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1、高等学校英语应用能力考试(b级) 作文真题 (02-202)02年2月(B级)Pat Writn(25 minuts)Drectons: Ts part is toest our abliy to do prctal wrtn. Yu are eqied to cmpltehe eld Ti Report acoding to heolloing nomaton ve in ese. Remember to your witin nhe ransltio/mpositi heet.说明:请根据所给信息,完毕下列现场考察报告。写报告人:李俊杰接受报告人: 王晓林送交报告日期:203年12月日考察

2、地点: UK工厂考察时间:自023年12月4日至2023年12月日参与考察人员:李俊杰及其团队成员内容要点:为了了解水污染问题,我们去K工厂参观一周,我们了解了污染的重要来源。工程师们向我们介绍了几种废水解决的方法。这次参观对我们的研究工作很有帮助。wrs for refence:废水解决 wasewaerteamentFil Trip ReportRepor t: Mr Ms(1)eort frm: Mr /Ms.(2)ae:(3) Tri estition:(4) Trip peiod: fromDeembr 4.23 to(5)Particants: Linje & His teamme

3、mberSummay_【参考范文】Fied Trip RporReprto: M/Ms.(1)Wg XiainRepor from:r/Ms(2)LiJunieDa:(3) Dcember 24h, 023Tri esnaton:(4)UKFat Trurose: t kow the water plltonTripperid: from Decembr 4.223 to(5)Decemer 8,02 Particpan: Li Juie &His m membersSmaryI rder to know th wterpollution, havvisite JUK fctoy fora w

4、eek. e av kown th ajorource f teplluonanthe engineesthere hve intrdce seval waysof stewater treatent. evisi ery hlpful forour research.202年6月(B级)Pat Wtin(25 mite)Direcin:Ti pt is tst ur bility to do practicalwtng You are requid tcompete theGest Expeience ard accorn to the folloig inmaion gie in Chie

5、se Remembero d your riting onte ranlatin/Cposition Shet.说明:假定你是张建林,根据所给内容填写下列顾客意见反馈表。顾客姓名:张建林顾客邮址:到达日期:203年6月1日到达时间:上午:30内容:酒店员工非常和谐,提供了良好的服务,特别是一位名叫JohnChen的员工。酒店的房间干净整洁,餐厅的食物美味可口,住店的体验很不错。但是酒店里市中心较远,建议酒店增设从酒店到地铁站的班车(shttlebus),为客人提供方便。Guestxriencearde alu oureedbakNme:(1)Emai addre:(2)Dto vii:(3)

6、Tie ofvst:(4)ir Team embers eceedyour expectatio? _Ys If ye,Pae ide the me:(5)mts:_hank you for cogour hel.Ifyou wuld like totak o ot yr experienetodyPlease ontactthGut Srvice partmntat 1888-61-1616.Pat【参考范文1】Guest ExpericeCarWeal yor fbkae:Zhng Janlini ddrs:Dat ofvst:Ju 1th,22Time of visi:1:30 AM D

7、 ouemMembers cedyur expctaion? Ye_ f yes,Pleas rode their nas:ohn en mmnts:Hot staff vryfienly,providing ood eices or us, especiallyJn Che.Htel oos areer tiy adclen,the foodi very dliius,ndexperenco livi roo nice.But tehoel is fr away rom th ownton, sgges tat increasin h hutle bs btwen ehoe and hera

8、waysttion. It canprvie oeintfr ustmesTan you for chosg ou hoe.If ouwould ie o talk t u about uexerieceody, pleas conacttheest SeviceDprtmentat 1-888-01-66.【参考范文2】Commens:Th staf f your oelarevery friedy,especially Jh Cen, erings gd ervices.he rooms in youhotel ae lean an tidy.The dssae deci. t is a

9、fantastic experinceHwever, its oa awafr downtown.Would yu pase adhutlbues fom your htl o thesubwystain? That ilake guests convenient2023年2月(B级)Par Wig(25mints)Dretos: Th par i tost ur abilit to do pracica witig Yo areuird to complete n apictio ormaording tothe ollowin nrmation gven in Cnes. Remmeroo

10、 yo wtigo th Translaion/ompostion Sheet.说明:假定你是人力资源部的员工李建新,请根据下列内容填写一份加班申请表。申请日期:203年3月日部门:人力资源部(HuResore Deatment)加班时间:2023年3月5日9:00a.m :0p.m.总加班时间:不超过8小时加班因素:公司最近需要招聘各类员工。人力资源部一周前登了招聘广告,并已收到很多求职信(apicationleter)。为了协助各部门安排面试,本人需要在周六加班一天,了解应聘人员情况,并安排面试。Overtme eest rmReqst Dte:(1)mployees Na: (2)Dep

11、armet:()Date fvertme:Marh , 2023verime edd: from(4) t5:00p.m.ota Ovrme:no oxceed (5) HoursReasos forOvertme eured:_ _【参考范文1】Rqus Dat:1) Mah1, 202/ Mar. s,2023Eploee name: 2) ianxin 员工姓名Departent:) Hu Resources Dearentte ofverime加班:rch ,203Overtim need:fom 4): .m.o 5:0 p.Total oveim: ot to exceed超过 5) 8


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