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1、英语朗读比赛主持稿英语朗读比赛主持稿一、开场节目。Ladies and gentlemen, before our contest, lets wele _to give us an English song Sparks fly, Wele.Wow,so wonderful! Thanks for _good performance.二、问候。Ladies and gentlemen.my honored teachers and fellow students.Good evening.Wele to our English reading contest.It is our pleasu

2、re to be the hosts of todays petition.I am I am Thanks for your ing to this petition.三、介绍评委和嘉宾。四、评分标准及奖项设置。今天,各位评委将按照英语听说考试part 1 模仿朗读部分的评分标准给分。满分为20分。朗读要得高分得做到以下几点1.发音清晰,准确2.语调正确,自然3.语流连贯,流畅4.语速适当5.无多读,少读,复读奖项设置:A:按评委所打的分数高低取一等奖2人,二等奖4人。三等奖6人,其他8人为优胜奖;B:全体学生投票选取最佳人气奖2人,最佳语音奖2人,最佳表现奖2人。五、比赛导入。My dea

3、r friends, as you know, if you want to learn English well, reading English is important and necessary.Maybe all of you are waiting for the contestants in e_pectations now.OK! Lets begin our contest.六、朗读比赛。Wele the first contestant _, who es from class_.His ic is _wele !And contestant No._, get ready

4、 ,please.Thanks for _, Contestant No._gets _points.and now lets laud for contestant no._, who es from class_.Her ic is_Wele contestant _, who es from class_.His ic is _wele !And contestant No._, get ready ,please.Thanks for _, Contestant No._gets _points.and now lets laud for contestant no._, who es

5、 from class_.Her ic is_七、中场休息。Now ladies and gentlemen, we are taking a short break and lets wele _to give us an English song_, Wele.Now ladies and gentlemen, we are taking a short break and waiting for the final results.Wele _to sing a English song _for us.At the same time, a ll the students, lets

6、take a vote for the best contestants in your hearts.欢迎_带来英语歌曲_, 同时,亲爱的同学们,请投出宝贵的一票,选出我们最优秀的竞赛选手。八、公布比赛结果。After our judges discussion, now, the e_citing moment is ing.先生们,女士们,经过评审团讨论。现在,激动人心的时刻到了。好激动啊! First, I would like to announce the prizes for e_cellence.The nersare_, congratulations!现在,就让我宣布第三名

7、的获得者,他们是_,祝贺他们!Now, I would like to announce the third prize ners .theyare_, congratulations!现在,就让我宣布第三名的获得者,他们是_,祝贺他们!Yeah.and now, what i am going to announce is the ners who the second prize.they are_congratulations!现在,我要宣布的是第三名的获得者,他们是_,祝贺他们!Ladies and gentlemen, can you feel the most e_citing m

8、oment? now, I am going to announce the first prize ner.先生们,女士们,你能感受到这激动的时刻吗?好激动啊!现在,我要宣布第一名的获得者。The first prize goes to_, congratulations!一等奖的获得者是_, 祝贺!九、老师总结及颁奖For this period, lets wele our teacher _to give us a ment for this petition.warm lause!Ladies and gentlemen, lets bring our ners onto the s

9、tage with a warm of lause.Warmly wele our leaders to give awards to our ners.十、宣誓。We have to learn English, we can learn English well, trust yourself.Can you read English? I believe you can.Now, lets make an oath.Never give up, never escape.Never forget our targets,never lose our way.Trust ourselves

10、,trust our friends.Once make a promise,never break it.Whatever we do,wherever we are,success or failure,just do it, just go ahead!十一、结束语。Well,how e_citing the contest is! One minute on the stage and ten years of practice off the stage.Rome wasnt built in one day! The road to success is never smooth or easy! I believe that all of us have e_perienced a lot today!But now I have to say:Ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls! my honored teachers and fellow students.The reading contest is over here ,thanks for your ing.Wish you a good night and have a good dream.good bye!第 5 页 共 5 页



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