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1、LOI/ DEED OF AGREEMENT备用信用证租单协议Date: xx xx 2016日期:2016THE LESSORS 租方:HOST WELL INTERNATIONAL GROUP LIMITEDAddress 地址 :Represented by代上Nationality 国籍:Passport No:护照号MOBILE PHONE :移动电话BUSINESS PHONE :办公电话BUSINESS FAX :传真E-MAIL ADDRESS :邮箱(Hereinafter to the Lessor on one part,)下文中出租人为合同方THE LESSEE:承租人

2、 Address 地址:Represented by:代上Nationality 国籍:Passport No:护照号MOBILE PHONE:移动电话BUSINESS PHONE :办公电话BUSINESS FAX真E-MAIL ADDRESS :邮箱(Hereinafter to the Lessee on the other part)下文中承租人为合同另一方WHEREASThe lessee desires to lease Five billion Euro SBLC from the Lessor.(To be issued in first tranch of XX millio

3、n Euro) Lessee confirms with full corporate and legal responsibility that fundsare available to fulf川 the requirements for the lease of this instrument and is ready and lessee further confirm to cooperate with the Lessor.鉴于承租方希望向出租人租赁50亿欧元的银行保函(首批 XXX欧元)。承租方以充分的的企业和法律责任确认,支付租借票据的资金已准备就序。承租 方确认与开证方合作

4、。WHEREASThe Lessor desires to lease, transfer and assign all rights title and interest of the SBLC available to it to the lessee. Lessor represents and warrants that it has the ability and resource to arrange through associates, contracts and sources, with full corporate responsibility, financial in

5、strument in the term of assignments to be provided to Lessee. Lessor hereby declares under penalty of perjury that the SBLC will be backed by funds that are good, clean, clear, and free of non criminal origin, the SBLCwill be free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and third party interests.鉴于:出租人

6、欲将有效备用信用证的所有权利和利益租赁、转让和分配给承租人。出租人 表示并保证具有能力和资源,通过联营公司、合同和资源将所提供的关于分配的金融票据 安排给承租人,并承担所有公司责任。出租人依法做出声明支持备用信用证的基金都是良 好的、洁净的和合法所得的。备用信用证是自由,没有任何留置,没有产权负担和没有第 三方权益的。,CEO and Authorized Signatory do hereby confirm with full legal, personal andcorporate responsibility and authority, under penalty of perjur

7、y, irrevocably, unconditionally that we are ready, willing and able to lease the following bank instruments, under the terms and conditions described below, with good, clean, clear funds of non-criminal origin, free of any liens or encumbrances whatsoever.我,作为首席执行官和授权签字人,特此以充分合法的个人和企业责任和权力,在伪证处罚法下,不

8、可撤销地、无条件地确认,我们有准备有愿意有能力,按照下述 的条款及条件,使用良好、清洁、干净、无犯罪来源、无任何留置或产权负担的资金,租NOW THEREFORE, The Lessee has agreed to lease the BG/SBLC at 17%+2% percent of Face Value of the instrument requested and Lessor has agreed to lease the BG/SBLC to Lessee and both Parties hereby agree to the following terms stated b

9、elow: 因此承租方同意按以所要求的票据面值的6%+2%租借这备用信用证.出租方同意出租这保函给承租方。因此,双方特此同意下文所述的条款:Description of Instrument: 票据说明Instrument Type票据类型Term期限Age发出时间Issuing Bank 开证行:Standby Letter of Credit - SBLC (as per attached text EXHIBIT-B) 备用信用证(如所附文本 EXHIBIT-B: One (1) year and one (1) da广年零一天: Fresh cut.新开:HSBC BANK PLC U

10、K or other Top 25 West European Bank 英国汇丰银行或其他排名前25的西欧银行Interest Rate 利率Price价格Currency 币种 Contract Amount 合同金额First Tranche首批金额Denominations面额Consultant Fee财问费Delivery 交货Zero percent (0%)17% (Twelve percent)of face value of SBLC& 用信用证 17%/20% 面值 EURO?/ U.S. Dollar 献元/美元EURO / USD XX Billion?/ $000,

11、000,000.00)XXX欧元/美元EURO / USD XX HundreM illion (?/ $ 00,000,000.00)XXX欧元/美元As agreed依照协定Two (2%) Percent of face value. One Percent (1%) for Lessor Side, One (1%) for Lessee Side.2% 值。1% 给出租人,1% 给租赁方。 Pre-Advice SWIFT via MT799, SWIFT MT 760 and the Hard Copy to be delivered to Party Receiver s des

12、ignated bank within 7 working days thereafter by bonded bank courier.预先通知 SWIFT MT799, SWIFT MT 760。正本经银行专递7天内送至接证方指定的银行。Payment 付款MT799 payment undertaking/ICBPO, followed by SWIFT Wire Transfer MT103 (TT).经MT799方式将有条件限制的银行付款承诺,接着 SWIFT电汇Transaction Procedure:交易程序1. Lessee issues a full intake pack

13、age in English of the LOI/DOA duly completed in all respects and signed with Lessees; full banking co-ordinates to include:承租方完成和签发这英文的具有充分银行坐标的全套包装的意向书/协议(LOI/DOA)其中包括如下:1.1 Client Information Sheet (CIS客户资料表1.2 Corporate Resolution (CR)公司决议1.3 Non-Solicitation Statement (NSS)F 恳求声明1.4 Non-Circumve

14、ntion and Non-Disclosure Agreement (NCN吓跨越不泄密协议1.5 Irrevocable Master Fee Protection Agreement (IMFPA)可撤销的佣金保护协议1.6 Lessee Signatory Color Copy of Passpo碌租方签字人的彩色护照1.7 Lessee Certificate of Incorporation (COI)承租方的公司证书1.8 POF/Bank Statement within 5 banking days current for 17% of face value资金证明/5个银行

15、日内的银行结单,面值17%1.9 ATV Letter to verify bank POF AT侑件核实资金证明2. Lessor complete Due Diligence within 72 hours, Lesseeis furnished anofficial proposal ”if lessee accepts then countersigns and return it.出租人在72小时内完成尽职调查,同时向承租人提供一份官方提案。如果承租人接受则签字后返还给出租人。3. A lease agreement to go forward is issued (which addresses arrange terms, banking coordinates to be paid, timing and verbiage with lessee) countersigns and returned. Making it a Binding Contract. Both parties shall lodge the Contract with their handling banks for record.发布租赁协议(其中说明安排期限,银行付款坐标,)并签订返还。该协议应有约束力。4. Within Three (3) internationa



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