人教版2019-2020学年八年级英语下学期期末测试 B卷

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《人教版2019-2020学年八年级英语下学期期末测试 B卷》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版2019-2020学年八年级英语下学期期末测试 B卷(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、人教版2019-2020学年八年级英语下学期期末测试 B卷一、 单项选择,从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案。 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分) My son seldom has_ breakfast. It is_ unhealthy lifestyle. You must ask him to change it.A . /; anB . the; anC . the; a,D . /; a2. (2分) Has called the police? Yes, Jim has. A . everyoneB . anyoneC . no oneD . one3. (2分) We

2、put disks into the _ in the main unit. A . mouseB . monitorC . drivesD . speakers4. (2分) Dont wait for people to be friendly, show them a friendly person you are. A . whatB . howC . whenD . where5. (2分) Most children are _ in comic books because they are very _. A . interested;interestingB . interes

3、ting;interestingC . interesting;interestedD . interested;interested6. (2分) Never give up. If you keep practicing speaking English every day. youll make great progress.Thanks for encouraging me. I know .A . practice makes perfectB . it never rains but it poursC . many hands make light workD . the gra

4、ss is always greener on the other side7. (2分) We like to talk _ each other _ interesting things after school. A . with;aboutB . with; withC . about;withD . about;about8. (2分) _ Yes, Im Nike Green.A . Whats your name, please?B . Are you Mr. Green?C . Nice to meet you.D . Oh, youre Nike Green.9. (2分)

5、Is that your father?_. Its my uncle.A . Yes, that IB . No, that isntC . Yes, it isD . No, it isnt10. (2分) A CD-ROM can _ over 300,000 pages of writing, and can also _ pictures and sound. A . contains; holdsB . contained; heldC . contain; holdD . containing; holding11. (2分) He usually his homework at

6、 9:00 pmAnd then he goes to bed A . findsB . finishesC . losesD . starts12. (2分) They often go to the beaches _ vacation. A . atB . inC . forD . on13. (2分) Though Liu Xiang has retired(退役) from our national team, We will him as before.A . keep up withB . depend onC . be proud of14. (2分) Last week I

7、met my old friend Li Ming by accident but I forgot _ him for his telephone number.A . askB . askingC . asksD . to ask15. (2分) I cant believe _ a little girl can write _ well.A . so; soB . such; suchC . so; suchD . such; so16. (2分) (2019九上淮安期中) When did you know there would be an important meeting? _

8、 Sandy called me this morning.A . SinceB . TillC . Not untilD . While17. (2分) (2019达州) Jeff, could you tell me if it_ tomorrow. If it _tomorrow, I will stay at home. Its reported that it will be sunny, lets go camping on the Fenghuang mountain.A . rain; rainB . rains; rainsC . will rain; rainsD . wi

9、ll rain; will rain18. (2分) Our family photo is _ on the wall of the sitting room. A . hangB . hungC . hangedD . hunged19. (2分) “Alex,I think two hours of TV is enough for you.” “Could I at least finish_this show?”A . watchingB . to watchC . watch20. (2分) (2016八下苏州期中) - Thanks for showing me how to s

10、tart this online tour. - _.A . Never mindB . It doesnt matterC . Of course notD . Its my pleasure二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分) (2015八上温州期末) 阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A boy thought that he was the most unhappy person in the world. In his opinion, he was unlucky because almost everythin

11、g1always happened to him. He wanted to find the 2 to happiness. He walked a long way and finally came to a beautiful palace. There, he met the king.After learning3 the boy came, the king suggested that he should look around the palace and come back in two hours. “At the same time, I want you to hold

12、 this spoon 4milk,” said the king. “As you walk around my palace, carry this spoon5 without spilling the milk.”The boy kept his eyes fixed on the spoon and began to walk around the golden palace. After two hours, he came back to the king. “Well,” asked the king. “Did you 6 the wonderful paintings in

13、 my dining hall? Did you enjoy the colorful flowers in the garden?” The boy felt sorry because he saw7. He only paid attention to the milk.Then go back and you can see the beauty of my world.” said the king. This time the boy saw all of the works of art on the walls. He saw the great gardens and hills all around. He had a great time8 he was walking around the palace. When he9, he described everything he saw.But where is the milk?” asked the king. Looking down at the spoon he held, the boy saw the milk was gone. “Well, there is only one piece of10 I can give y


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