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1、人教版2019-2020学年七年级10月月考(不含听力材料)英语试题(II)卷一、听短对话回答问题1 . AAt half past sixBAt six oclockCAt seven oclockDAt half past seven2 . Why is the man waiting for the bus?AHe wants to meet his friend.BHe wants to wait for his wife.CHe wants to do some shopping.3 . How did Linda go to work this morning?ABy car.BB

2、y bike.CBy subway.4 . What was he doing this time yesterday?AHe was answering the phone.BHe was watching TV.CHe was taking a shower.5 . Whats her telephone number?A84351978B84561968C83561958二、听句子选答语6 . AIts too expensive.BSure, here you are.CDo you want to buy it?7 . AJim Green.BGreen.CMy name is Ka

3、te Black.8 . AThe girl in a red hat.BMy sister is thirteen .CI dont know9 . ATwice a week.BFor two weeks.CIn two weeks.三、听长对话回答问题听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。10 . Whats the girls family name?ASmith.BJane.CBrown.11 . Where is Zhao Lei now?AIn China.BIn America.CIn England.12 . What did they buy for Grandma?ASome

4、 fruit.BA sweater.CA handbag.13 . What was Grandma doing when they arrived?AFeeding the chickens.BCooking lunch.CWorking in the garden.14 . What did the speaker do in the afternoon?AHe went shopping.BHe went swimming.CHe went fishing.15 . When did they go back home?AAt 3:00 p.m.BAt 4:00 p.m.CAt 5:00

5、 p.m.四、听录音选择听到的句子16 . AGood morning, Eric !BGood afternoon, Eric!CGood morning!17 . APlease spell it.BSpell that, please.CSpell it, please.五、听短文回答问题听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。18 . Whats Anna doing?ADoing the housework.BListening to music.CDoing her homework.19 . Who is playing computer games?AAnnas brother.BA

6、nnas mother.CAnnas father.20 . What is Annas grandmother doing?AReading a newspaper.BWatching TV.CTalking to Annas mother.21 . Where is Annas father?AIn the dining room.BIn the living room.CIn the garden.六、听音辩词22 . ArecitedBrelatedCrepeated23 . AfinishBfishCrubbish24 . AgladBsadCfat七、单选题25 . - Shall

7、 we ask more friends to help raise money for the charity?- Good idea, as an old saying goes,“_”.AMany hands make light work.BBum the candle at both ends.CPut all your eggs in one basket.DEvery dog has its day.26 . _is her favourite subject?Her favourite subject is Art.AWhyBWhenCWhoDWhat27 . Nowadays

8、 schools should care for the full _of a students talents.AsatisfactionBcommunicationCdevelopmentDpreparation28 . -How are you, Alice?- _ .AHiBHelloCIm OKDGood morning29 . 下列含有相同元音音素的组字母是: _AC J H KBR Q U WCF I M NDD G P T30 . hAbBaCfDg31 . Here_ two books.AisBareCamDbe32 . 2018年上海杨浦二模- Lets go out f

9、or dinner tonight.-_.AFriday will be fine for me too.BYes, the food was very good.CSorry, but I cannot make it today.DI dont, I prefer football.33 . _ your sisterhomework every evening? Yes.ADo; doBDoes; doCDoes; doesDIs; do34 . _ you look like?AWhat doBHow doCWhat areDHow are35 . Sally is8-year-old

10、 girl, she hasbeautiful umbrella.Aa anBan aCan anDa an36 . He got the first place in the competition. His parents were proud of his _AscholarshipBachievementCmindDnotice37 . The TV news _ very important.AisBareCamDdo38 . My car is _ Johns.Asame asBthe same asCthe sameDthe same like39 . is my aunt. A

11、nd_ brother is my father.AShe; she 13BShe; herCHer; sheDShe; shes八、完型填空完型填空I am American._name is Ron. Im eleven. I_two friends. Theyre_names are Kate and Susan._all like sports. I_soccer . Kate likes_, too. Susan likes basketball. She_three basketballs. We_basketball after school. We often watch th

12、e games_TV.40 . AMyBHisCHerDIts41 . AamBdoChaveDhas42 . AthemBbrothersCsisters.Dfriend43 . ATheirBMyCHerDOur44 . ASheBWeCHeDIt45 . AamBlikeClikesDdont46 . AvolleyballBbaseballCping-pongDsoccer47 . AisBhaveChasDare48 . AplaysBplayCare playDdo play49 . AonBinCtoDat九、阅读单选Here are three girls. They are

13、talking about(正在谈论) their favorite clothes and colors.“I like skirts very much. I have many skirts in my wardrobe(衣柜). Red is my favorite color. I have a red skirt, and its my favorite skirt. My mother buys it for me. Its168,” Grace says.“My mom often buys new skirts for me. All my skirts are nice. I have skirts in all colors. My favorite one is a yellow skirt. Its nice. And yellow is my favorite color,” Emily says.“I dont like skirts. T-shirts and shorts(短裤) are my favorite. Black and white are my favorite colors. People o


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