二年级上英语教学设计-Revision 3_13-14深圳罗湖红桂小学

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1、Oxford English 2A M3 Revision (1)ContentModule 2 Revision (U1) (Period 1)Aims1) To review the words: e.g., slide, swing, seesaw, etc.2) To learn the new words. e.g., basketball, volleyball.3) To review of Wh-questions to find out specific information e.g., What can you see? I can see . What colour i

2、s it? Its .Language focus1) To review the words.2) To understand the wh-questions to find out specific information.Teaching aidsPicture, multimedia, cards, etcProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePart One1. Sing a song.2. Rhyme.3. Ask and answer.T: What can you do?Sing a song.Answer.歌曲使学生集中留意力,快速进入学习

3、状态。儿歌复习旧知,活跃气氛。Part Two1. To review the words.1) T: Look! The children are playing. What are they playing? 2) Review the word. (slide, swing, seesaw,)3) Spell the words.2.To learn: basketball1) Show the picture of the playground.To elicit: basketball.2) Try to say the sentences. 3) Play time.4) Show

4、 Exercise 1.(Listen and number)5) Show the picture basketball and .volleyball.To elicit: volleyball6) Look and say.3. To review : What can you see?I can see_.What colour is it?Its_.1) Show the picture of the childrens garden. Ask and answer.2) Talk about the things in the garden.Free talk. What can

5、you see?I can see_.What colour is it?Its_.3) Show Exercise 2.(Read and match)Look and answer.Spell.Read.Play.Do Exercise 1.Compare them.Read.Say.Pair work.Do Exercise 2.由漂亮的画面导入复习,调动学生多种感官参与学习。用学生熟悉的场景,爱玩的东西,大大激发学生开口学说的爱好。刚好补充的练习,让学生在老师讲练结合中,巩固语言点。在自由对话中巩固句子。在老师的引导下,让学生娴熟运用句子。对子活动让学生在同伴中学习,增加学习效果。由说

6、到练,逐步培育学生的学习实力。Part Three1. 1. See the picture about the park.Show Exercise 3. (Read and choose)2. Tell the students: When we play, we should friendly each other.Do Exercise 3.练习来巩固新旧单词。在练习中巩固提升语言,重新燃起学生的求知欲望。Homework1. Review the text on P26-29.Say something about the words.回家接着进行语言训练。板书设计2A M3 U1b

7、asketballvolleyball教学反思Paper 1 Name_一、Listen and number(听录音,用14编号)swing basketball seesaw slide二、Read and match(读一读,连一连)seesaw volleyball slide swing basketball三、Read and choose( )1.-Can you see the slide? A.B. -No,I can see the swing.( )2.-What can you see? A.B. -I can see the seesaw.( )3.-Is this

8、a swing? A.B. -No,its a slide.Oxford English 2A M3 Revision (2)Content(含课时)Module 3 Revision (U2,U3) (Period 2)Aims1) To review the words: bag, chair, bowl, plate, etc.2). To learn the new words. e.g., pencil case, fork.3) The usage of imperatives to give simple instructionse.g., Put the book in the

9、 bag.4) To understand the key patterns about quantity.e.g., How many ? There is/are .Language focus1) To review the words.2) The usage of imperatives to give simple instructions3) To understand the key patterns about quantity.Teaching aidsPicture, multimedia, cardsProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurpos

10、ePart One1. Sing a song.Ten little paper rabbits2. Daily talk Can you ? What can you see?Is he/she ?Who is he/she ?Whats that? Whats this?3. Say rhymes.Sing a song.Answer.Ss: Say together.营造英语课堂的氛围,使学生进入学习准备阶段。复习旧知,并培育学生的交际实力。朗诵儿歌,激发学生学习爱好,为新授作准备。Part Two1. To review the words.1) T: Look at our clas

11、sroom. Whats in our classroom?2) Review the word. (bag, box, desk, chair)2. To learn: pencil case1) Show the pencil case. To elicit: pencil case2) Try to say the sentences.3) Make rhymes3. Review the word. (bowl, plate, spoon, chopsticks)4. To learn: fork1) Show the picture of the fork.2) Try to say

12、 the sentences.3) Ask and answer about the fork.4) Show Exercise 1.5) Look and say.5. To review : Show the things and talk.1) How many _? There is/are_.2) Put_in/on_. Look! There is a _in/on the_.3) Show Exercise 2.Read and spell.Read.Read and spell.Say.Pair work.Do Exercise 1.Pair work.Pair work.Do

13、 Exercise 2.在现成的语境中引出复习内容。在说说句子,说说儿歌中巩固语言点。以旧带新,增加学生语言量。讲练结合,突出复习课的特点。在对子中大量操练、巩固语言。Part Three1. Show the context.Talk about the words and the sentences.2. Show Exercise 3.Talk.Do Exercise 3.创设语境,操练语言。课内听力练习,巩固语言。Homework1Review the text on P30-37.2. Finish the paper 3.作业由课内向课外延长,构建和谐的学习型家庭。板书设计2A M3 U1pencil casefork 教学反思Paper 2 Name_一、Listen and number(听录音,用15编号)1. chair desk bag box pencil case 2. fork bowl chopsticks spoon plate二、Read and match(读一读,连一连)1


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