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1、(一)第一部分:中华文明 Chinese civilizationsivilaizein文明摇篮 cradlekreidl of civilization华夏祖先 the Chinese ancestorsnsist秦始皇帝 First Emperorempr, Emperor Chin皇太后 Empressemprs 女皇;皇后 Dowagerdad(r)皇太后;太后 汉高祖刘邦 founder of the Han Dynastydnst (206BC-220AD)成吉思汗 Genghis Khangegs k:n ; Temujin夏朝 Xia Dynasty明清两代 (of) Ming

2、 and Qing dynasties地名:特别注意四川和陕西拼法四川 Sichuan, Szechwan, Szechuan陝西 Shaanxi四大发明 the four great inventions nvenn of ancientennt China火药 gunpowder gnpad(r)印刷术 printing prnt造纸术 paper-making指南针 the compass汉字 Chinese character krkt(r)单音节 single syllable slbl n. 音节汉语四声调 the four tones tun of Chinese charact

3、ers阳平 level levl tone阴平 rising tone 上声 falling-rising tone去声 falling tone四书 the Four Books大学 The Great Learning中庸 The Doctrine dktrn of the Mean论语 The Analects nlekts 文选,论集 of Confucius knfju:s孟子 The Menciusmens春秋 the Spring and Autumn Annalsnlz 编年史史记 Historicalhstrkl Recordsrek:d诗经 The Books of Son

4、gs; The Book of Odesdz 颂诗,颂歌书经 The Books of Historyhstr易经 I Chingt; The Book of Changestends礼记 The Book of Ritesrats 仪式,典礼孝经 Book of Filialflil 子女的 Pietypat 虔诚,虔敬孙子兵法 The Art of War三字经 The Three-Character Scriptureskrpt(r) 经文,圣典; The Three-Word Chantt:nt 吟颂,咏唱三国演义 Three Kingdoms西游记 Journey to the We

5、st; Pilgrimageplrmd 朝圣之旅 to the West红楼梦 Dreamdri:m of the Red Mansionsmnn 大厦;宅第山海经 The Classic of Mountains and Rivers资治通鉴 Historyhstr as a Mirrormr(r); Comprehensive History Retold as a Mirror for Rulers西厢记 The Romance of West Chambertemb(r)水浒传 Heroeshr of the Marshesm: 沼泽,湿地; Tales of the Water Ma

6、rgin聊斋志异 Strange Tales of a Lonelylnl Studiostju:d 工作室,画室; Strange Tales from Make-Do代用的;权宜的 Studio围城 Fortressf:trs 堡垒,要塞 Besiegedbsdd 包围,围困阿Q正传 The True Story of Ah Q五言绝句 five-character quatrainkwtren 四行诗七言律诗 seven-character octavektv 高八度音;八度和音 八股文 eight-part essayese 散文;随笔; stereotypedsteri: tapt

7、套用陈规的 writing重要文化遗产 major cultural heritagehertd优秀民间艺术 outstanding folkfk arts文物 cultural relicsrelk 遗物,遗迹中国画 traditional Chinese painting书法 calligraphyklgrfi水墨画 Chinese brushbr painting; inkk and wash painting工笔 traditional Chinese realistic painting中国结 Chinese knotnt旗袍 Cheongsamt:sm中山装 Chinese tun

8、ictju:nk 长袍 suitsu:t唐装 traditional Chinese garments (clothing); Tang suit朝廷使者 royalrl court envoyenv 使节,外交官;文人 men of letters雅士 refinedrfand 经过改良的;举止优雅的 scholarsskl(r) 奖学金获得者;学者表演艺术 performing art现代流行艺术 popular art, pop art纯艺术 high art高雅艺术 refined art电影艺术 cinematographicsnmtrfk 电影的 art戏剧艺术 theatrica

9、litrkl 戏剧的 art才子佳人 gifted scholarsskl(r) and beautiful ladies生 (男性正面角色) male (the positive male role)旦 (女性正面角色) female (the positive female role)净 (性格鲜明的男性配角) a supporting male role with strikingstrak character丑 (幽默滑稽或反面角色) a clownklan or a negative role花脸 painted role歌舞喜剧 musical滑稽场面, 搞笑小噱头 shtickt

10、k滑稽短剧 skitskt京剧人物脸谱 Pekingpi:ki Operapr Mask皮影戏 shadowd play; leatherle(r) -silhouetteslet 轮廓,剪影 show说书 story-telling叠罗汉 make a human pyramidprmd折子戏 operapr highlights踩高跷 stiltstlt 支柱;高跷 walk哑剧 pantomimepntmam; mimemam哑剧演员 pantomimistpntmamst戏剧小品 skitskt马戏 circuss:ks show单口相声 monologuemnl 独白;独角戏 com

11、ic talk, standup comedykmd特技表演 stuntstnt相声 witty dialogue comedykmd, comic cross talk杂技 acrobaticskrbtks京韵大鼓 the traditional story-telling in Beijing dialect with drumdrm 鼓;鼓状物 accompanimentkmpnimnt 伴奏;伴随物秦腔 Shaanxi operapr武术 martialm:l 军事的;战争的 art功夫 kung fuk fu:武术门派 styles or schools of martialm:l

12、art习武健身 practice martial art for fitness气功 qigongk, deep breathingbri: exercisesekssazz拳击 boxing篆刻 sealsi:l 密封;印章;海豹 cutting upriteous工艺, 手艺 workmanship / craftsmanship kr:ftsmnp卷轴 scroll skrl蜡染 batik bti:k泥人 clay kle figure漆画 lacquer lk(r) 漆,天然漆painting唐三彩 Trio tri: -colored glazedglezd 像玻璃的potteryptr 陶器of the Tang Dynasty景泰蓝 cloisonn文房四宝 The four stationery stenri 文具;办公用品treasures trez of the Chinese study - a writing brush, an ink stick, an ink stone and paper民间传说 folklores fkl:(r)寓言 fable febl传说 legend神话 mythology mld古为今用,洋为中用 make the past serve the present and the foreign serve ch


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