unit2 A pioneer for all pwople 教案

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1、Lesson PlanTao huan /Group 40, Class 5, Grade 1Background information:Title: A Pioneer for all PeopleLesson: Unit2, Book 4, the second periodStudents: Junior high school students, Grade 1Lesson duration: 40 minsTeaching objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. Knowledge ai

2、ms:1)words and expression:hunger,sun-burnt, struggle, output, expand, circulate, rid.of, be satisfied with, lead a . Life,equip, freedom,would rather, with the hope of.2)Let students read the passage and learn about Yuan Longping and his hybrid strain of rice. 2. Ability aims:1)Develop studentss rea

3、ding abilities like skimming, scanning and summarizing etc.2)Enable students to talk about Yuan Longping and his hybrid strain of rice.3. Emotional aims:1) To help students have a better understanding of the great value of the scientific research done by Dr Yuan Longping.2) To get them to learn some

4、 noble character from Dr Yuan.3) To cultivate students sense of sympathy and humanism.4) To develop studentss sense of cooperative learning. Important and Difficult points:1. Teaching important points 1)To get students to read the text and learn something about the scientist ,his great achievements

5、and his personality.2)To improve students reading skills.3)To grasp the usage of some words ,phrases and sentences in the text.2. Teaching difficult points 1)Develop students reading ability.2)Enable students to talk about Yuan Longping and his hybrid strain of rice.Teaching aids: Tapes, blackboard,

6、 chalk, PPT, pictures, white papersType of the lesson: ReadingTeaching procedures:Step 1. Lead in (2 mins)1. Warming up Ask students some questions,such as,“What do you eat everyday?”“whats your main food every day?”“Who is the father of hybrid rice?”(aim: to arouse the Ss interest)Step 2.Pre-readin

7、g (3 mins) 1. To guide students to read the title of this passage and look at the picture on the screen. 2. To encourage students to predict what the text is mainly about.(aim: train students predicting ability) 3.The teacher can pick out some students to report their predications Teaching strategie

8、s:(设计思路) The Cognitive Approach: Language learning is a process which involves active mental process and not simply the forming of habits, and it lays emphasis on the conscious acquisition of language as a meaning system and seeks a basis in cognitive psychology.Step 3. While-reading (15 mins) Task

9、1. Skimming Skim the text quickly and find out the main idea of each paragraph and match the following headings with the right paragraphs. Para1 A. Dr Yuans dreams. Para2 B. Dr Yuans personality. Para3 C. Dr Yuans biography Para4 D. Dr Yuans appearance and his achievement. Teaching strategies:(设计思路)

10、 1.Task-based Language Teaching: Students should be encouraged to acquire the language through practice,that is, to get the information through questioning and exploring. 2.Skimming aims at increasing ones reading speed, understanding the text more quickly. It is an essential skill in any environmen

11、t where students have to master large volumes of information quickly. The reason for design is to develop students reading ability of skimming. Task 2. Scanning 1.Dr Yuan is more a farmer than a scientist. (F) 2.Dr Yuan is now circulating his knowledge in many other developed countries to increase t

12、heir rice harvests. (F) 3.Dr Yuan would rather work than relax.(T) 4.Dr Yuan enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people.(T)Teaching strategies:(设计思路) 1.Task-based Language Teaching .Students should be encouraged to acquire the language through practice,that is, to get the information thr

13、ough questioning and exploring. 2.Scanning is another reading strategy that involves students reading a text in order to find specific information. It is a slower process, comparing with skimming. scanning strategy is a high-speed activity, and teachers should develop questions that involve students

14、 looking for exact information in the text in a competitive type format. Task 3. Detailed reading Paragraph 1: Dr Yuans appearance and his achievement. Appearance: Yuan Longping is more like a farmer than a scientist. He has sun-burnt face and arms and a slim, strong body. Achievement: He works hard

15、 and grows super hybrid rice. In 1973, he became a pioneer to grow rice that has a high output .(设计思路:填词,可以让学生对文章更加熟悉,并且可以运用所学旳新单词) Paragraph 2: Put Dr Yuans biography in right order. a. He was born into a poor farmers family . b.He graduated from Southwest Agriculture college. c. In 1950, Chinese farmers produced fifty million tons of rice.


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