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1、人教版(PEP)金华、丽水2020年中考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、完型填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,选择最佳选项。My parents usually celebrate a special day by enjoying a special kind of ice wine called Canadian ice wine.My mother _ told me the story of ice wine. To make it, people must freeze grapes on the vi

2、ne(葡萄树). You might think this is strange, _ it is true. Sometimes, a great new product is invented by accident. And thats exactly _ we got ice wine.In the 1700s in Germany, a man was away from _ farm in the autumn. The weather suddenly turned _ and his grapes froze. When he tasted the grapes, to his

3、 _, the grapes tasted so sweet. Then, he _ to use these grapes to make some wine. Guess what? People really liked his wine. For two centuries, _ was the only place making ice wine. Then a Canadian got the idea that this kind of wine could be _ in Canada. After all, the winters are cold in Canada and

4、 thats the main _ for making ice wine. After hard work, some grape farmers _ the best process, and soon Canadian ice wine began to be sold all over the world.The story of ice wine got me thinking. What other inventions came about _? Its really hard to imagine the world _ penicillin(青霉素) that has sav

5、ed millions of lives. And the microwave has certainly changed the way we _ .Life is sometimes like that. Something even better comes along _ we keep our eyes and mind open.1 . AonceBalsoConlyDnever2 . AandBbutCifDso3 . AwhyBwhenChowDwhere4 . AhisBourCyourDher5 . AhotBwetCdryDcold6 . AsadnessBsurpris

6、eCworryDshyness7 . ArefusedBforgotCdecidedDfailed8 . ACanadaBEnglandCFranceDGermany9 . AfoundBproducedCsoldDordered10 . ArequirementBachievementCinstrumentDdevelopment11 . Agave upBmade upCcared aboutDfound out12 . Aby heartBin halfCby accidentDin secret13 . AamongBthroughCexceptDwithout14 . AcookBs

7、leepCrestDexercise15 . AbecauseBifCunlessDthough二、阅读单选Helping your child choose a hobby is very good for them.They can learn a lot when they are enjoying themselvesHere are some tips that may helpMatch(与相配) your childs interestsIf she likes to cook, buy her a cookbookShow them your interests and sup

8、port their interestsTry different hobbiesIntroduce a new hobby as a birthday or a holiday giftBy trying something quite different, your child may become interested in it or at least get to know a new thingShare a hobby with your childTake an art class as a familyGo for a mountain climbing togetherSp

9、ending family time doing fun things can make a healthy and nice relationship(关系)Take it to the next level. If they prefer pop music, visit a singing stars website or take him to a concert.Hobbies are a great way for children to learn new thingsHelp your children to try different interests until they

10、 choose one they want to learn more about16 . Who is the passage written for?AParentsBTeachersCStudentsDDoctors17 . What does the underlined word “it”refer to ?AA holidayBA birthday presentCA new hobbyDA cookbook18 . Which tip can make the family relationship better?AMatch your childs interests.BSha

11、re a hobby with your child.CTry different hobbiesDTake it to the next level.19 . What it to the next levelAIts hard for parents to choose hobbies for their children.BHobbies should go with childrens interests.CChildren cant learn anything from their hobbies.DA hobby is also good for childrens studie

12、s.20 . What does the passage mainly want to tell us ?AMost children dont have a hobby.BThe ways to help children choose a hobby.CDifferent people have different hobbies.DChildren should have one hobby.People often talk about jobs. But when I tell others what I do for a living, they can hardly(几乎不) b

13、elieve it. But Im not joking(开玩笑). I spend my days at work eating chocolate! I taste chocolate to make sure that people can get wonderful chocolate from our factory.Every week I get chocolate from our factory. I have to check it for taste and smell. I also have to taste raw material(原材料) we usually

14、use. I spend days choosing(选择) the most suitable(合适的) ones to go into the chocolate.Just beside my office I have a kitchen. I test and taste chocolate I make there. My kitchen is full of machines. Its wonderful to work during the day. No two days are the same in this job. Sometimes I am in the kitchen. Sometimes Im out of the country to buy the raw materials we need, and because I have a young family, that can be difficult. But I love this job. I like to live a different life every day. The question is that many people ask me if I get bored(厌烦) of choc


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