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1、三年级新概念英语上学期单词拼写必考题型班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据图片写出单词。1This is my father._is tall.2Look at my mother. Shes young. She isnt_.3My mothers mother is my_. Shes old.4Whats your name?My_is Tom.5This is my fathers father. Hes my_.2. 补全下列单词。1. t_n 2. ei_ht 3. tw_lve 4. f_ur 5. sev_n6. th_teen 7. ei_hteen 8. tw_ty 9. f_ur

2、teen 10. sev_nteen3. 根据常识及汉语提示填写单词。1An apple is_(红色的).2A panda is_(白色) and_(黑色).3The sky is_(蓝色).4Bananas are_(黄色).5Frogs are_(绿色).4. 根据图片写出下列单词。5. 用小写字母抄写下列单词,并翻译成汉语。FAMILY_FATHER_BROTHER_SISTER_SINGING_6. 小小书法家。比一比谁写得最漂亮。7. 写单词。1.谁的_ 2.夹克衫_3.衬衫 _ 4.雨伞_5.鞋子_ 6. T恤衫_7.穿上 _ 8.大的_9.小的 _ 10.号码_8. 写出下列数

3、字的左邻右里。1_four_2_nine_3_seven_4_ten_5_five_9. 根据首字母或汉语提示填写单词。(1)There are sdays (天) in a week (周).(2)How many(盘子)?(3)Hold are you?(4)Tom is my b.(5)We have tfingers (手指).10. 根据图片补全单词。1duc_ 2_outh3_eg11. 根据所给词语提示,请你将下面的短文补充完整。Lily is an_(英国的) girl. She is_(十一岁). She goes to school at_(七点钟). She_(有) a

4、red bicycle. She goes to school by bike every day.Lily likes_(冬天). Its_(寒冷的). But they have_(圣诞节) in England. She_(唱歌) with her friends. And they have_(糖果) and_(花生). She has many presents. She likes presents.Jack is Lilys brother. He likes_(秋天). Its_(凉爽的). He plays_(足球) and_(篮球) with his_(父亲).12. 根据

5、图片,补全单词。 13. 补全单词,并写出汉语意思。1. sen ( ) 2. mokey ( ) 3. eht ( ) 4. fsh ( ) 5. ale ( ) 6. ice cam ( )14. 根据汉语提示写单词。(1)This is my(爸爸)._(2)This is my(家庭)._(3)This is(我)._(4)She is my(妈妈)._(5)Are(你) Toms brother?_15. 请根据所给语境写出正确的单词。(1)They_(使用)aknifeand_(叉)inEngland.(2)Its_(容易的)forEnglishpeople.(3)People_(

6、划)onthis_.(湖)(4)Dont_.(担心)(5)Thereisa_.(马)(6)Weare_(制作)a_.(蛋糕)(7)Shesgotapet_.(老鼠)16. 单词拼写。1elep_ant2Beijing is a big c_.3Lets go to the_(教室).4Red is my favourite c_.17. 将下列字母组成单词,并翻译。1. t t h e n _( ) 2. i h g e t h _( )3. s t h i x _( ) 4. t i n h n _( )5. s v t n e e h _ ( )18. 在四线三格中写一写下面的单词。(1)

7、lion (2)man(3)red (4)monkey(5)fat19. 看图完成句子。1.-Whatsthis? -Itsa_.2.-Whatsthis? -Itsa_.3.-Whatsthis? -Itsa_.20. 单词拼写。1Miss Green is my new teacher. She has a beautiful T-_.2Theyoungpeople should help the_people.3Its_(my) house.4The_is funny.5 There are_on the trees.21. 单词默写。1.一_ 2.二_ 3.三_4.四_ 5.五_ 6.六_7.七_ 8.八_ 9.九_10.十_22. 看图,补全单词。school_ t_cherb_11 f_r23. 先把单词补充完整,再写出汉语意思。(1)fmly(2)bsinssman(3)dtor24. 根据中文意思补充下列单词。25. 根据首字母填写单词。(1)Jis a drink.(2)Im h, and Id like some cakes.(3)Hyou are.(4)We should have an eevery day.(5)Lily likes fand rice.页码 / 总页数


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