2017-2018学年高一英语下学期期中试题 (I).doc

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1、2017-2018学年高一英语下学期期中试题 (I)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。MeganI have a small apartment there. The thing I like most about my job is the chance to meet people from different cultures. I spend a lot of my time handing out food and drinks and clearing up p

2、eoples rubbish. I certainly dont feel very excited about going home at two in the morning.FrankI enjoy playing around with word puzzles. So I sent a couple in to a local newspaper and I suppose it is a strange way to spend your day surrounded by dictionaries and books, but its great because Im just

3、doing what I like.GemmaI love music and listen to it all the time, even when I go jogging. As for my job you really cant be shy in this kind of work, and you have to be very patient because sometimes we practice for hours before we get it right. When were on tour, we work for several weeks with no b

4、reaks and you can get really tired. For relaxation, whenever I get a holiday, I go straight to a sunny beach.RaoulMost people think I spend my day chopping (切) vegetables and washing dishes, but its not that simple. I have to be really careful with the food and keep everything very clean. The bigges

5、t problem is my boss he shouts at me all the time even, for example, if I forget to wash up one plate. Actually, Im hoping to find a new job soon because I dont get much time off.1. What s the biggest attractions of Megans job? A. The long holidays B. Handing out food to people. C. Getting to know d

6、ifferent people D. The pleasant working environment2. Who love working with words? A. Megan B. Frank C. Gemma D. Raoul3. What problem does Raoul face? A. His strict boss B. He is careless C. His terrible cooking D. He fails to get enough sleep B For some children, the news on TV can be difficult to

7、understand. Dont worry! Here es Linda Ellerbee. She is a well-known journalist (记者)behind Nick News, a special TV program for kids. As the shows creator and reporter, Ellerbee talks about the news in a way thats easy for children to understand. This month, Nick News celebrated its 20th birthday. It

8、is the longest running TV news program for kids. When asked why she started Nick News , Ellerbees answer is simple. “Kids have rights(权利)to know,” she says. “And they already do know, but maybe not all the facts.” She looks at her job on Nick News as more than news and help children understand what

9、has really happened. Ellerbee tries to balance bad news with good news, too. “Behind each sad story, theres always someone or something trying to make it better,” she explains. Besides important events, Nick News also reports the things that are going on in the world of kids. When deciding what to t

10、alk about in the program, Ellerbee says, “We think: What big events are kids unable to avoid(避免)? What are they already hearing about? What can we help them understand better?4. Nick News is special because of _.A. the time it begins B. the news it reports C. the way it collects the news D. the way

11、it tells children the news5. What do we know about Nick News?A. It mainly reports exciting news. B. It is a new program made by Ellerbee.C. It teaches children how to make the news. D. It helps children learn about the news.6. What is Ellerbees attitude toward her job?A. She takes it seriously. B. S

12、he thinks it pays well.C. She finds it a bit boring. D. Shes not interested in it.7. The last paragraph mainly talks about_.A. why children like Nick News B. how Ellerbee understand newsC. what topics Nick News covers D. different kinds of news programs CEdmund Halley, an astronomer in the late 1600

13、s, was very interested in ets(彗星). In 1682, he noticed a et that was especially bright and large. He spent a long time studying it. Then it disappeared from view. Based on his research, Halley guessed that this bright et would return in 1758 or 1759. This was about 75 years after he first saw the et

14、. This same bright et returned right on time. However, Halley died in 1742 and was unable to see it. Not long after that, the et was named “Halleys et” in his honor.Scientists who had been following Halleys work began to look back through history. They learned that for centuries there had been menti

15、on of a et in the sky about every 75 years, going all the way back to 467 B.C. Often, the return of Halleys et seemed to coincide (同时发生) with important events in history. For many years people believed that Halleys et caused catastrophes (大灾难), from sickness to war.Now, scientists know that ets do not cause bad events, and they have learned more about ets. All ets are ma


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