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1、雅思作文真题解析及范文分享为了让大家更好的备考雅思写作,小编给大家整理了雅思作文真题,下面小编就和大家分享,来观赏一下吧。2022年11月1日雅思小作文真题解析及范文:柱状图小作文题目是:The chart below shows the average time 16-22-year olds spent onplaying video games in four different countries between 1992 and 2022.Summarizethe details. Select and report the main features and make compar

2、isons whererelevant.范文解析 该柱状图难度中等偏下,数字相对较少,共有8个数字。让我们先来看一下3w(when, where,what)。When是过去的两个年份1992和2022,切记用过去时态。Where为四个国家,what为16-22岁的年轻人花费在视频游戏上的时间。可以看出when和where两个变量,要求我们描述这十年间的变化趋势和国家之间的静态比照。所以考生可以按照时间为主线去分段,也可以按照国家去分段。雅思小作文真题范文:The bar chart compares the amount of time spent on video games on aver

3、age byyoungsters aged between 16-22 years old from four countries in two years 1992and 2022.该柱状图比照了1992年至2022年期间,来自四个国家、年龄在16岁至22岁之间的青少年平均花在电子游戏上的时间。It is evident that in 1992, the largest amount of time (85 hours) allocatedto video games was from young people in country B. This was narrowly followe

4、d bycountry C and country A where respectively 78 hours and 76 hours were spentwhile it took the minimal hours for this age group to play video games incountry D, standing at merely 50.很明显,在1992年,最大的时间(85小时)分配给视频游戏是年轻人的国家。这是勉强跟着C和国家在哪里分别花了78小时和76小时而花了最少的时间这个年龄段在国家D玩视频游戏,站在仅仅50。These youngsters incre

5、asingly relied on video games to relax themselves asthere was an overall upward trend in total time ten years later. A two-hour risecould be noticed in both country A and country B, with the latter one stillranking the top. Despite of a considerable increase by 8 hours, video gamesstill attracted th

6、e least attention of young people in country D and it iscountry C that was the only one which witnessed a slight drop by 1 hour.这些年轻人越来越依赖电子游戏来放松自己,因为10年后总时间出现了总体回升趋势。在A国和B国都可以看到两小时的增长,而B国仍然排在首位。尽管电子游戏增加了8个小时,但在D国,电子游戏仍然是最不受年轻人关注的。C国是唯一一个出现1小时轻微下降的国家。In summary, in three of the four countries, teena

7、gers and younger adultstended to devote more time playing video games over the decade.总之,在这四个国家中,有三个国家的青少年和年轻人在过去十年中倾向于花更多的时间玩电子游戏。2022年雅思写作话题之团队精神 范文及思路解析首先我们来看写作题目:Team or group activities can teach more important skills for lifethan those done alone. To what extent do you agree or disagree with t

8、hisstatement(2022年9月雅思写作真题)雅思写作话题解析:团队活动对于个人来说可以学到更多技能,对于这个观点你同意还是不同意呢首先大作文是议论文,讨论的核心点在于,和个人活动来看,团队活动带来更多的个人成长,所以,考生在进行论述时,除了强调团体活动,还要注意个人活动对于个人成长的影响。雅思写作话题范文结构首段:话题引入并亮明自己观点;第二段:强调团队活动的意义:可以让人们学到重要技能,让人们开展合作和社交技能;第三段:表明个人活动同样具有培养个人技能的意义:思辨能力;第四段:总结全文:重申中心论点。雅思写作话题范文及思路解析In this highly competitive w

9、orld, acquiring a variety of skills has becomefar more important than ever before.首段陈说事实:强调学习技能的重要性,人与人之间的竞争是剧烈的,不断学习各种技能才能提高个人的实力。It is argued that people gain more necessary abilities through participatingin a variety of group work, compared with the individual one.和单枪匹马行动相比,从团队活动中的确能学到很多技能。From m

10、y perspective, skills gained from both types of activities are equallyessential.亮明观点:学习技能不仅要从团队活动中获得,个人行动中也需要去学习。第二段分别讨论团队合作和个人活动中如何进行技能学习。what people are able to learn by teamwork is meaningful.Firstly, by cooperating and working together with other participators, peopleare able to gain a better un

11、derstanding of how to collaborate with others, animportant quality that can facilitate to achieve career success.分论点1:团队合作的意义:促进人与人之间的相互理解及沟通能力的培养,这是促进团队合作成功的重要品质。Another essential ability people can develop from group activities iscommunication skill. Whatever the group work is, playing football, b

12、asketball ordoing a scientific research, it requires participants to communicate andsocialize with others from diverse backgrounds especially when they holddifferent perspectives. 举例子:踢足球、科研都需要相互配合,需要沟通,当然团队合作中会有不同的观点,如何取平衡吸收这些观点呢People with strong social skills can adapt to a new environment more q

13、uicklyand are more likely to access good resources from their friends wherever theyare.分论点2:对于那些社交能力强的人来说,能够迅速融入新环境,也就意味着能带来更多的人脉资源。第四段,个人活动的意义Nevertheless, the importance of individual activities is not supposed to beneglected and performing a task separately contributes extraordinarily tocultivati

14、ng peoples critical and independent thinking.:个人活动的重要性同样不能无视。个人行动培养的是人的独立思考能力和批判精神。Individuals, when completing a mission or project alone, have no one to turnto but are forced to work out the most appropriate method to address thedifficulty they are faced with. A person who plays chess game on the

15、computer,for example, needs to consider carefully the merits and demerits of each step soas to win finally even when being at a disadvantage.在没有人从旁协助下,如何通过自己的努力解决困难,也是一种能力的培养。举例:下棋。It can help people better deal with their adult life for the thinking abilityis one of the most indispensible qualities

16、 to deal with various challengesencountered in both workplace and daily life.大局部时候个人都是单独面对生活中很多的挑战,所以,在个人活动中学习到的技能并不少。第五段:总结。总之,为了能够促进人的全面开展,团队活动和个人行动一个都不能少。In conclusion, both working as a number in a team and completing a taskindividually are advantageous since only in this way can they grow intowell-rounded individuals wh


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