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1、五年级人教新起点英语上册阅读理解周末专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读短文,判断正误。Lily: Hi, Amy. What do you do on Saturdays?Amy: I often watch TV, read books and do homework.Lily: What do you do on Sundays?Amy: I often play computer games and do housework with my mother. What about you?Lily: I often watch TV and play football on Saturd

2、ays. I often read books and play thepipaon Sundays.Amy: Oh. Thats nice.( )(1)Amy and Lily often do homework on Saturdays.( )(2)Lily often plays thepipaon Sundays.( )(3)Amy can help her mother do housework.( )(4)Lily watches TV on Saturdays.( )(5)Amy does homework on Sundays.2. 短文阅读。(1)Sunny English

3、Club is for _.A. nurses B. policemen C. businessmen D. students(2)You will pay _ if you want to stay in the English club for half a year.A. 300 yuan B. 600 yuan C. 1,200 yuan D. 2,400 yuan(3)You can visit Ocean Museum _.A. on Saturday B. on Wednesday C. on Monday D. anytime(4)One can get free examin

4、ations in Health Centre if he is _.A. 9 B. 17 C. 67 D. 73(5)If you are interested in the life of fish, you should go to _.A. Health CentreB. Ocean MuseumC. Sunny English ClubD. 16 Yong Le Street3. 根据表格内容,判断句子正误。( )(1)Sandys birthday is on the third of February.( )(2)Tims birthday is on the twentieth

5、 of April.( )(3)Jenny s birthday is on the twelfth of May.( )(4)Sams birthday is in October and Bills birthday is in September.( )(5)Christmas Day is in December.4. 阅读短文,判断正()误()。Tom is my new classmate. Hes eleven. He is from London. But he likes China very much. Now he lives in Beijing. He is a li

6、ttle fat. He has a round face and big blue eyes. His hair is yellow. His nose, mouth and ears are big. He likes blue. He likes wearing a blue T-shirt and blue jeans. He likes playing football. He can play it very well. We often play football after school.() (1) Tom is an English boy.() (2) Toms hair

7、 and eyes are blue.() (3) He lives in England now.() (4) Tom likes playing basketball.() (5) Tom likes blue.5. 读短文,完成填空。Hello, my name is Bill, I live in a small city(城市) with my parents. But my grandparents live in a village.My father likes the city. In the city, there are tall buildings and nice c

8、ars. He can do many kinds of things and eat many kinds of food.But I like the village. Its so beautiful. The trees are green. And the flowers are colorful. I can do kung fu with my grandpa in the morning. There is a river beside the village. The water is clean(干净的). In summer, I can swim in it.(1)Bi

9、lls father likes the city, because there are talland nice.He canmany kinds of food.(2)Bill thinks(认为) the village is.There are green, colorfuland a clean. He canin it.6. 阅读判断。My new Chinese teacher is Miss White. She is funny and kind. Her favourite food is salad because it is fresh and healthy. She

10、 can sing English songs and play the guitar. There is a lake in front of her house. Behind the house, there is a mountain. So she often climbs the mountain and plays some sports on the weekend. I like my Chinese teacher.( )(1)Miss White is my new English teacher.( )(2)She likes to eat salad because

11、it is fresh and healthy.( )(3)Miss White can sing Chinese songs and play the pipa.( )(4)Her house is between a lake and a mountain.( )(5)I dont like my Chinese teacher.7. 阅读理解。阅读对话,回答问题。Waiter:Excuse me. Can I help you? Heres the menu.Zip:What would you like, Zoom?Zoom:Let me see. Id like a sandwich

12、, some salad and beef. What about you, Zip?Zip:Me? Mmm Id like some vegetables, soup and fish. Would you like something to drink?Zoom:Yes. A bottle of juice, please.Zip:I dont like juice. Milk, please.Waiter:OK! Wait a minute.Zoom and Zip:Thanks.1Are Zoom and Zip at home? 2What would Zoom like to ea

13、t? 3What would Zoom like to drink? 4Does Zip like juice? 8. 短文阅读。Im going to the village to visit my grandma tomorrow. And my grandmas birthday is coming. Mum is going to make a big birthday cake for her. Dad is going to buy a coat for her. I will take a present for her,too. But I dont know what to

14、take. My mother says, What about making a card for your grandma? You can write your wishes on it. Thats a good idea. I think my grandma will be happy when she gets my present.( )(1)Im going to theto visit my grandma.A.town B.city C.village( )(2)My birthday is coming.A.grandmas B.cousins C.grandpas(

15、)(3)Mum is going to make a for my grandma.A.kite B.cake C.card( )(4)is going to buy a coat for her.A.Dad B.Mum C.My sister( )(5)My grandma will be when she gets my present.A.early B.happy C.angry9. 阅读小短文,判断对错。Mike is new at school, but he has many friends at school. He likes playing football with his classmates.


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