necessarily a top, today, not tomorrow or difference, whats more, the so-called eugenics and difference criteria itself has limitations and one-sidedness. Many college admissions, for example, in the social practice may not work very well, but there are some so-called while in school, it a

12、lso showed the creativity. This shows: adhere to the ace all is the only thing, especially for the difference is the real quality education. 不是有人曾说:如果孩子天生就是优生,哪教育还有什么功能?又谈什么基础的素质教育呢? 因而对占相对多数的中差生,我们更应变嫌弃为喜爱,变忽视为重视,变冷漠为关注,变薄待为厚待。Not someone once said: if children are born healthy birth, education and

13、 what function? And talk about what basic quality education? So for the relative majority of difference, we are more strain abandon love, ignore to attention, indifference to attention, treat ungenerously to discriminate in favor of. 寻找一下中差生的原因(排除弱智儿童),是多方面的,普遍的认为是:学生的学习态度不端正,要求自己不严格。为什么会这样呢?客观的原因是小

14、学生本身就有的个别差异所至。有些人为的因素是:由于犯有某个缺点而遭老师严厉责问而自我调节力差产生厌烦情绪;或由于老师的误会蒙受过不白之冤产生心理失衡而自暴自弃和逆反;或由于家庭的负作或面对社会阴暗面时缺少应有的正确引导而形成不良习性,等等。我认为,厚爱中差生,首先应有辨证的观点:To find out the reason for the difference in (out) for mentally retarded children, are various, generally considered to be: the students learning attitude is no

15、t correct, not strict. Why is this so? Objective reason is the pupil is in individual difference by itself. Some man-made factors are: because of some drawbacks severely scolded by teacher and ten-fold increase bad thing; Or due to the misunderstanding of the teachers suffer a time to produce psycho

16、logical imbalances and abandon and rebellious attitude; Or because of a family of negative or face the dark side of society lack of correct guidance due to form bad habits, and so on. Love, I believe, in the bottom, first of all should have a dialectical point of view: 一、一分为二的观点看待中差生One, the two sides view of difference 应该说任何学生都会同时存在优点(即积极因素)和缺点(消极因素)两方面,对优生的优点是显而易见的,对差生则易于发现其缺点,而看不到优点,这种不正常的现象有碍学



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