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1、英文童话故事: The Trolls DaughterThere was once a lad who went to look for a place. As he went along he met a man, who asked him where he was going. He told him his errand, and the stranger said, Then you can serve me; I am just in want of a lad like you, and I will give you good wages-a bushel of money t

2、he first year, two the secondyear, and three the third year, for you must serve me three years, and obey me in everything, however strange it seems toyou. You need not be afraid of taking service with me, for there is no danger in it if you only know how to obey.The bargain was made, and the lad wen

3、t home with the man to whom he had engaged himself. It was a strange place indeed, for he lived in a bank in the middle of the wild forest,and the lad saw there no other person than his master. The latter was a great troll, and had marvellous power over both men and beasts.Next day the lad had to be

4、gin his service. The first thing1that the troll set him to was to feed all the wild animals fromthe forest. These the troll had tied up, and there were both wolves and bears, deer and hares, which the troll had gathered in the stalls and folds in his stable down beneath the ground,and that stable wa

5、s a mile long. The boy, however, accomplished all this work on that day, and the troll praised him and said that it was very well done.Next morning the troll said to him, To-day the animals arenot to be fed; they dont get the like of that every day. You shall have leave to play about for a little, u

6、ntil they are to be fed again.Then the troll said some words to him which he did not understand, and with that the lad turned into a hare, and ranout into the wood. He got plenty to run for, too, for all the hunters aimed at him, and tried to shoot him, and the dogsbarked and ran after him wherever

7、they got wind of him. He was the only animal that was left in the wood now, for the trollhad tied up all the others, and every hunter in the whole country was eager to knock him over. But in this they met withno success; there was no dog that could overtake him, and no marksman that could hit him. T

8、hey shot and shot at him, and he ran and ran. It was an unquiet life, but in the long run he2got used to it, when he saw that there was no danger in it, andit even amused him to befool all the hunters and dogs that were so eager after him.Thus a whole year passed, and when it was over the troll call

9、ed him home, for he was now in his power like all the other animals. The troll then said some words to him which he didnot understand, and the hare immediately became a human being again. Well, how do you like to serve me? said the troll, and how do you like being a hare?The lad replied that he like

10、d it very well; he had never been able to go over the ground so quickly before. The trollthen showed him the bushel of money that he had already earned, and the lad was well pleased to serve him for another year.The first day of the second year the boy had the same work to do as on the previous one-

11、namely, to feed all the wild animals in the trolls stable. When he had done this the trollagain said some words to him, and with that he became a raven, and flew high up into the air. This was delightful, the lad thought; he could go even faster now than when he was a hare,and the dogs could not com

12、e after him here. This was a great delight to him, but he soon found out that he was not to be3left quite at peace, for all the marksmen and hunters who saw him aimed at him and fired away, for they had no other birds to shoot at than himself, as the troll had tied up all the others.This, however, h

13、e also got used to, when he saw that they could never hit him, and in this way he flew about all that year, until the troll called him home again, said some strange words to him, and gave him his human shape again. Well, how did you like being a raven? said the troll.I liked it very well, said the l

14、ad, for never in all my days have I been able to rise so high. The troll then showed him the two bushels of money which he had earned that year, and the lad was well content to remain in his service for another year.Next day he got his old task of feeding all the wild beasts. When this was done the

15、troll again said some words to him, and at these he turned into a fish, and sprang into the river. He swam up and he swam down, and thought it was pleasant to let himself drive with the stream. In this way he came right out into the sea, and swam further and further out. At last he cameto a glass palace, which stood at the bottom of the sea. He could see into all the rooms and halls, where everything wasvery grand; all the furniture was of white ivory, inlaid with gold and pearl. There were soft rugs and cushions of all the colours



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