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1、小学三年级新概念下册英语看图写单词专项易考题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1.I like this_2.I can help the old_.3.I dont like_. 4. I like_.5. The_is in the zoo.6. Look at this_.7. I dont like_.2. 算账。1chicken+juice=_yuan.2fish+rice=_yuan.3milk+juice=_yuan.4dumplings+rice=_yuan.5noodles+chicken=_yuan.3. 看图,写出相应的大小写字母。1 23 45 67 894

2、. 读一读,写数字。1I see four pencil boxes._2I see eight eggs. _3I have three erasers. _4Im four years old._5How many pencils? _Five.5. 看图片,在横线上填写适当的字母,补全单词。1. 2. 3.ba_ ca_e foo_4. 5. 6. bl_e se_en _ird6. 看图,回答问题。1. Where is the book?2. Where is the apple?3. Where are the balls?4. Is a pencil on the desk?5.

3、 Is a ball on the box?7. 看图写单词。1 23 45 67 89 108. 观察下列图片,用“Yes, I do. ”或“No, I dont. ”作答。1Do you like pears?2Do you like grapes?3Do you like watermelons?4Do you like bananas?5Do you like apples?9. 根据图片写出正确的单词。1 23 4510. 看图片提示,填出正确的英文数字。123411. 仿照例子,写单词并连线。 1.e,d,h,a (head)A. 2.e,f,t,e B. 3.a,t,b,o C

4、. 4.u,h,m,t,o D. 5.y,a,b,b E. 6.e,r,r,a,s,e F. 7.u,s,b G. 8.r,e,a 12. 看图写句子。1-Whats this? -2-Whats that? -3-Whats this? -4-Whats that? -5-Whats this? -13. 根据所学,看图,写出单词。1 23 45 614. 认真看图,选出正确的句子。1 23 4515. 写出图片中的单词。1_ 2_3_ 4_16. 下面是John的一家,请你将所给单词的序号写在对应人物旁的横线上。(有的词可以重复使用)A. man B. woman C. boy D. gi

5、rl E. mother F. father G. grandfather H. grandmother I. mom J. dadK. grandpa L. grandma M. brother N. sister17. 读一读,在图中对应部位填序号。A. nose B. eye C. mouth D. ear E. head F. face1_2_3_4_5_6_18. 看图补全对话或句子。1I can go home_.2A: Can you see a bus?B: No. I see_.3Please_on the read!4A: Mike, point to the_.B: Wow! Its so_.19. 根据图意,写出下列玩具类单词,注意单复数。1.Look at the_. Its big.2.How many_?There are two.3.What_is the balloon?Its blue.4.Can you see the_?Yes, I can.5.-Is the ball_?Yes, it is.11 / 11


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