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1、1. generously This is the school to which your farther subscribed generously in the past. 这就是你爸爸生前为之慷慨捐助的学校。 慷慨的,大方的 +doing sth/with sth be generous to sb with sth The boss is generous to the poor students with their education. 宽宏大量的,宽厚的+to sb I belive he was generously enough after your contradicti

2、ng him.2.quality n.质量;品质;性质 (1).His action speaks well for his good quality. 她的举止表白她具有良好的品质。 (2).In no case can we cheapen the quality of products. 在任何状况下我们都不能减少产品质量。 high quality 高品质 product quality 产品质量 quality control 质量控制,质量管理 quality management 质量管理 quality first 质量第一 quality of life 生活质量;基本生活条

3、件 quality education 素质教育;优质教育3.active adj. 积极地;活跃的 (1).Mr. Jack was once active in the church, but he has backslidden. 杰克先生一度在教会里很活跃,但她已变得不虔诚了。 (2).Peace and stability in the world need the active involvement of China. 世界和平和稳定需有中国的积极参与。 active in 积极于 active role 积极任务;活跃角色 play active part 积极的作用;能动部分

4、,积极部分 active participation 积极参与;积极参与 active service 现役4.Self n.自我;自身 Selfish n.自私的 Selfless n. 无私的;忘我的 Selflessly n. 无私地;忘我地6.devote vt. 献身于;用心于 devoted adj. 忠实的;深爱的 She devoted her life to God. 她献身于上帝。 devote to sth奉献 ; 投身于 ; 致力于 ; 献身于 be devoted to sb/sth 用心致力于. to是介词7.found (founded,founded) Vt.建

5、立;建造 The pilgrims founded a colony in Plymouth. 清教徒们在普利茅斯创立了一种殖民地。 .创立,开办 They founded a college. 她们开办了一所大学。 .将.建立在H(+on/upon) His theory is founded on facts. 她的理论建立在事实的基本上。 build founder 名词 n. 1.创立者;奠基者;缔造者C He is the founder of the club. 她是这个俱乐部的创始人。 foundation 基本 Find on what foundation the propo

6、sition bottoms. 找出这个命题建立在什么基本上。 the foundation of8.legal adj. legally adv. 反义词illegal We engage you as a legal adviser. 我们聘任你当法律顾问。 与法律有关的a legal adviser 合法的 be legal to do sth9.fee (vs) fare 10.youth v. 青年时期 c. 年轻人 the youth 复数含义 (1).He carpentered in his youth. 她年轻时当过木匠。 (2).She keeps her youth we

7、ll. 她善于保养她的青春。 (3).She desired the love of the handsome youth. 她渴望得到那个美貌青年的爱情。11.violence n. 暴力;侵犯;剧烈;歪曲 (1).These modern boxlike buildings do violence to the beauty of the old city. 这些现代的盒式建筑破坏了古城的美丽市容。 (2).The wind blew with great violence. 风异常剧烈地吹着。 family violence 家庭暴力;家庭暴力事件 physical violence 身

8、体暴力,躯体暴力 do violence to 破坏;歪曲;强暴看待 Violent adj.12.blow up 爆发,爆炸;放大;使充气 The bomb blew up. 炸弹爆炸了。 the balloon/bridge13.willing adj. 乐意的;自愿的;心甘情愿的 v. 决心;用意志力驱使; (1).They have the desire and the ambition but they are not willing to DO. 她们拥有对成功的决心和渴望,但她们就是不乐意去实行。 (2).Will you swear it that you are willin

9、g to subscribe yourself to your promise? 你乐意发誓兑现你的诺言吗? be willing to do 乐意做某事,乐意做 god willing 如果状况容许的话 a willing horse 心甘情愿努力干活的人 show willing 口语乐意做,批准 unwilling a strong will 很强的意志力 be willing to do sth 乐意做某事 Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成 (地点状语从句) at will 任意地,随意地14. turn to 求助于,求教于;转

10、向;变成; 致力于; (1).She turned to me for advice. 她求教于我。 (2).Our talk turned to football. 我们的话题转到了足球上。 (3).The ice turned to water. 冰化成水了。 (4).He soon turned his attention to the difficult problem. 她不久把注意力转到这个难题上。 (5).He turned to the study of Shakespeare. 她致力于莎士比亚的研究。 turn to sb for help求助于,转向 turn down

11、把(音量)调低 turn up 浮现17.fight n.打架,战斗,斗志 vi.打仗,搏斗,对抗,打架 vt.与.打仗,反对 (1).You have to fight for your rights. 你必须为你的权利而奋斗。 (2).England and France fought against Russia in the Crimean War. 在克里米亚战争中,英、法两国与俄国作战。 (3).He and his wife are always fighting over trifling matters. 她和她妻子总是为琐事争执。 (4).They fought their

12、 oppressors with all kinds of weapons. 她们用多种武器对抗压迫她们的人。 (5).The battle was fought in the mountains. 这一仗是在山里打的。 (6).They fought the bill fiercely. 她们剧烈反对这项议案。 (7).Who won the fight? 谁赢得了这场战斗? (8).Their fights were always over money. 她们的争执总是为了钱的问题。 (9).He has plenty of fight in him. 她斗志旺盛。 fight for 为

13、而战,而奋斗 fight against v. 对抗;反对;与作斗争 fight with 与并肩战斗;为反对而战斗;与打架 fight back 回击;抵御 fight on 继续战斗 fight off vt. 击退;排斥;竭力避免 fight fire with fire 以火攻火;以毒攻毒 fight for ones life 病危 18. prison 表达蹲监狱时,其前面不用冠词 be in prison 在狱中,被监禁(状态) be out of prison 出狱 put .in prison=send.to prison(动作)=throw.to prison 类似:bed,church,class,college,hospital,school,university,market n. 监狱CU ;监禁U;拘留所C vt. 监禁,关押 (1).He was sent to prison for damaging public property. 她因破坏公共财产被处监禁。 (2).Are there alternatives to prison? 除了监禁尚有其她措施吗? escape from prison 越狱 prison sentence


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