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1、分类号 密 级 UDC 学校代码 学 位 论 文题 目 基于ARM平台的智能防盗车载终端设计 英 文 The Terminal Design of Anti-theft Car Alarm题 目 System Based on the Arm Platform 2010年11月独 创 性 声 明本人声明,所呈交的论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 签

2、 名: 日 期: 学位论文使用授权书本人完全了解有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即学校有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权可以将本学位论文的全部内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存或汇编本学位论文。同时授权经认可的国家有关机构或论文数据库使用或收录本学位论文,并向社会公众提供信息服务。(保密的论文在解密后应遵守此规定)研究生(签名): 导师(签名): 日期摘 要随着经济的发展、社会的进步、人民生活水平的提高,汽车己成为人们生活和生产不可或缺的工具。特别是近几年来我国汽车产业发展迅猛,但是汽车抢劫盗劫案件显著增加,给驾驶



5、车载防盗 ABSTRACTWith economic development, social progress and the improvement of living standards, the car has become an integral part of peoples lives and production tools. Especially in recent years Chinas auto industry is developing rapidly, but the car robbery cases increased significantly in band

6、itry, to the personal safety and property of the driver poses a serious threat. The current application of the most extensive network security systems - GPS satellite monitoring system, although the vehicles can be 24 hours a day, high-precision control, but the enjoyment of vehicle anti-theft syste

7、m network services must pay nearly 10,000 yuan to purchase the equipment and monthly fees do not Philippine system services, and to some extent exposed to the whereabouts of personal privacy, therefore, to develop a cheap and can achieve remote monitoring of anti-theft car alarm system is the direct

8、ion of development. The design is based on the development of the ARM microprocessor, GPS global positioning technology and GSM wireless communications technology the new vehicle system to monitor vehicles in the internal environment, acquisition of satellite signals and alarm signal switch, press t

9、he alarm when the driver-switch , Through the SMS / GPRS will be the current location information and state police reported to the monitoring center, from the Centre for Monitoring data terminals in the electronic map and location of vehicles on the instructions of the police state. After more than

10、two months of study and research, to solve the major part of software design, and completed simulation tests. Specifically, the main issues to do the following work:(1) Study the ARM platform, GPS and GSM technology applications. (2) Study the hardware design ideas. (3) Study this study involves the

11、 design of the relevant agreement. (4) Upon completion of each module of the software design on the basis of the final completion of the whole system software design. Software design is the focus of this development, occupying most of the time. After commissioning the actual application of the syste

12、m to achieve good results; their stable operation, positioning accuracy and stealing vehicles in a simulated situation can be achieved through the short message alarm in time, meet the design requirements. Believe that this automotive systems in daily life can facilitate the owners driving, but also

13、 a powerful vehicle for the protection, and very broad prospects for application.Key words: ARM, GPS, GSM, vehicle anti-theft目 录第1章 绪论11.1 课题研究的背景11.2 课题研究的目的及意义11.3 课题研究的开发平台及相关技术21.3.1 ARM开发平台21.3.2 GPS全球定位系统31.3.3 GSM全球移动通信41.4 课题研究的主要内容和结构体系安排4第2章 硬件电路设计62.1 电路方框图设计62.1.1 设备总体框图62.1.2 电源模块72.1.3

14、 CPU模块72.1.4 串口通讯模块92.1.5 GPS模块92.1.6 GSM模块92.2 电路具体实现设计92.2.1 电源控制模块92.2.2 CPU模块122.2.3 串口通讯模块142.2.4 GPS模块152.2.5 GSM模块16第3章 相关协议简介173.1 AT指令173.2 NMEA协议183.3 中心与车台的通讯协议19第4章 软件设计224.1 BootLoader启动过程介绍224.1.1 复位中断向量设置224.1.2 硬件初始化和堆栈设置234.1.3 IRQ中断向量表的初始化234.1.4 主程序的拷贝234.2 主程序244.3 串口通信程序254.3.1

15、串口初始化254.3.2 串口中断处理264.3.3 串口数据的发送264.3.4 串口数据的接收274.4 TimeTask 模块274.4.1 定时器的初始化284.4.2 创建软件定时器304.4.3 开启软件定时器314.4.4 关闭软件定时器324.5环形缓冲区程序设计324.5.1 初始化环形缓冲区324.5.2 写环形缓冲区334.5.3 读环形缓冲区334.6 GSM 模块344.6.1 GSM模块初始化344.6.2 短消息配置354.7 GPS模块364.7.1 GPS模块初始化364.7.2 GPS数据接收处理364.7.3 提取GPS各个字段364.7.4 组帧384.8 APP应用模块(报警模块)设计39第5章 系统调试过程及结果41



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