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1、C级词汇讲解第01讲 职称英语核心词汇一C级词汇(一)核心词汇讲解C级 abandonShe gave up her job and started writing poetry. (2010) 老师手写内容: throw away 扔掉,丢弃 cancel 取消,删除 desert 遗弃,放弃 abolishOther petitioners cal led on the Prime Minister to abolish the monarchy. (2008) 老师手写内容: destroy 破坏;消灭;毁坏 get rid of 摆脱,除去 remove 移动,迁移;开除;调动 abr

2、oadTrade makes it possible for her surplus manufactured goods to be traded abroad for the agricultural products. (2006) absentMore than 100 students were absent from school due to f1u1ike symptoms last week. (2010) 讲义编号N0DE50489600010100000101:针对本讲义提问absolute老师手写内容:relative 相对的absorbAs a component o

3、f numerous over-the-counter diet pi 1 Is and pain relievers, caffeine increases their effectiveness and helps the body absorb them more quickly. (2012)abstractToday, high-tech warfare is no longer an abstract concept, but a real issue. (2006) academic academy accept acceptance acceptableThere are no

4、 acceptable 1imits, and there are no acceptable prejudices in the 21st century in our country. (2009) 老师手写内容: receive 收到;接待;接纳 satisfaction满意,满足access, have / gain access to accident accommodate, accommodationBut such techniques do not really keep cars off the road; they only accommodate more of the

5、m. (2013) Q讲义编号NODE50489600010100000102:针对本讲义提问accompanyaccomplishaccordance, in accordance with account: account for on account of on all accounts on no accounttake into account老师手写内容:complete 完成achieve 取得;获得;实现;成功finish 完成;结束:用完accounting 会计学accountant会计人员explain 解释description描述accurateThe total q

6、uantity of water is not known very accurately, but it is about enough to cover the surface of the globe to a depth of about two and three-quarter kilometers. (2009)accuseMadoff was accused of fraud, and the United States government officials arrested him. (2012)老师手写内容:precise精确的;明确的;严格的be accused of

7、精确的:明确的:严格的讲义编号N0DE50489600010100000103:针对本讲义提问accustom be accustomed toachieve achievementacknowledgeacquireThe rate at which they acquired language. (2013) acuteThe instinctive reaction to acute pain is to stop moving and to try to protect the source of pain. (2011) 老师手写内容: be used to 习惯于 accompli

8、sh v,完成:实现:达到 accomplishment n,完成:实现:达到 get 使得;获得;受到;变成 obtain 使得;获得:受到;变成 gain 增加;获利 addition, additional adequateThe food is inadequate for ten people. (2007) admissionWith my good performance at school, I got admission to graduate school at one of China* s best universities. (2006) 老师手写内容: additi

9、on 添加;数加法;增加物 extra 额外的, enough 足够的 sufficient足够的:充分的admit 承认:容许permission允许,许可 consent 同意,赞成 approval 批准agree 同思讲义编号NODE50489600010100000104:针对本讲义提问adoptThere are several benefits of adopting green roof technologies. (2008) advantageOne advantage of this revolutionary idea is that geographical loca

10、tion wi11 become irrelevant. (2006) affectFrom a player s perspective, his game (风格)can affect the entire team. (2009) 老师手写内容: accept 承认;同意;承兑 use 使用 employ 使用;雇用 benefit 利益,好处;救济金 disadvantage 利益,好处 effect 影响 result 结果;导致;产生 influence影响impact 影响 bearing 忍受的影响affordThey give clothing a second life,

11、provide cheaper clothing for those who can t afford to buy new ones and generate income for charities. (2009)老师手写内容:have the ability to 有能力做某事 offensive攻击的;冒犯的;无礼的;讨厌的aggressiveShe gets aggressive when she is drunk. (2013) 。讲义编号NODE50489600010100000105:针对本讲义提问aid airlineBudget airlines like Easyjet

12、and Ryanair fly domestically. (2007) alarmIf your sleep is cut short by the alarm clock, how damaging is it? (2011) alcoholObesity and alcohol consumption may also lead to some other diseases. (2010) 老师手写内容: help 帮助 assistance帮助,协助alliance allow alone alternativeAlternative punishments like communit

13、y service and fines don t convey moral condemnation of the criminal. (2008) 讲义编号N0DE50489600010100000106:针对本讲义提问第02讲 职称英语核心词汇一C级词汇(二)altitude(2008)A booster rocket (助推火箭)carries the Hyper-X to an altitude of about 100, 000 feet for its test flight, amateurOperatunity is a TV talent show for amateur

14、opera singers. (2011)老师手写内容:part-time兼职的full-time专职的amazingThe human body is truly amazing. (2011)老师手写内容:surprising令人惊讶的shocking令人震惊的startling令人吃惊的astonishing令人惊讶的ambition, ambitiousAmbition and determination have always been a big part of Ellen s personality. (2010)analysisAnalysis suggests that an

15、other massive earthquake would cause extensive damage. (2010)老师手写内容:analyze 分析anniversaryYesterday was our three-year anniversary.讲义编号NODE50489600010200000101:针对本讲义提问announcementMost people, after hearing your announcement, wi11 be curious about the next step. (2006)老师手写内容:notice通知,布告declaration宣布,公告annoyMany people do this on subways, but it is really annoying. (2009)老师手写内容:anger发怒,发火makeangry使生气irritate恼怒,激怒upset心烦,扰乱enrage激怒anticipate老师手写内容:expect期待,期望anxiety, anxiousDoctors might suggest anti-anxiety or antidepressant medicines. (2008)老



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