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1、冀教版2019-2020学年下学期初中八年级英语期末测试B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项填空。从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择可 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)You can call Mr. Green _ 748-5562. A . ofB . atC . inD . to2. (2分)Remember to return the book to the school library in time, _ you will be fined (罚款).A . orB . andC . butD . then3. (2分) you your homework?

2、No, I haventA . Have;finishedB . Are;finishingC . Did;finishD . Will:finish4. (2分)Why are you in such a hurry?There _ a basketball match between Class Three and our class in ten minutes.A . is going to haveB . is going to beC . hasD . are5. (2分)Alice _ for 15 years, yet she still doesnt know what ki

3、nd of man she _. A . has been married; has married withB . has got married; married toC . has been married; marriedD . has married; has married to6. (2分)Frank, is your sister_? No, she always cant find her things.A . goodB . niceC . tidyD . fine7. (2分)He _ live in New York, but now he lives in Guang

4、zhou.A . use toB . uses toC . used toD . used8. (2分)I todays newspaper, but I found nothing new.A . looked upB . looked throughC . looked likeD . looked after9. (2分)We decide _ a new soccer team when were in high school next year.A . makeB . to makeC . makingD . makes10. (2分)- The light in his room

5、is still on. Do you know _?- Maybe at midnight again.A . whats he doingB . why he stays up so lateC . if he is busy studyingD . when he will stop working二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)完形填空Everyone wants to be successful. But failure is a common(普通的) thing for us to meet with.1, sometimes we fail the ex

6、ams, sometimes in the sports meet, others 2but we fail. So3everybody meets with the failure in his life.However, different people have different4to deal with the failure. Some people lose hope when they fail. They seem to think that it is the 5of the world. Others, on the other hand, dont take failu

7、re 6. They seem to think that failure is the first step(步骤) to success. They will keep up and try their best7the final success.Now lets imagine (猜想) the ends of the two ways. If we are afraid of the failure and always feel8, and dont try our best to change ourselves, we may meet with more and more f

8、ailures. But as long as we are hopeful and brave to face them, and never give up, we will 9successful and our dreams will come true some day.So, please remember: Life doesnt give us the pleasure we want. But if we never give up and10do little by little, it will make a big difference.(1)A . At first

9、B . All the time C . For example D . Of course (2)A . lose hope B . win C . get D . accept (3)A . almost B . never C . always D . still (4)A . activities B . answers C . ideas D . ways (5)A . area B . end C . start D . shock (6)A . seriously B . serious C . angry D . angrily (7)A . getting B . gets

10、C . to get D . get (8)A . careful B . happy C . angry D . upset (9)A . become B . turn C . get D . grow (10)A . often B . always C . never D . Seldom 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共40分)12. (10分)阅读理解Mr. Turner liked fishing. It was his favorite sport. He often fished for hours without catching anything. But this did

11、 not worry him. Some fishermen couldnt catch fish. Sometimes they caught old boots or rubbish. Mr. Turner was even worse than the fishermen. He never caught anything - not even old boots. After he spent whole morning on the river, he always went home with an empty bag. You must give up fishing! his

12、friends said, Its a waste of time. But they dont realize one important thing. Im not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all. It can make me forget the noise of the city and live quietly for some time. he always said to himself.(1)Mr. Turner a

13、lways went fishing because _. A . he could sell the fish and get some moneyB . he thought it was a good sportC . he could cook the fish for supperD . he could sit in a boat(2)Mr. Turner liked to fish _. A . by the riverB . in a boat on the riverC . in the riverD . with the fishermen(3)He always went home with an empty bag because _. A . he couldnt fish at allB . there werent any fish in the riverC . he gave the fish to the fishermenD . he didnt pay attention to(注意) fishing at all(4)His friends told him _ when they knew he couldnt catch anything. A . to learn how to fishB . to


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