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1、带介词to的词块分类汇总带介词to的词块分类汇总带介词to的词块分类汇总时间1. date back to 追溯到The church dates back to the 13th century. 这座教堂始 建于13世纪。动作2. hold on to 抓住;保住;保存Hold on to my arm. 抓紧我的胳膊。I will hold on to your mail for you until you get back. 你回来之前我将一直替你保管你的邮件。关朕3. relate to把联系起来;与有相关In the future, pay increases will be re

2、lated to productivity. 以后,工资的增加将和业绩挂钩。We shall discuss the problem as it relates to our specific case. 我们应针对我们的具体情况来讨论这个问题。4. connect . to .使连接,接通First connect the printer to the puter. 首先把打印机 与计算机接通。5. join . . to . 把和连接起来The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge. 这 个岛有一座桥与大陆相连。情感6. prefer .

3、 . to .与比更喜欢I prefer walking to cycling. 与骑自行车相比,我更喜欢 步行。7. take to开始喜欢;对产生好感I took to it immediately. 我立刻就喜欢上了它。He hasnt taken to his new school. 他对新学校还没产 生兴趣。拓展:take to doing养成习惯Mary has taken to getting up at 6 and going jogging. 玛丽养成了6点起床去慢跑的习惯。8. be attached to 附属于;喜欢;依恋The research unit is att

4、ached to the university. 这个 研究单位附属于大学。We have grown very attached to the house. 我们变得非 常喜欢这座房子。9. be addicted to 对上瘾;沉溺于50 million Americans are addicted to nicotine. 五千万 美国人有烟瘾。He is addicted to puter games. 他迷上了电脑游戏。10. look forward to 期待Im looking forward to the weekend. 我盼着过周末呢。 Were really looki

5、ng forward to seeing you again. 我 们非常盼望着能再见到你。11. look up to 尊敬Ive always looked up to Bill for his courage and determination.我一向佩服比尔的勇气和决心。态度12. be opposed to 反对Most of us are opposed to the death penalty. 我们大多 数人都反对死刑。She remained bitterly opposed to the idea of moving abroad. 她仍然强烈反对移居国外。13. obje

6、ct to 反对;不赞成Many local people object to the building of the new airport. 许多当地的居民反对兴建新机场。14. agree to sth 同意某事I cant agree to anything without my partnersapproval.没有合伙人的认可我什么也不能答应。15. admit to 承认Dont be afraid to admit (to) your mistakes. 不要怕 认错。She admits (to) being strict with her children. 她承 认对自己

7、的孩子很严厉。Paul admitted to me that he sometimes feels jealous of my friendship with Tom. 保罗向我承认,说他有时候嫉妒我 与汤姆的友谊。16. turn a blind eye / deaf ear to 对视而不见/对充耳不闻Teachers were turning a blind eye to smoking in school. 老师对学生在学校里抽烟睁一只眼闭一只眼。The factory owners turned a deaf ear to the demands of the workers. 工

8、厂主对工人们的要求置若罔闻。17. be open to对(持)开放(态度)Im open to suggestions for what you would like to do in our classes. 我很乐意听听你们对课堂活动的建议。Managers need to be open to your ideas. 管理人员需要 乐于接纳新思想。交往18. respond to回答,回应;对做出反应She never responded to my letter. 她从来没给我回过 信。How did they respond to the news? 他们对这则消息有什 么反应。1

9、9. reply to 回答;回应reply to a question / an advertisement 回答问题 /回 应广告The terrorists replied to the governments statement with more violence. 恐怖分子以更多的暴力事件来回应政府的 声明。20. turn to 转向;翻到;求助于The road turns to the left after the church. 这条路过 了教堂之后向左转弯。Turn to page 64. 翻到第64页。She has nobody she can turn to. 她求

10、助无门。21. be good to 对好He was very good to me when I was ill. 我生病时他对我 关怀备至。拓展:be kind to对和善;be bad to对不好22. be sensitive to 对体恤的;对敏感的She is very sensitive to other peoples feelings. 她很能体谅他人的情感。My teeth are very sensitive to cold food. 我的牙齿对 冷食过敏。23. treat sb to sth 请客;款待We treated Mom to lunch at a ne

11、wly-opened restaurant.我们在一家新开的饭店请妈妈吃午饭。I treated myself to a new dress. 我慰劳自己,买了一条 新的连衣裙。24. help oneself / sb to 自己取/ 帮他人取(食物等) Please help yourself to some cake. 请随便吃蛋糕。Can I help you to some more salad? 再给你来点色拉好 吗?25. drink (a toast) to 为干杯;propose atoast to (sb) (为某人)祝酒Lets drink to Julia and he

12、r new job. 让咱们为朱莉娅 和她的新工作干杯。Id like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.我提议为新郎和新娘干杯。26. be senior to 年龄长于;资历 /职位高于He is senior to me by ten years. / He is ten years senior to me. 他比我大10岁。He is senior to me.他的职位比我髙。27. owe . to把归功于;归功(于某事)I owe everything to him. 我的一切都归功于他。Their success owes mo

13、re to good luck than to careful management. 他们的成功更多靠的是运气,而不是悉心经营。28. be engaged to 与订婚She is engaged to Peter. 她与彼得定了婚。29. be married to 和结婚She is married to John. 嫁给了约翰。30. be faithful / loyal to 对忠诚Do you think Bob has always been faithful to you? 你 认为鲍勃一直对你忠诚吗?She has always remained loyal to her

14、 political principles. 她总是信守自己的政治原则。31. mean sth to sb 对某人重要(有价值)Your friendship means a great deal to me. 你的友谊对 我来说是很珍贵的。Her children mean the world to her. 她的孩子就是她的 一切。32. appeal to sb 对某人有吸引力The design has to appeal to all ages and social groups. 设计得雅俗共赏,老幼皆宜。了解33. be no / a stranger to sth 熟悉 /熟

15、悉某事China is no stranger to massive earthquakes. 大地震在 中国并不罕见。Im a stranger to the operation of the puter. 我不熟悉电脑操作。拓展:be new to对陌生34. be familiar to 为所熟悉The smell is familiar to everyone who lives near a bakery. 住在面包店附近的人都很熟悉这种气味。拓展:be familiar with 熟悉Everyone who lives near a bakery is familiar with the smell. 住在面包店附近的人都很熟悉这种气味。35. be known to 为所知He was known to his friends as John. 他的朋友们都叫他 约翰。谈到想到36. refer to 谈到;参考;查阅We agreed never to refer to the matter again. 我们同 意永远不再提这件事。You know who Im refe


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