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1、Unit 2 Sam ate four hamburgers.教学目标:1、能听、说、读、写单词:hamburgers,ate,gave,drank,tonight.2、能熟练使用“Samate six hamburgers.What did you eat/drink lastnight?I ate/drank这类 ”句子表达过去做过某事。3、熟练运用所学英语知识谈论英国人的饮食及喜欢的食品。4、了解字母组合ea/ee,ear和 ere/eir 在单词中的发音。教学重难点:使用 “Samate six hamburgers.What did you eat/drink lastnight?I

2、 ate/drank这类 ”句子表达过去做过某事。预习提纲:1、英汉互译1)all the fish2) at school3) 没有食物4)四个汉堡5)给某人某物2、阅读活动 2 回答下列问题1)Who ate four hamburgers at school today?_2) Who had a sandwich?_3)Does Amy miss Chinese food?_4)What is Ms Smart going to cook tonight?_5)Who wrote this letter to Daming?_教学过程:1、导入:用英语回答下列:问题。( 1)What

3、is your favourite food?( 2)What did you have for breakfast yesterday?( 3)What did you have for lunch yesterday?( 4)What did you have for dinner yesterday?2、课文教学:1)一步听录音,看课文。整体感知课文内容。2)请学生画出文中出现的动词过去式。3)讲解课文。4)跟读录音。5)试着给自己的朋友写一封信,告诉他们自己昨天所吃的食物。拓展延伸:阅读短文,判断正( T)误( F)Dear Amy,Today I had a hamburger fo

4、r lunch.I like hamburgers very much.But mymother doesn liket hamburgers at all.She drank juice.Tomorrow is mybirthday.My mother is going to make a cake for me .Iof delicious food!I hope you will be with me .With love,Daming() 1.Daming ate a hamburger for lunch today.m going to eat lots() 2.Daming s mother likes hamburgers very much.() 3.Dam s mother is going to makemesojuice for Daming.) 4.Daming is going to eat delicious food tomorrow.练习检测:写出下列动词的过去式。have_ drink_eat_cook_give_buy_板书设计教学反思


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