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1、南京市2020版五年级上册期末测试英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -What do you_? ( )-I have an orange card.AhasBhaveChad2 . - Whats he like?- Hes _.AfunnyBfunCprincipal3 . _nice! ( )AhowBICHow4 . My tape_on the table. ( )AisBamCare5 . My brother_ lunch at school. ( )AhasBhaveChaves6 .

2、 Give me some paper. I dont havepaper now. ( )AanyBsomeCno7 . Which do you want, the big moth the small moth? ( )AandBorC/选择对错。8 . Who is that man? ( )He is my father.A正确B错误9 . Who is that woman? ( )She is my mother.A正确B错误10 . Hes my teacher. ( )A正确B错误11 . Who is that boy?( )He is my brother.A正确B错误1

3、2 . Is she from the U.S.? ( ) _AYes, she isnt.BYes, she is.CNo, she is.13 . 选出不同类的词:( )AmonkeyBelephantCanimal14 . -What date is it today?( )-Its 1st of October.AaBtheCan15 . 下午见。ASee you in the evening.BSee you in the afternoon.CSee you later.16 . Three are in the room. ( )AwomansBwomenCwoman17 . D

4、o you have_ cakes? ( )Yes. I have _.Asome; anyBany; someCany; any18 . -What are you good at? ( )-Were good atAfishBdanceCriding二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确答案,将序号填入括号内There was a beautiful young duck named Ping. Ping lived with his mother and his father and two sisters and three brothers and eleven aunts and seve

5、n uncles and forty-two cousins, their home was a boat on the Yangtze River. Each morning as the sun rose, Ping and his family marched one by one, down a little bridge to the shore of the Yangtze River, but one afternoon, Ping didnt hear the call. By the time he was right side up, he knew he would be

6、 last, so Ping hid behind the grass and he watched the boat slowly sail down the Yangtze River. all night long Ping slept in the grass and he was all alone. as the sun rose higher in the sky, Ping marched up over the little bridge and there came the spank on his back, then at last Ping was back with

7、 his family ,he was back home again on the wise-eyed boat on the Yangtze River.19 . How many cousins did Ping have ?( )A. 42 B. 53 C. 4320 . Ping could not find his family ,he felt_ . ( )A. happy B. sad C. excited21 . Did Ping get a spank on the back at last? ( )A. Yes,he did. B. No,he didnt C. sorr

8、y ,I dont know22 . Why didnt Ping get on the boat for the first time ? ( )A. Because he didnt hear the call.B. Because he hid behind the grass.C. Because he was far away from the shore.23 . What do we learn from the story? ( )A. Pings family didnt like Ping.B. The dark fishing birds were so poor.C.

9、Home is a warm harbor(港湾).三、完形填空完型填空。What do you do at the weekend? Some people like to_at home, but others like to go_a walk or play football. My friend Jack works hard in a factory during the_.At the weekend, he always_the same thing. On Saturday he_his car and on _ he goes with his family to a vi

10、llage(村庄) by car. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isnt a _one, but theres always _to do on a farm. The children help with the animals and give them their_. Jack and his wife help in the fields. At the end(结束) of the day, they are all_and Jacks aunt gives them a big meal.24 . AplayBliveCstay

11、Denjoy25 . AtoBforCinDat26 . AdayBtimeCsummerDweek27 . AdoesBreadsCeatsDhas28 . AwatchesBdrivingCsellsDwashes29 . AMondayBSundayCSaturdayDWednesday30 . AsmallBbigChardDshort31 . AmuchBlittleCfast (快)Dfar (远)32 . AclothesBplacesCfoodDwater33 . AcleanBlateChungryDfriendly四、填空题择合适的单词填在横线上。(书写规范,注意大小写)p

12、laying basketball dancing paper cutting skipping maths34 . My favourite subject is_. 35 . Do you like_?36 . Do you like_?37 . My hobby is_.38 . My hobby is _.五、任务型阅读39 . 阅读短文判断正误。(5%)Last week we learned a lot from social studies . We learned about some interesting animals . They are called dinosaur

13、s. Dinosaurs were huge animals .They lived millions of years ago .They were tall, big and strong. Some could ran very fast , but some only walked slowly, some could fly. Some dinosaurs ate grass and plants and some ate meat .(1)We learned about some interesting animals .(2)We learned a little from social studies .(3)Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago .



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