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1、汉译英短文练习1, 自从1939年以来,人们做了大量科学研究确定了烟草对人体健康危害极大。急需立法来严禁多种烟草产品广告宣传。由于这种广告总是劝人们吸更多烟,因而在很大程度应对那些健康状况恶化或由肺癌致死人们负责。Numerous scientific studies conducted since 1939 have indicated that smoking is very harmful to health. Legislation is badly needed to ban all advertising of tobacco products as it persuades pe

2、ople to smoke more and so is in a large part responsible for people with deteriorating health or those who died of lung cancer.2, 虽然有些经济学家进行了消极预测,但实际上中华人民共和国加入世界贸易组织不会给国营企业带来剧烈冲击。国际金融新闻报一篇评论认为,中华人民共和国加入世贸组织消极影响会是有限,而其为国营企业带来实质性好处是显而易见,例如说它可以更多地引进外国技术。Chinas entry into World Trade Organization (WTO.

3、will not have a radical impact on the State enterprises despite the distressing predictions of some economists. The International Financial News said in a commentary the negative effects of entering WTO would be limited while there would be substantial benefits for the state enterprises,such as the

4、introduction of more foreign technology.3, 过去50年其实并不是发明创新黄金时期。从19到1950年,变化人类生活发明有汽车、飞机、电话、收音机、电视机当然尚有核武器和计算机。而近50年来,只有为数不多发明。莫非发明源泉已经枯竭了吗?答案并非如此。实际上,发明新时代刚刚开始。Actually the last fifty years was not the golden age of invention and innovation. From 1900 to 1950,human life was transformed by such invent

5、ion as cars,aeroplanes,telephones,radios and television sets,not to mention nuclear weapons and the computer of course. In the recent 50 years since only a few inventions have been made,was the wellspring of invention drying up?Not likely. Indeed,a new age of invention is just beginning.4. 在现代世界中信息灵

6、通是非常重要。许多领域成功取决于获取最新信息。同步,决策失误往往是由于缺乏必要信息。因而,咱们称这个时代为信息时代。伴随社会发展,人们可以预见,在未来社会中信息作用更为重要,没有信息,咱们就如同盲人,寸步难行。It is of great importance to be well-informed in the modern world. Success in many fields depends on getting the latest information. At the same time,failure in policy-making often results from t

7、he lack of necessary information. Therefore,we call the current era “the information will play an increasingly important part in future society. Without information we would act like the blind and could make no further step forward.5. 受过良好教导大学生对任何国家来说都是一笔财富。遗憾是,人才外流已给许多发展中华人民共和国家工业和经济导致了困难。由于那里急需工程师

8、、科学家、经理和其她专门人才。在那里更需要这些人才发展工业和经济。The well-educated university students are a treasure to any country. It is a pity that the brain drain of the talented has caused some difficulties in the development of industries in many developing countries. In these countries,engineers,scientists,managers and oth

9、er professionals are badly needed. They are needed to develop the industry and economy there.6. 中华人民共和国深入发展经济、扩大开放,对各国企业意味着更多商机。改革开放以来,中华人民共和国企业与国外、海外企业积极开展经济技术合作,获得了巨大成就。这些企业协助了中华人民共和国企业成长,同步也在合作中获得了利益,获得了互利和双赢成果。中华人民共和国政府愿继续提供便利和条件,推进中华人民共和国企业与国外、海外企业深入开展合作。China will develop its economy further a

10、nd open itself still wider to the outside world,which offers more business opportunities to overseas enterprises. Since Chinas reform and opening up,Chinese enterprises have vigorously undertaken Ecotech with overseas enterprises and scored tremendous achievements. While helping Chinese enterprises

11、develop,overseas enterprises have also benefited from it,hence mutual benefit and all-win. The Chinese Government stands ready to continue to offer facilities and necessary conditions for closer cooperation between Chinese enterprises and their overseas counterparts. 7. 专家预测,在很快未来,水将成为国内许多地区社会经济发展制约

12、原因。水体污染加剧,用水量递增,都将无情地导致水荒临近。为此,向污染开战,保护水源,乃是全人类共同责任。 As specialists (experts.) predict,in the near future,water will become a restriction conditioned. factor for social economic development in many parts of China. Water degradation . Intensified water pollution. and increasing demand for water suppl

13、y will,without mercy,result in the approaching of water shortage disaster. Thus,fighting against pollution and protecting water sources have become the common responsibilities of mankind as a whole.8 文化是不一样国家人们互相理解最佳媒体。通过举行文化节,许多中华人民共和国都市在世界上著名度提高了。已经证明,对增进中华人民共和国人民和世界其她地方人民之间交流来说,这是最佳途径之一。这种交流不仅仅限于

14、文化方面,还扩大到了经济和其她领域。 Culture is the best medium for people of different countries to understand each other. Through culture festivals,many cities in China have raised their prestige in the world. As has been proven that,this is one of the best ways to promote the communication between Chinese people a

15、nd the people from different parts of the world. This kind of communication is not only confined to culture,but extends to economy and other fields.9. 市场经济下公平竞争是增进经济繁华重要原因。但竞争过度,就会导致不容忽视负面影响。恶性竞争会导致大量资源和人才挥霍。在剧烈竞争下,市场需要往往会让位于竞争需要。各高科技企业不得不投下巨额资金发展新项目,成果技术和产品成堆。假如抢不到市场败下阵来,则损失惨重。In a market economy,t

16、he crucial factor for prosperity is fair competition. But if the competition spins out of control,the negative effects must not be overlooked. Tremendous amounts of resources and talent will be wasted on vicious competition. In a highly competitive environment,the needs of the market usually give way to the need for competition. Hi-tech companies invest huge amounts of money into new projects. As a result,re



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