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1、毕业论文附件材料(空2行)学生姓名: 曾志坚学 号:1015034105所在系部:生化工程系专业班级:10轻化1班指导教师:文琼菊 副教授日 期:二O一四年五月 目 录1英文文献翻译11.1英文文献原文(原文题目)11.2 中文翻译92. 专业阅读书目152.1 当代废纸制浆技术152.2 制浆原理与工程152.3制浆造纸污染控制162.4 加工纸与特种纸162.5 造纸湿布化学172.6 再生纤维与废纸脱墨技术172.7制浆造纸工程设计182.9 造纸化学品的制备和作用机理192.10造纸原理与工程19 1 英文文献翻译1.1 Inorganic Reactions in Chlorine

2、Dioxide Bleaching of Softwood Kraft PulpINTRODUCTIONDue to environmental concerns, elemental chlorine is being replaced withchlorine dioxide (ClO2) for the bleaching of wood pulps. Chlorine dioxideis a very selective bleaching reagentpresence of carbohydrates, thereby preserving pulp quality. In add

3、ition, ClO2generates less chlorinated organics or adsorbable organic halides (AOX)compared to chlorine, increasing the attractiveness of chlorine dioxide as ableaching reagent. However, there are issues surrounding the utilization ofchlorine dioxide. Based on oxidation equivalents it is more expensi

4、ve thanelemental chlorine. Furthermore, the formation of chlorate and chloritedecrease its oxidation efficiency, further increasing the cost of bleaching.One of the keys to optimizing a chlorine dioxide bleaching stage is tominimize the formation of chlorate and chlorite. In the past, chlorinedioxid

5、e bleaching studies on chlorine pre-bleached pulps have shown thatthe optimal usage of chemical (minimum chlorate and chlorite residues)requires that the end pH be around 3.8.1 However, this may not be true forchlorine dioxide pre-bleaching because residual kraft lignin componentsmost likely differ

6、from the residual lignin in a chlorine pre-bleached pulp. Ithas been shown that lignin structure, particularly phenolic lignin content,directly influences the bleachability of wood pulps.2,3 Therefore, prebleachingwith chlorine dioxide may require different reaction conditions tominimize chlorite an

7、d chlorate formation. In this article we report the effectof end pH on the formation of inorganic chlorine species during chlorinedioxide pre-bleaching of a softwood kraft pulp.EXPERIMENTALMaterials3,4-Dimethoxyacetophenone, sodium borohydride (NaBH4), p-dibromobenzene,biphenyl, and all solvents wer

8、e purchased from Aldrich Chemicals and used asreceived. Chlorine dioxide was produced by reacting 80% stabilized sodiumchlorite (ACROS) with 1.5 equivalents of potassium persulfate (Fluka) indistilled water at room temperature. The resulting solution was stripped withUHP-nitrogen. Nitrogen gas conta

9、ining stripped chlorine dioxide was passedthrough a column of sodium chlorite (Aldrich), then scrubbed in coldHPLCwater.Methylveratrylalcohol (MVA) was prepared by reacting 3,4-dimethoxyacetophenonewith 2 equivalents of NaBH4. The reaction mixture was refluxedin 3 : 1 MeOH :H2O for 3 h, neutralized

10、with carbon dioxide, and extractedwith 1,2-dichloroethane. Quantitative conversion of the acetophenone wasobtained. MS m/z (rel. int.) 182(Mt, 59), 167(87), 153(47), 139(100),124(32), 108(21), 93(50), 77(21), 65(25), 51(11), 43(41). 1H-NMR d1.48(d,3H), 3.90(d,6H), 4.83(q,1H), 6.84(q,1H), 6.86(q,1H),

11、 6.93(d,1H).Chlorine Dioxide Reactions with PulpThe 27 kappa softwood kraft pulp (12 g OD) was prebleached with chlorinedioxide using a 0.2 kappa factor. The bleaching was carried out at 10% consistencyat 508C for 2 h. The initial pH of the pulp was adjusted using aqueoussodium hydroxide (5 wt%) or

12、sulfuric acid (5 wt%) to achieve a desired finalpH. HPLC grade water (Aldrich) was used as the makeup water. Polyethylenebags fastened with rubber septa were used for bleaching. Samples forinorganic ion analysis were prepared by injecting 20 mL effluent samplesinto a 7 mL vial and evacuating for 45

13、s, a 1 mL aliquot of HPLC waterwas then added to the sample, followed by the addition of a sodium fluorideinternal standard. Effluent samples were taken periodically during the 2 hbleach. Ions were analyzed using an ion-exchange column (Dionex AS9/AG9 guard column) with 2.5 mM sodium borate eluent.

14、The eluent flowrate was 1.75 mL/min. Chemical detection was done by suppressed conductivityusing a Dionex CD20 conductivity detector. Chlorine dioxideconcentrations were determined by iodometric titration. The quantity ofhypochlorous acid in the reaction medium was determined by trapping withaqueous

15、 solutions of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). Samples (100 mL) of thereaction mixture were injected into 0.5 mL of cold aqueous solutions containingexcess DMSO (0.25 M, pH adjusted to 8). Trapped samples werequenched after 15 s with a saturated sodium thiosulfate solution. Theresulting dimethylsulfone content was determined by GC using cyclohexanolas an internal standard.Chlorine Dioxide Reacti



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