2019年冀教版英语九年级全册 Unit 3 Safety 单元测试A卷

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1、2019年冀教版英语九年级全册 Unit 3 Safety 单元测试A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The firemen quickly came here and the fire.Aput outBput upCput onDput off2 . An earthquake happened southern Taiwan on February 6, 2016.AforBtoCatDin3 . Why did thirty-eight people the traffic accident last month? Because of tyre explosion(轮

2、胎爆炸). Nowadays more and more people .Adie of; prefer to choosing trainsBdie from; would rather trains or planesCdie of; would take planes than busesDdie from; prefer trains to buses4 . (易错题)Look!A map is _ the wall(墙).AinBonCatDunder5 . It is pleasant _ in summer.AswimmingBswamCto swimDswims6 . In o

3、rder to protect the environment, we shouldnt_ _any trees.Aturn downBput downCcut down.7 . Parents should let children leave home and find more about the world. _, Birds should fly freely in the sky.AAfter allBIn allCAll in allDAbove all8 . The police asked me to _ and stopped by the road.Apull downB

4、pull outCpull onDpull over9 . Tom often helps his teachers_exercisebooks.Agive outBgive upCgive inDgive to10 . Dont _ the street while the red light is on.AacrossBthroughCwalkDcross11 . Look at _ calendar. Its June 22.AaBanCtheD/12 . Before you start , Ill show you around so that you can meet everyo

5、ne.AworkingBworkCworksDworked13 . The Internet is so closely connected with our daily life. Can you _ a life without it?AunderstandBimagineCwonderDinfluence14 . _ for the English test or you will miss the listening part.ADont lateBDont be lateCDont arrive lately15 . Lin Shuhao put all his effort _ b

6、asketball training and _ great progress at last.Ainto; made aBto; madeCinto; madeDto; made a16 . What do you think of _ film about Zhan Tianyou?Its _ good film.Athe; theBa; theCthe; aDa; a17 . John is planning to take part in the coming speech contest to prove.AheBhimChisDhimself18 . Is it_for us to

7、 fly to moon in the near future?ApossibleBpossiblyCterribleDterribly19 . He coughed all the night and it was so _ that I couldnt sleep well.AannoyingBinterestingCmovingDregretting20 . What happened _ you _ Friday night?Afor; atBof; inCto; onDto; at21 . Judy can draw as _ as Lucy.Amore beautifulBmore

8、 beautifullyCbeautifulDbeautifully22 . Can you make lanterns_ pumpkins?AinBoutCfromDout of23 . Its 7:30 in the morning now. I believe Da Runfa is _. Lets go and buy some food.AcloseBclosedCopenedDopen24 . Tom, _late for school again. Sorry, I wont.AisntBdoesnt beCdont beDnot be25 . He told us where

9、_ a picnic.AhavingBto haveChaveDhad26 . Excuse me, could you please _ that cigarette?Aput onBput offCput outDput up27 . How long does _ take you to go to work?AitBthatConeDthis28 . We are very grateful you your kindness.Ato; forBto; toCfor; forDfor; to29 . Yingyinga piece of litter, and put it into

10、the rubbish bag.Apicked upBthrew awayClooked forDhanded in30 . The woman made her husband_ outside the gate yesterday afternoon.AwaitBwaitingCto waitDwaited31 . _ will the meeting start? _ everyone arrives.AHow long; UntilBHow long; Not untilCHow soon; UntilDHow soon; Not until32 . My little brother

11、 is very _ so he often makes mistakes.AcarefulBcarelessCcareDcarefully33 . I hope to see Liu Huan _ live one day.AsingBsingsCto sing34 . Do you know what _ just now?AhappensBhappenedCwas happenDdid happen35 . I want _ the blue T-shirt?AgetBgetsCto get36 . Smoking is bad for our health. Everyone shou

12、ld _ cigarettes.Akeep away fromBkeep smokingCkeep fromDkeep out37 . There isnt enough _ for us in the lift. Lets wait for the next one.AroomBplaceCfloorDground38 . “Tom, _ afraid of speaking in public. You are no longer a small boy.”said Mum.Anot beBnot to beCbe notDdont be二、句型转换Complete the followi

13、ng sentences as required (根据所给要求完成下列句子。每题空格限填一词)39 . My son used to do some reading before going to bed.(改为一般疑问句)_ your son _ to do some reading before going to bed?40 . Little Lucy has learnt to play the piano since she was five years old.(就划线部分提问)_ has little Lucy learnt to play the piano?41 . The businessman started his journey from home early in the morning.(保持句意基本不变)The businessman _ his journey from home early in the morning.42 . Johns ne


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