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1、专八写作万能句型一、引出各方观点There exists a philosophy that.人们有这样一种想法While many advocate.,I believe its a better idea to.虽然诸多人倡导,但我相信是更好主意。A debate is therefore inevitably touched off.一场辩论于是一触即发。二、引用名人名言As. rightly/aptly put it,“.”正如恰当说法同样:“”There is a satirical saying in China which goes like this,.中华人民共和国有这样一句

2、布满挖苦俗话:As. eloquently pronounced,.正如有力地指出,三、指浮现象或争议话题Recently,. have caused much controversy.近来,引起了广泛争议。It is now a common practice to.目前是个很普遍做法。With the increasing concerns about.,people are calling for.随着人们日益关注问题,人们疾呼四、体现赞同I think it is universally acknowledged that.我觉得是被广泛承认。In brief,it is appare

3、nt that. is a more sensible choice to.总之,很明显,对来说,是一种明智选用。As far as I see it,it is natural that.,and it is also understandable that.就我个人看来,很正常,并且也可以理解。五、体现反对Nevertheless,upon careful consideration,it is not such a wise choice after all.但是,仔细想想,这终归不是明智之选。I think such behaviour is understandable but by

4、 no means recommendable.我觉得这种做法可以理解,但不应当鼓励。.is a reckless action which merely scratches the surface of the problem.是不经考虑行为,也必然于事无补。六、论述因素To conclude,the epidemic of. is brought/caused both by. and by.综上所述,盛行是由以及共同催生。In my eyes,the causes of increasing. in China mainly lie in.在我看来,增长重要因素在于One of the

5、chief causes of todays. is the fact that.导致如今重要因素之一就是这一事实。七、提出建议So I believe that. can be considered as a positive way in.因此我相信,是一种积极应对措施。In my opinion,there are three aspects to be improved so that.在我看来,有三个方面需要提高,以便Its urgent that issues like this be openly discussed and.此类问题需要公开讨论,并且,这是十分迫切。八、指出某事

6、物积极作用Serving as a.,. helps. to better realize.作为,有助于更好地去认知I think it is a win-win strategy that benefits both. and.我觉得,这是一种双赢方略,对和均有利。The increasing popularity of. demonstrates that the benefits of. are multiple.流行反映出有多种方面好处。九、指出某事物悲观后果To sum up,. may seem a convenient option at first sight,but it m

7、ay cause problems if.总之,乍看是很以便选用,但如果,就会产生许多问题。It is without doubt an unwise way applied at the expense of.毫无疑问,以为代价而采用这一做法是不明智。Resorting to. is a short-sighted solution,which would cause.诉诸是一种短视解决措施,会导致十、作出一分为二辩证总结Despite the concern that.,I am convinced that.尽管存在担忧,但我相信Although talking about. might

8、 seem unacceptable,we have to acknowledge that.尽管谈到或许显得不能接受,我们必要承认While I am in support/favor of.,I am not suggesting that.尽管我支持,我不是倡导十一、体现对比. may be important,but it is. that makes things happen.也许是很重要,但却是保证了成功。Weighing the pros and cons,its better to. instead of.权衡利弊,最合适措施应当是而不是十二、举例阐明A case in po

9、int is.一种典型例子是The recent incident happened in. proves.近来发生在事件证明A simple example can be drawn from.可以从得到一种简朴例子。十三、强调重要性. should never be underestimated.绝不能低估Not only does it symbolize.,but also act as.它不仅象征着,并且还作为十四、体既有条件赞同或反对Though we cannot deny the defects. may bring,the advantages can surely outw

10、eigh its disadvantage if we can.虽然我们不能否认也许带来局限性,但如果我们可以,它好处必然会超过害处。In this case,I think. should be encouraged to. if time permits,because it can benefit them a lot.在这种状况下,如果时间容许,应当鼓励去做,由于这对她们大有益处。Its thus my belief that. should never be sacrificed to make way for.因而,我觉得我们不应当牺牲来实现十五、发出号召或警示In conclus

11、ion,it takes the endeavor of both. and. to.总之,需要和努力来. is a wake-up call for young people,especially.,that its crucial to.为年轻人,特别是,敲响了警钟,让我们意识到至关重要。If not dealt with properly,.如果得不到恰当解决,So before one rushes to sign up for.,he should consider.因此在急于参与之前,应当先考虑清晰。十六、论证之后进行小结. also testifies to the fact that.同样证明了事实。This story vividly echoes .s quotation.这个故事巧妙地呼应了名言The. is a hard evidence to demonstrate that.是一种确凿证据,表白十七、作出总结In this regard,it is fair to say that.在这一点上,可以说From what have been discussed above,it can be concluded that.综上所述,可以得出结论:It is hence not surprising that.因而,也就局限性为奇了。



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