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1、2024年职场英文口语:裁员 职场英文口语:裁员 英语在职场的沟通越来越普变,假如英语口语不好的话,对工作很有影响。而且职场英语口语有其专业性,对口语的运用者也会有更高的要求,所以对英语口语不好的小伙伴如何提升职场英语口语是一个迫切须要解决的问题。今日就和大家一起来共享职场英文口语:裁员,希望能帮到大家。 职场英文口语:裁员(一) Hello again and welcome back to English at Work. 大家好,欢迎再次回到职场英语。 Last time we heard the team from Tip Top Tradinghaving a smashing ti

2、me at the launch of its plasticaubergine. 上次说到Tip Top Trading团队在塑料茄子发布会上出现了惊人的一刻。 Tom threw one at Dave from the IT department, butit missed him and went through a window! 汤姆向技术部的戴夫扔茄子,但没打中,却打破了玻璃。 It's time for Paul to hand out some harshwords.That behaviour just isn't on. 这下保罗该要讲些严厉的话了。你们的

3、行为太不合适了。 Sorry Paul but it was quite funny wasn't it?No it wasn't. 对不起,保罗,不过很有意思嘛?并没有。 Sorry Paul, Tom was just angry with Dave. 愧疚,保罗。汤姆只是和戴夫生气。 I thought he liked me but we saw him with Julie from accounts. 我以为他喜爱我,可我们看到他和会计部朱莉在一起。 Really? He seemed such a decent chap anyway, don't do

4、it again. OK? 真的?他看上去像是个正派的小伙子,总之下次别这样了,好吗? In the meantime, you're going to have to pay for that broken window. 还有你得赔偿那块碎玻璃。 What hey? BbbutNow, excuse me, I need to take this. 什么?但愧疚,我接下电话。 Hello, Paul Smith speaking.Ah, Mr Socrates yes ah, you've heard 你好,我是保罗史密斯。苏格拉底先生,你好。是的,你听说了。 职场英文口语

5、:裁员(二) Crikey, come on we'd better go.That was a good shotTom! 天哪,快,咱俩还是走吧。汤姆,打得好。 Looks like it's made an impact on Dave.Look, he'ssent Anna some flowers. 看来对戴夫影响不小啊。瞧,他给安娜送的花。 Oh there's a note on it.It says You can count onme but no name. 上面还有张便签。“你可以依靠我”,但没写名字。 That is a strange

6、thing for him to write.Hmm, it isand it's not his handwriting. 有点惊奇,不像他写的。是的,这不是他的笔迹。 Maybe a secret admirer eh?I wonder who it could be? 没准是暗恋你的人呢?我想知道究竟是谁? Are you OK Paul?You look as white as a sheet.I'm not actually. 你还好吗,保罗?你的脸白的跟纸似的。我不太好。 Mr Socrates says he's having a strategic re

7、view.A what? 苏格拉底先生说他在进行战略评估。什么? He means he's been looking at how the business is operating and how it should operate in thefuture.That sounds serious. 他是说他始终在视察业务进展,并在安排将来如何运作。听起来很严峻。 And as part of his review, he says he wants to downsize and he's asked me to step aside. 而且就他来看,他说要裁员,他让我让位。


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