牛津译林版六年级英语下册Unit 4 Road safety 单元测试卷B

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1、牛津译林版六年级下册Unit 4 Road safety 单元测试卷B姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . ( )AGo to the kitchen. Have a snack.BGo to the study. Read a book.2 . She likes _ a kite in the playground. ( )AflyBflying3 . Your temperature is 102AYou_. ( )Bare fineChave a high feverDhave a headache4

2、 . We mustnt_on the road. ( )AplayBplayedCplayingDplays5 . What do you want to be _the future? ( )AinBonCat6 . Go at a _light. ( )AyellowBgreenCred7 . Mum likes the kitchen because _. ( )Ashe can study thereBshe loves cookingCshe can play there8 . ( ) Can youslow?ArunningBrunCto run9 . do you have b

3、reakfast? ( ) Once a day.AHow manyBHow longCHow oftenDHow much10 . 选出划线部分发音不同的一项(_)1. A. bread B. cheap C. clean(_)2. A. prize B. decide C. big(_)3. A. where B. there C. were(_)4. A. first B. second C. whose(_)5. A. who B. why C. what11 . Can we see a little flag inside Australias flag? ( )_AYes, we

4、 can.BNo, we cant.CWe cant.二、填空题找规律完成表格。I12 . 13 . sheit14 . myyour15 . 16 . 17 . their18 . yourshis19 . 20 . 21 . 三、阅读回答问题阅读短文,回答下列问题。There are many ways to call the street in England, road, street, garden, avenue and way. The streets are not straight and there are few traffic lights. You can just

5、see a lot of roundabout(转盘). There are just some traffic lights and they are for the people who cross the road. In England, the cars drive on the left but people walk on the right. This is because the drivers can see people opposite(对面的) but not from the back. There are two kinds of motorways(高速公路)

6、in England, M and A. It also has speed cameras to check if people are overspeed(高速的). The speed limit is all shown beside the road. It is very serious so you have to follow the rules.22 . Are the traffic rules in England the same as those in China?_23 . What side can the people walk in England?_24 .

7、 How many motorways are there in England? What are they?_25 . Can we see a lot of traffic lights on the road?_26 . How many ways to call the street in England?_四、任务型阅读根据短文内容判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。Peter was ten years old. He was a cute boy. One day, his friend Paul said to him, “Im going to have a birthday p

8、arty on Sunday. Peter. Can you come?”Peter asked his mother, and she said, “Yes, you can go.” Then she phoned Pauls mother.Before Peter went to the party on Sunday afternoon, his mother said to him,” Peter, dont forget to be polite. Dont ask for food. Wait until someone gives it to you.”“All right,

9、Mum,” Peter answered, and he went to Pauls home by bike.There were a lot of children at the party. They played together for an hour. Then Pauls mother gave them some food, but she forget to give Peter some. He waited politely for a few minutes, and then he held his plate up in the air and said loudl

10、y, “Does anyone want a nice clean plate?”27 . Peter phoned Pauls mother. (_)28 . Peter asked for food at the party. (_)29 . Paul went to Peters home by bike. (_)30 . There were many children at the party. (_)31 . Peter was cute but foolish. (_)五、英汉混合英汉互译。32 . so much_33 . 讲台_34 . here you are_35 . 婴

11、儿小弟弟_36 . football player_37 . 客厅_38 . near the door_39 . 数学书_40 . help yourself_41 . 语文书_六、填内容补全对话根据所给情境补全对话。A: How can I 42 . 43 . the bookshop?B: 44 . bus.A: Where can I 45 . 46 . the bus?B: At the bus 47 . . You can follow me.A: Why does the 48 . 49 . here?B: There 50 . the 51 . light.A: Does it

12、 52 . we must stop?B: Yes, it 53 . . Now the bookshop is here. You can get 54 . the bus.A: Thank you.七、选内容补全对话从方框中选择最佳句子补全对话,并将其序号填在横线上。A. Can you tell me how I can get there?B. Would you like me to help you?C. Its very nice of you.D. How about going there with me?E. The City Library is on the 8th f

13、loor.F. But the bus stop is on the Xingfu Road.G. You need to take Bus No.718.A: Excuse me, Im Judy. Im new here.B: Hi, Im Sam. 55 . A: Yes, thanks. I want to go to the city library. 56 . B: Sure. Go along this road to the end, and youll see a white building on your left. 57 . A: Is it far from here?B: Yes, its about five kilometers away from here.58 . It will take you there.A: 59 . . Thank you!B: Not at all.八、改错60 . 找出下列句中的错误,并改正:We can seelotof birds in the sky.(_


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