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1、制盐工艺流程盐田饱和卤水直接进蒸发罐真空制盐工艺介绍靳志玲(中盐制盐工程技术争论院,天津 300450) 真空 精制盐1 简介目前,国内大局部井矿盐企业承受以井矿盐卤为原料,北方局部生产企业承受原盐化成饱和盐水再精制真空盐的生产方法。 随着国内“两碱”的快速进展和人民生活水平的提高,原盐供需冲突已越来越突出。特别是在海盐区,以原盐溶解成饱和卤水再生产精制盐,不仅增加了原盐的消耗,而且降低了盐田面积的使用效 率,增加投资,生产本钱高,不同程度上影响了食用盐生产企业的经济效益,造成很多食用盐定点生产企业减产、亏损,直接影响了百姓的生活。而承受滩田饱和卤水直接进蒸发罐制盐,即可以节约结晶面积,其母液

2、还可以为生产氯化钾、氯化镁等盐化工产品供给高质量原料苦卤,到达充分利用卤水中的各种有效成分,实现零排放、无污染、循环经济的目的。2. 工艺流程简述卤水经滩田日晒蒸发,至饱和后引入一个卤水库中储存。卤水库的作用,一是储存肯定量的饱和卤水,以备真空制盐生产的需要;二是卤水在此有肯定的停留时间,可以使其中的一些杂质颗粒沉淀下来,到达净化卤水的目的。净化后的饱和卤水从卤水库引出后,进入蒸发制盐车间的精卤桶。承受预热后的卤水进罐,顺流转料、末效排盐浆,集中排母液的方式进展生产。I 效蒸发罐盐箱中的盐排到 II 效下循环管中,II 效盐箱中的盐排到 III 效下循环管中,III 效盐箱中的盐排到 IV效下

3、循环管中,最终集中在 IV 效盐箱;IV 效排出盐浆,同时由 IV 效分别罐排出母液。工艺流程简图见图 1。13. 工艺的优缺点运用该工艺已在中国北方建设了一个年产 15 万吨的真空制盐生产线,相比再制盐生产工艺,其实施效果如下:本工艺承受饱和卤水制盐,不需要淡水化原盐,淡水消耗低,可节约淡水资源,依据生产状况,1t 盐消耗淡水 1.4-0.2m3,而再制盐生产工艺需要淡水 3.5-4.53.73m3,吨盐节约了 2.1-4.3 m3 淡水。2) 节约日晒盐场土地,削减原盐消耗,提高了盐田利用率对再制盐生产线来说,一般生产 1t 精制盐需要消耗 1.2t 日晒原盐,年产 15 万 t 的精制盐

4、需要 18 万 t 原盐,需要结晶面积 136.36 公顷(按目前中国北方盐场有效结晶单产 1650t/公顷,有效面积占 80,),承受饱和卤水直接进蒸发罐工艺, 不需要饱和卤水进结晶池连续蒸发制盐,只需要建设一个约 2 公顷的饱和卤库,因此,节约了土地面积 134.36 公顷,节约的结晶面积可用于增加日晒盐产量8547t,按日晒盐销售价 160 元/t 计算,日晒盐增加产值 136.8 万元。假设土地按3 万元/亩计算,节约土地价值为 6000 多万元。3) 承受三次洗涤方法洗涤盐浆以去除钙镁离子,使氯化钠含量超过 99.4,,精制盐到达优级盐质量。蒸发结晶过程中盐浆会夹带大量的母液,母液中

5、含有大量的钙、镁杂质,因此,承受三次不同的洗涤方式洗涤盐浆,提高精制盐质量。24) 用饱和卤水直接生产精制盐母液损失小,提高了母液的利用率,实现盐化联产承受盐田饱和卤水直接生产优级真空精制盐工艺,每产 1t 精制盐副产母液约1.7m3,以年产 15 万 t 精制盐计算,全年可产生 25.5 万 m3 蒸发母液,且排出的苦卤氯化钾含量到达了 24,30g/l,浓度为 29,34?Be?,钠镁比值为 1.4,0.6,排出的苦卤中氯化钾总含量为 6589t,氯化镁总量为 36540t,硫酸镁总量为 18900t,氯化钠总量为 37600t,溴总量 510t。而年产 18 万 t 原盐,排出的苦卤量一

