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1、 学 年 度 第 一 学 期 英语 学科备课本班级: 六年级 教师: 是否初次任教: 否 教龄: 12 备 课 查 阅 记 录时 间查 阅 量评 价查 阅 人全册教材分析教学内容全书共分10个模块,一个复习模块。每个模块分为2个单元(Unit)。一般情况下,第一单元呈现本模块所要学习的语言内容,第二单元提供若干人物型练习,包括歌谣或小诗。主要是培养学生的的语感和节奏感,提高发音的准确性,了解西方的文化。Module 1对物体的长度进行问答;对物体的高度、长度、年代等特征进行描述;Module 2用一般过去时描述过去的事情;在电子邮件中用一般过去时描述过去的事情;Module 3是谈论某人是否拥

2、有某物或某人拥有何物;描述某物的来源;Module 4能对美国的节日进行描述;能对西方国家的主要节日进行描述;Module 5是描谈论能力;Module 6是描述自己或他人拥有某物;表达自己或他人没有此物;Module 7是谈论动物的一些不为人知的生活习性特征;谈论动物的生活习性;Module 8是用一般现在时态对日常行为进行问答;运用一般现在时态询问和描述事;Module 9询问某人是否想去某地;询问或谈论他人的喜好等;Module 10是表达对做什么事情有兴趣;能在上体育课前进行简单的整队。教学目标1、能在图片、图像、手势的帮助下,听懂与课本难度相当的对话、短文或其它录音材料。2、能在口头

3、表达中做到发音清楚、语调达意。3、能够仿说Listen and repeat 中的短文。4、能够模仿范例写句子。5、默写练习以写句子为主,帮助学生在巩固的基础上掌握单词或短语的功能。6、能够根据要求为图片、实物作简短的描述。7、能够仿写短文、信件。8、能够根据拼读的规律,读出简单的单词,可以借助形近 词尝试拼读新词, 并掌握部分字母组合的发音。9、能读懂与所学课文难度相当的语篇。 10、能正确朗读所学课文。教学重点够听说读写单词和短语和句子,以及Listen and say中的主要语句或句法结构和部分,Unit 2 中的主题句。教学难点语法复习主要为四个基本时态:一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过

4、去时和一般将来时。教学关键 语法复习主要为四个基本时态:一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时和一般将来时。练习要语境化,有合理的语用目的。 全册教学进度单 元内 容课 时周 次Module1对物体的长度进行问答41-2周Module2一般过去时描述过去的事情43-4周Module 3某人是否拥有某物或某人拥有何物45-6周Module 4对美国的节日进行描述47-8周Module 5 谈论能力49-10周Module 6 描述自己或他人拥有某物411-12周Module 7谈论动物的生活习性413-14周Module 8运用一般现在时态询问和描述事415-16周Module9 询问某人是否想去某

5、地417-18周Module 10 表达对做什么事情有兴趣419-20周单 元 教 学 计 划单元名称Module 1时间第一周、二周总课时4教材简析教学内容:介绍中国的长城教学目标 知识目标:1.语法/语言How long is the Great Wall?Its more than four hundred metres high! 2.单词 how long, near, along, more than, kilometre, metre, office building 能力目标:对物体的长度进行问答;对物体的高度、长度、年代等特征进行描述。 情感态度:培养学生热爱祖国热爱家乡的美

6、好情感教学目标1、 能够听说读写的单词和短语:thousand twenty more than hundred metre tell me about walk beautiful clock museum1、能够听说读写的语句:How long is the Great Wall? Its ten thousand li long.How old is the Great Wall? Its more than two thousand years old. Its twenty metres tall.2、能够访说和运用下列句子了解某个建筑或景点。 Hong long is ? Its

7、long. How old is ? Its years old. Tell me more about Its 教学重点 本模块重点学习一般现在时。教学难点主要句型是:Hong long is the Great Wall? Its ten thousand li long. How old is the Great Wall? Its more than two thousand years old. Its twenty metres tall.教学关键本模块重点学习一般现在时。单元教学进度单 元内 容课 时周 次Module 1Unit 1二课时第一周Unit 2二课时第二周课 时 备

8、 课教学内容Module 1 Unit1 The first period 教 学目 标知识目标:Hong long is the Great Wall? Its forty thousand li long. How old is the Great Wall? Its more than two thousand years old. 能力目标:对物体的长度进行问答;对物体的高度、长度、年代等特征进行描述。 情感态度:培养学生热爱祖国热爱家乡的美好情感重 点难 点本模块重点学习一般现在时。主要句型是:Hong long is the Great Wall? Its forty thousa

9、nd li long. How old is the Great Wall? Its more than two thousand years old. 教学具准 备 CD-Room, photos ,word cards教 学 过 程教学随笔Step 1 Warmer1. Revise some big numbers with students to help them with the dialog in the story.2. Write the table below on the board. Make sure the numbers are big enough for st

10、udents to see from the back of the class.What do you hear?What do you say?50006000180010000110003000450090001500018000150021003. Explain that you are going to call out a number. Students have to find the number in the “what do you hear?” column and then say the corresponding number in the “what do y

11、ou say? column.4. Then, ask the students to work in pairs.Step 2: A new lesson1. Listen , point and find “How long is?”a. Encourage then to say the names of famous buildings or landmarks in China.b. Write the names on the board.c. Tell the students you are going to play the recording and they have t

12、o tell you the name of the famous landmark in the recording.d. Ask them to read aloud the dialog.e. Tell then to underline all questions from the story.f. Tell them read the questions and find the answer.g. Tell them listen and repeat the story.2. Practice Part 1 a. Ask the students to look at the p

13、icture.b. Divide the class into halves. One side is to be Child A, the other side Child B.c. Repeat this activity with the second set of speech bubble. Part 2a. Write the words in the boxes in the students Book on the board.b. Point to the box with the text “your desk”.c. Then point to your desk at the front of the class. Ask “How long is my desk?”d. Invite a student to come up and measure the length of the desk. Then , ask the student to reply: Its x metres long.e. Repeat this activity with “your classroom” and “your arm”.Step 3 Extension activity1. Ask students to put the following obje


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