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1、人教版必修四 unit1 语法-主谓一致强化训练一.选词填空1 Where _ (is,are)that five dollars I lent you?2 The number of the students in that school _ (has,have)greatly increased in recent years. 3A number of students in our class _ (has,have)seen the film.4 No news _ (is,are)good news.5 Ten weeks _ (has,have)passed since the

2、new term began.6 Many a student _ (enjoys,enjoy)pop music.7 Every man and every woman _ (was,were)invited to the party.8 The rest of the lecture _ (was,were)not interesting.9 After the exam there _ (is,are)a lot of time for us to relax.10 Here _ (comes,come)three naughty boys from next door.二.用 be 动

3、词或所给动词的正确形式填空(1)1The teacher and writer _ respected by all the people.The teacher and the writer _ respected by all the people.2Either you or I _ wrong.Not only his friends,but also he himself _ looking forward to the meeting. 3Ann with her son and her daughter _ in New York in 2004.You,rather than

4、your sister, _ to be invited to the party.4Playing basketball _ good for your health.That our teacher is going to leave us _(make)us disappointed.5Someone _ calling for you on the phone.Nothing _ too difficult if you put your heart into it.6Those who _ against the plan can leave.Anyone who _ interes

5、ted in the plan can go with us.7The police _(keep) the city in good order.The cattle _ eaten up all the grass here and _ to move to another place.(have)8The family _ going to hold a party on Christmas Eve.The family _(have) different opinions about their going abroad.9Nearly 80% of the university st

6、udents _(have) part-time jobs.Two thirds of the work _(have) not been finished yet.10. Three thousand kilometres _ a long distance.Two months _ long enough for us to solve the problem.(2)1 Neither his wife nor his parents _(want) to go to Taiwan.2 Each citizen over 18 years old in our country _(have

7、) the right to vote.3 The man as well as his children _(go) swimming every summer.4 Not only the students but also the teacher _(be) looking forward to the holiday.5 The medical team _(be) treating the injured at present in that hospital.6 What she is doing _(be) none of your business.7 Two thirds o

8、f the teachers present _(be) against the plan then.8 The factory used 65% of the raw materials,the rest of which _(be) saved for other purposes. 9Many a boy in our class _(admire) the famous player.10This kind of shoes _(be) popular with young women.(3)1 A library with five thousand books _ (have)be

9、en offered to the nation as a gift.2 Physics _ (be)one of the hardest subjects for a middle school student.3 What we need _ (be)good textbooks.4 People _ (read) for pleasure during their spare time.5 Outside the school _ (stand)crowds of students,too anxious to know the results of the exam. 6No bird

10、 and no beast _ (be)seen on the lonely island.7 The New York Times _ (be)first published in the early 1860s.8 Many people say 1,000 dollars _ (be)a lot of money.9 I,who _ (be)your teacher,will try my best to help you with your study.10 Some of the books about investment fund _ (have) been published

11、recently.四完成句子1. Neither my parents nor I_(在家)at that time,so nobody could answer the phone.(be)2. According to my father ,movies,such as the one you talked about yesterday ,_(不 值得一看)(worth)3.Such poets as Shakespeare _( 受到了广泛地阅读 ),of whose works ,however ,some are difficult to understand.4. Dr.Smit

12、h , together with his wife and daughters _(去了 )Wuhan.They wont return home till next month.(go)5. Jack is the only one of the few students who _(能够表达自己)in Chinese.(able)6. Either the ways or the time_( 没有决定下来)yet,but you may ask the headmaster for some information.(decide)7.The number of children wh

13、o have lost parents to AIDS_(预期 )to rise to over 26 million in 2013.(expect)8Why does the lake smell so terrible?Because large quantities of water _(已经污染了)(pollute)9.The rule says that nobody but doctors or nurses and those invited by Dr.Smith _(容许进 入)the patients room.(allow)10 It is the students ,as well as the teacher _( 希望参观)the History Museum during the National Day.(hope)11 _(我们需要的是) more time and more materials.12 More than one boy in our class _(喜欢玩电脑游戏)13 A number of students _


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