6、般只有 18 万 m3,经过复晒、渗透损失、沟道输送进入化工厂后只有原来的 45,左右,也就是说还有 8.1 万 m3,这时氯化钾总含量为 2036t,氯化镁总量为 15280 t,硫酸镁总量为 7727.4 t,氯化钠总量为 11128 t,溴总量 162t。因此,该工艺可为盐化工生产供给更多的原料,提高了生产效率,降低了各种消耗,节约能源。该工艺排出的制盐蒸发母液温度在 55.04?以上,可通过管道直接进入下步生产氯化钾的工序,生产氯化钾产品,节约氯化钾生产过程中所需热量,折标煤 1157 吨/年5) 由于滩田饱和卤水较化盐卤水氯化钠含量低,因此单位产品的蒸发水量较高,吨盐产品电、蒸汽消耗

7、量较大,能耗较高。6) 蒸发设备换热面积较化盐溶解工艺稍高,因此设备投资相对较高,但由于节约大量盐田结晶面积,总体投资低。4. 与原盐溶解再制盐工艺技术经济指标比较国主要经济技术指标比较3两种工艺在投资和单位产品生产本钱中有较大的差异,饱和卤水法单位产品总投资低于原盐溶解法,单位产品本钱低于原盐溶解法 30,。5. 结论对于北方海盐区生产精制盐企业来说,利用滩田饱和卤水直接进蒸发罐制取精制盐是一个较好的生产工艺,节约投资,节约土地,特别是将贵重的原盐溶解成饱和卤水再进展制盐是对土地资源的铺张,再有其生产本钱低,企业有较高的利润空间;排出的制盐母液综合利用生产钾、溴、镁等产品,使卤水全部吃干榨净

8、,没有废物排放,削减了环境污染,有利于可持续进展。4New technology of producing refined salt by adding salt field saturated brine into evaporator directlyJin zhiling Ge Jinyang(Salt Research Institute China Natural Salt Industry Corporation, TianJin 300450)Abstract: After Making saline saturated brine flow in evaporating pot

9、, the sodium chloride is obtained by evaporative crystallization. Calcium and magnesium ions can be removed by washing salt three times in order to get the sodium chloride that the purity is over 99.1 percent and the mother liquor that have high concentration.Key words: saline saturated brine, vacuu

10、m, refine salt magnesium chloride etc. in order tomake use of all kinds of effective 1 BRIEF INTRODUCTION constituents in the brine and achieve theAt present, the materials of making objects of no discharge ,no pollution and vacuum salt are using the well and rock circulating economy.salt in most of

11、 the well and rock saltcorporations and the saturated brine got 2. INDICATION OF THE by dissolving crude salt. Along with the PROCESS FLOWrapid development of caustic alkali andsodium carbonate and the growth in the After being solarized to saturation peoplesliving standard, the in beach field brine

12、 was inducted to contradiction of crude salt in supply and brine tank and stored. On the one hand require is more and more stood out. brine tank can store some saturated brineParticularly in the sea salt areas, that is used to produce vacuum salt. On producting refine salt with saturated the other h

13、and ,brine have some brine that is got by dissolving crude salt residence time here so some impurities can increase the consumption of raw can be deposited in order to make the salt , reduce the availability factor of salt brine be purified. After being drawouted field, add investment and production

14、 from brine tank the cleaned saturated cost. This will influence the economic brine was pumped to fine brine tank in efficiency of edible salt manufacturing the manufacture salt plant. And enterprises , make them reduce output production can be gone on by using the and affect peoples live. methods o

15、fpreheating brine ,However, using the method of transferring stuff in parallel flow, making salinesaturated brine flow in discharging salt slurry in the last effect evaporating pot and then obtaining and exporting mother liquor sodium chloride by evaporative concentratedly. The salt in the first eff

16、ectcrystallization can saving crystal area. tank is discharged to the circulation pipe Furthermore, the mother liquor can be of the second effect, The salt in the used as material to produce chemically second effect tank is discharged to the products such as potassium chloride, circulation pipe of the third effect, The 5salt in the third effect tank is dischar


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