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1、八年级(五四学制)下学期期中英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . You must give up, Uncle Liu.Youre right. Itsto my health.Asmoke; harmBsmoking; harmCsmoking; harmfulDsmokes; harms2 . Will you come to my birthday party next Friday? _. I will go to my grandparents.AI think soBIm afraid notCId like toDI agree with you3 . Pete

2、r looked _. He was looking _ at his friends.Ahappy; happilyBhappy; happyChappily; happyDhappily; happily4 . Have a good day! _AGoodbye.BThanks.CYoure welcome.DExcuse me.5 . At the moment my mother _ dinner in the kitchen.Ais cookingBcooksCare cookingDcook6 . Must I park my car behind the cinema?No,y

3、ouYoupark it hereAmustnt, mayBmay not, mustCdont have to, mayDshouldnt, must7 . -We can use computer to listen to music.-, we can chat with our friends.AButBBesideCIn additionDExcept for8 . Running _ a good way to exercise every day.AisBwasCareDwere9 . I was surfing the Internetmy brother was doing

4、his homework.AafterBwhileCbecauseDuntil10 . To be_, I dont like him very much.Well, I think if you talk to him more often, you may find him a very nice person.ApopularBexactChonest11 . It takes me three hours to the cinema.AgoingBto goCgoDwent12 . Mum, i-phone6s looks so cool and I hope you can buy

5、me one.Your Dad doesnt _you buying one because it _ too much.Aadvise; spendsBadvise; costsCsuggest; spendsDsuggest; costs13 . - Could you please tell me how to pronounce the word k-n-o-w-l-e-d-g-e?- Yes, Its _.AnldBnldCnld14 . Bruce,how many students are there in your school?Mmm, about.Atwo thousand

6、sBtwo thousands ofCtwo thousand ofDtwo thousand15 . _clever the boy is!AHowBWhatCWhat aDHow a16 . My father often encourages me _ more English articles after class.AwriteBwritingCto writeDwrote17 . Liu Lei is _better at Chinese than Liu Ying.Aa littleBa fewCmanyDmore18 . The girl with glasses is my

7、sister. _ is a nurse.ASheBHeCYouDI二、完型填空Today is my birthday. Im 16 years old. I get up early but find that nothing is different(不同的). My father is_ a book on the sofa. My mother is buying some food for lunch. I turn on my_ and want to talk with my friends. No one says anything_my birthday. After my

8、 mom comes back, she is _cooking in the kitchen. The whole(整个的) world forgets me. Sadly, I say to myself, “ You are no longer a child. Forget that its _ birthday today.”_ when I am doing my homework, my mom comes to_, “What kind of cake do you want? What a surprise! I dont know what to say. I choose

9、(选择)a chocolate cake. I know that the whole world forgets me, but my_ wont.In the evening. I_my friends on my computer. To my surprise, many of them say happy birthday to me. And my_ is full of text messages(信息) sayingHappy Birthday!”It is really a happy day for me!19 . AwatchingBlookingCreadingDsee

10、ing20 . AradioBnotebookCTVDcomputer21 . AforBaboutCtoDwith22 . AbusyBfreeChappyDrelaxing23 . AmyBherCtheirDyour24 . AAndBButCOrDSo25 . AasksBfindsCcallsDtests26 . AfatherBfriendCmomDteacher27 . Aask forBthink aboutCplay withDtalk with28 . AdeskBcakeCphoneDbook三、阅读单选I am 22.I used to work in a hotel.

11、It was boring.One day a guest and I had a conversation.She asked me,“Do you like your job?” I was sad because I knew the answer is “No.”She was 74 and gave me the most beautiful advice that I remember in all my life:“You are too young to hate your job,young man.Go to get your passport and start your

12、 adventure(冒险).”So I did.Since I was a little kid I was dreaming to know Europe.So next day I had my passport.And one week later,my plane tickets.It was impossible to have a long holiday.So I resigned(辞职).My boss said I was crazy.My friends said that I was not responsible(有责任的).I just paid no attent

13、ion to those voices.It was Europe in winter.Not the best time to travel there.But Europe in winter is really cheap.I packed some books,a camera,four shirts,two pants,a coat,gloves,two pairs of walking shoes,candies and music to give away.I had little money.I just walked and walked.I went to high mou

14、ntains and big cities. I saw some beautiful sunsets(日落).I heard some of the best musicians(for free).I discovered that there was still love in the world.I realized that sunrises are not always blue or yellow.Sometimes they mix.I spent 22 days and $1,500 (including the plane tickets).What I did to save money:1.Used Cou


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