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1、通信工程外场测试常用英语例句We have a major problem about the testing of Globe. We need you to solve the problem.关于Globe的测试,现在遇到了很大的困难,需要你出面解决一下。We havent done any testing for three days, and I dont know how long this situation is going to last.我们已经3天没有开始正式测试了,我不知道这样的情况还会持续多长时间。According to the original testing p

2、lan, we have to finish all the items by the end of next week.根据之前双方的测试计划,我们下周末就必须完成所有条目的测试。Its very urgent so I need you to make arrangements with the testing engineer from the operator.这个非常紧张,所以需要你来协调局方测试人员的安排。During the test today, the operator engineers mentioned one function that is very importa

3、nt to them and must be tested.今天测试过程中,局方提到一个功能,说对他们来说比较重要,一定要测试。But our lab has already explained that the product doesnt support the function. I need you to discuss this issue with the operator.但是这个功能所内前期已经反馈不支持,需要你和局方进行协商。Ive discussed with the operator about this in detail during the testing toda

4、y.今天测试的时候又和局方详细的沟通了一下。The operator wants the hardware SN function. 局方想要的是设备的硬件序列号功能。They want a unique serial number for every board. Even for boards of the same kind, the serial numbers have to be different.他们要求每个序列号对于每个单板都是唯一的,而且对于同一类型的单板,每块单板的序列号也都是要不同的。The operator said that in this way they can

5、 collect and manage the data. And they will be able to know the exact location of each board. Itll make the management easier.局方说这样他们就可以将这些数据收集并管理起来,就可以知道具体那一块单板在哪个地方,便于管理。In the earlier stage of testing, the operator required equipment with E1 uplink instead of IP uplink, so we can only provide the

6、 current equipment.本次测试前期,由于局方需要的是E1上行而不是IP上行的设备,导致只能选择现在这款设备来应对。It has seriously affected our regular testing plan. We are one week behind the schedule.这已经严重影响到了正常的测试计划,我们比原先预定的测试计划延误了一周。It is an old model and during the earlier stage of development, the chip doesnt support the hardware SN function

7、.这款设备是比较成熟的产品了,在开发初期芯片还不支持这个功能。The new model that we are developing now supports this function but doesnt support E1 uplink.目前开发的新产品都是支持硬件序列号的,但是不支持E1上行。It can realize a unique hardware type and serial number for each board. But for the boards of the same type, the serial numbers are the same.新产品能实现

8、每块单板的硬件类型和硬件序列号,但是对于同一类型的单板,这个序列号是相同的。Because of this the operator thought that we didnt meet their requirement.只是这样局方认为我们的实现不符合他们的要求。The format was customized as the operator required. 局方要求的格式是定制的。We did meet their requirement earlier but the operator testing engineer said there was an extra space

9、after he checked it. We modified the format twice at the lab but both times there was an incorrect symbol. 之前已经按照局方定制的要求实现了,但是局方看了后说是多了一个空格,后来家里改了2次,都有个符号不对。:Now we have customized the format in full accordance with the operators requirement.目前已经完全按照局方的要求定制好了。And Ive tested it myself. We can show it

10、 to the operator tomorrow morning.而且我也自测验证好了,明天一早就可以给局方演示。Weve finished testing all the items that can be tested today. Two items cannot be tested now.今天我们完成了所有可以完成的测试条目,但是还有2个条目目前无法测试。This time our narrow band voice service is connected with HWs softswitch via H.248 protocol.我们本次窄带语音业务是和HW的软交换是按H.2

11、48协议进行对接的。Formal testing started last Monday. 正式测试是在上周一开始的。The basic services and some supplementary services have been tested and all have passed.基本的业务和一些补充业务都已经测试完成并通过了。Only the third-party call and conference call were not tested because the softswitch hasnt been configured yet.只有三方电话和会议电话由于软交换上没

12、有配置,无法进行测试。Ive talked to the maintenance person of HW for many times, but he didnt cooperate at all. Ive also notified the operator of the situation many times.我已经和HW的维护人员沟通过很多次,但对方根本不配合我们,而且此事我也多次和局方测试人员进行通报。The testing engineers of the operator cant help and they cant operate HWs softswitch equipm

13、ent. Now we are stuck on this problem.局方测试人员目前也帮不上,而且局方测试人员也不会操作HW的软交换设备,所以目前就是卡在这个地方。Really? Can you explain the situation in detail?是吗?具体的情况是什么样的,你详细给我说一下。During our last meeting with the operator, it was confirmed that the testing engineer will fully cooperate with us and he wouldnt be given othe

14、r tasks during the testing period. 上次我们和局方的正式会议就确定了,局方测试人员的配合,局方领导说测试期间不会给该测试人员安排其他的工作。Ill talk with the testing engineers leader and find out whats going on.我和局方这个测试人员的领导沟通一下,了解一下局方那边的说法。In addition, Im going to visit the high level leaders of the operator tomorrow so Ill ask them to solve this pro

15、blem and ensure the testing progress.另外我明天正好要去拜访局方的高层,我会再和局方的高层把这个事情落实好,保证我们的测试进度。Do your best with the testing now. If there are any other problems, call me.你这边测试方面还是坚持一下,另外若再有其他问题,也请及时联系我。This requirement from the operator sounds very reasonable.局方的需求听起来非常合理呀。Everything went well last week. The te

16、sting engineer from the operator came with me to test every day, and the testing went very well.上周一周我们的测试是比较正常的,局方的测试工程师每天都来和我一起进行测试,测试进展也比较顺利Today I received phone calls from the testing engineer of the operator. He said option 82 has been tested three times, but the results didnt meet their standards. What happened?今天我接到局方测试人员的电话,说


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