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1、形容词&副词(学习材料)形容词是用来表示人或事物的属性或特征的词,一般置于所修饰的名词之前。表 示行为特征或性状特征的词叫副词,它用来修饰动词,形容词以及其他副词或整个句子。形容词和副词在语法结构中可用于比较级和最高级。一、形容词的用法1 .形容词可以修饰名词和代词,在句中作定语、表语、宾语补足语等。例如:He is a good actor.他是一名好演员。(定语)This bag is light, but that one is heavy.这只包很轻,但那只很重。(表语)We think it important to learn English well.我们认为学好英语很重要。(宾

2、语补足语)2 .名词化的形容词某些形容词前加定冠词the,变成名词化的形容词。即“the形容词”表示一类人或 事物,作主语时要求谓语用复数动词。例如:The old today are taken good care o如今,老人受到了良好的照顾。The rich don t enjoy themselves.富人并不快乐。3 .形容词的排序a. 一般情况下,形容词放在被修饰的名词之前。但是,当形容词修饰由some, any,every, no等构成的复合不定代词时,要后置。例如:I have something important to tell you 我有重要的事情告诉你。b.当有几个形

3、容词修饰名词时,这些形容词的位置由它们和被修饰名词的关系和密切程度来决定。一般来说,关系最密切的最靠近被修饰的名词,关系较远的离被修饰的名词也较远。例如:A beautiful little yellow flower is on the table. 一朵美丽的小黄花在桌上。二.副词的用法副词是用来修饰动词、形容词以及其他副词的词,表示时间、地点、程度、方式 等概念。在句中常常作状语,也可作定语和表语。1 .频率副词和程度副词有 always, usually, quite, almost, nearly修饰动词时,一般放 在助动词、情态动词和系动词之后,实义动词之前。例如:He usual

4、ly goes to school by bike.他通常骑自行车去上学。The boy can hardly say a word.那个男孩几乎一言不发。2 .时间副词和地点副词一般放在句尾,如果这两种副词同时出现在句中,则地点副词放在时间副词前面,也可将时间副词放在句首。例如:They did homework in the classroom yesterday.昨天他们在教室里作作业。3 .修饰形容词,一般情况下副词放在前面,但是enough除外。例如:These flowers are very beautiful.这些花彳艮漂亮。He is old enough to go to

5、school.他岁数够大了,可以上学了。三.形容词、副词的比较级和最高级构成实例1单首 ij词尾加-er或-est,例如long-longer-longestclean-cleaner-cleanestfew-fewer-fewestwarm-warmer-warmest规 则 变 化2以-e结尾的词只加-r,或-st,例如Nice-nicer-nicest late-later-latest wide-wider-widest3以辅音字母+y结尾的词,改y为i,再加-er或-est,例如busy-busier-busiest early-earlier-earliest4以重读闭音节结尾且只

6、有一个车有音字母时,先双写该字母,再加 -er或-est,例如 fat-fatter-fattestthin-thinner-thinnestred-redder-reddestbig-bigger-biggest5多词和部分双百f在其前力口 more,最局级在其前豕 most,例如 popular-more popular-the most popular形谷词前力口 the) slowly-more slowly-most slowly (副词前不加 the)6少数血J引有两种变化的方式,例如friendly-friendlier-friendliest 或 friendly-more f

7、riendly-the most friendly(该词 既可以做形容词也可以做副词)不 规 则 变 化1good-better-best well-better-best2ill-worse-worst bad/badly-worse-worst3many-more-most4little-less-least5old-older-oldest 或 old-elder-eldest older一般指年龄大小elder指长幼关系(一般修饰名词作定语);6far-farther/further-farthest/furthest.farther指距离更远;further指抽像的.备注:最高级前面

8、一般要加the四.形容词变副词许多形容词后加后缀-ly变成副词,如果形容词是以辅音字母加y结尾的话,则先 改y为i,然后再加ly.例如quick-quickly strong-strongly usual-usually heavy-heavilyeasy-easier busy-busily angry-angrily bright-brightlywonderful-wonderfully careful-carefully下面两词的变化稍有不同true-truly terrible-terribly需要注意的是,某些词本身既可作形容词,也可做副词,这些词有:hard, first, la

9、st, slow, fast, early, late等;另外 friendly, ugly, lovely 等词虽以-ly 结尾,但这些词本 身都是形容词。五.含有形容词原级、比较级、最高级的句型级 别意义及构成示例原 级1. as+原级+as 与一.一样”1. This box is as heavy as yours.2. Fresh water is as dear as oil in this area.2. not+so/as+ 级+as 与不一样”1. She is not as energetic as she used to be.2. ToM s pronunciation

10、 isot as good ashis sister s.比 较 级1 .形容词-er+than2 . more+形容词+thanless+W容词 +than 比.更.”1. I am four years 01d than he is.2. Now we speak more English than we did last term.3. It takes less time to go there by bus than by boat.4. The old man isn better health now than he was last year.5. The Summer Pal

11、ace is more beautiful than any other park in Beijing.最高级1 .最高级+in/of2 . most+形容词+in .least+形容词+of .表示最”1. Autumn is the best season in Beijing.2. This is the most difficult of all the books here.3. The story is the least interesting of all.4. He ran most quickly in the school sports meeting.5. This

12、is the most exciting matchI ve ever watched.有时比较级表达的 是最高级的意思1. He is quiter than any other student in class.2. Sydney is more beautiful than the other cities in the world.3. No human being has traveledfarther in space than the moon.4. We have never drunk a better wine than this French one.如果有定语从句时,

13、用最高级1. He is the kindest person I have ever met.2. That is the worst film they have ever seen.形容词&副词(课后练习)一、写出下列形容词和副词的比较级和最高级1. fine2.quick3. little4.early5. slowly6. well7. interesting8. safe9. bravely10. far11. few12. thin二.用所给词的适当形式填空1. The boy is the(tall) of the two.2. It is(exciting) to trave

14、l by air than by sea.3. The river is the(deep) of all.4. He listens to the teacher(careful) than she.5. I write(good) than you.答案:1. fine -finer finest4. early -earlier -earliest6. well -better - best8. safe safer safest2. quick - quicker -quickest3. little - less least5. slowly -more slowly -most s

15、lowly7. interesting - more interesting - most interesting9. bravely -more bravely -most bravely11. few dewer- fewest10. far farther farthest / far -further furthest12. thin thinner thinnest1. taller 2. more exciting 3. deepest 4. more carefully 5. better形容词 & 副词(学习测试卷)一、将下列形容词变为副词1. quick 2. easy 3. true 4. angry 5. terrible 二写出下列形容词和副词的比较级和最高级1. nice 2. careful 3. beautiful 4. busy 5. hot 6. lovely 7. old 8. b



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