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1、2024年关于武汉疫情的英语作文_应对疫情的英语作文3篇 此次武汉疫情,你有什么感想呢?用英语把它写出来吧!以下是我整理了关于武汉疫情的英语作文_应对疫情的英语作文3篇,希望你喜爱。 关于武汉疫情的英语作文篇一 2024年是一个新的起先,可是,恰好在春节驾临之际,中华人民再一次面对病毒危机:新形冠状病毒,距离上次2024年非典仅过去17年。 2024 is a new beginning, but just at the time of the Spring Festival, the Chinese people once again face the virus crisis: new c

2、oronavirus, only 17 years since the last SARS in 2024. 我在新闻上看到,由武汉为传染源引起的新形病毒向全国扩散。记者统计分析,一月十日到二十二日离开武汉前往全国各地的人员分别到达周口、岳阳、宜昌、合肥、重庆、南宁、广州等地。这是一种急性感染肺炎。 I saw in the news that the new virus caused by Wuhan as the source of infection spread to the whole country. According to statistics and analysis, th

3、e people who left Wuhan from January 10 to 22 and went to all parts of the country respectively arrived in Zhoukou, Yueyang, Yichang, Hefei, Chongqing, Nanning, Guangzhou and other places. This is an acute infection of pneumonia. 病因是因为人们吃了菜野生中华菊头蝙蝠果子狸。这是一次严峻的危机,作为人类我们不应当反思吗?假如疫情无法限制,人类将何去何从?假如我们管好自

4、己不贪吃野味会有这种事吗? The cause of the disease is that people eat wild Chinese chrysanthemum head bat civet. This is a serious crisis. As human beings, shouldn't we reflect on it? If the epidemic cannot be controlled, where will human beings go? If we take good care of ourselves, will it happen? 关于如何爱护好

5、自己首先,尽管病毒已成为了焦论,也不要随意听信各种谣言,科学防控隔离传染源,切断传播途径,并号召每个人做好个人防护,避开前往人群密集处,在公共场所要戴医用口罩,其次留意快食卫生, As for how to protect yourself, first of all, although the virus has become a focus, don't listen to all kinds of rumors at will, scientifically prevent and control the sources of infection, cut off the tra

6、nsmission channels, and call on everyone to do a good job in personal protection, avoid going to crowded places, wear medical masks in public places, and pay attention to fast food hygiene, 勤洗手、多饮水尽量不在外面吃饭,少出门。假如出现发热,咳嗽,请刚好就医检查。 Wash hands frequently and drink more water. Try not to eat out and go o

7、ut less. If you have fever or cough, please see a doctor in time. 我希望全国人民手拉手携手共抗此次危机,都在自家待好,不乱跑。由祖国在我们肯定可以度过这次危机,很务医护人员已经放弃和家人过年的机会,奔赴疫场一线,我们更应当信任他们! I hope that the people of the whole country will join hands to fight against this crisis and stay at home and not run around. We can certainly survive

8、 this crisis from our motherland. It's very important that medical staff have given up the chance to celebrate the new year with their families and rushed to the front line of the epidemic field. We should believe them more! 加油武汉,加油白衣天使,加油中国,愿世间的美妙与你们环环相扣。 Come on Wuhan, come on angel in white,

9、come on China, wish the beauty of the world be linked with you. 关于武汉疫情的英语作文篇二 这场疫情给我们带来了一个不一样的新年,宅在家里的这些日子,为了了解疫情的动态,我在电视里不仅相识了诞生于医学世家的钟南山院士;还相识了从赤脚医生一路苦读成为中国工程院院士、传染病学专家的李兰娟;相识了上海医疗救治专家组组长张文宏一个获得复旦高校博士学位,并在香港和美国进修成为博士后的医学学霸;相识了那些用专业学问和奉献精神将疫情拦截在医院,将我们隔离在平安中的医护人员;相识了那些深化疫区采访报道的专业记者,是他们让我们看到了真实疫情;相识了

10、那些供应权威解答的专家,是他们让我们从恐慌变得淡定.而这一切都离不开一个核心学问。 This epidemic has brought us a different new year. These days, I lived at home. In order to understand the dynamics of the epidemic, I not only met academician Zhong Nanshan, who was born in a medical family, but also met Li Lanjuan, who studied hard from ba

11、refoot doctor to academician and infectious disease expert of Chinese Academy of engineering, and Zhang Wenhong, leader of Shanghai medical treatment expert group A doctor's degree from Fudan University, who studied in Hong Kong and the United States to become a postdoctoral medical bully, met t

12、he medical staff who used their professional knowledge and dedication to intercept the epidemic in the hospital and isolate us in safety, met the professional journalists who went deep into the epidemic area to interview and report, who let us see the real epidemic, and recognized those who provided

13、 authoritative answers Our experts, they make us calm down from panic. And all of these are inseparable from a core - knowledge. 这些有学问的人,平常不像影视偶像和网络明星那样引人注目,被人熟知,而是静默无闻。但是,在国家危难之际,他们就像一束希望之光,引领着人们走出盲目和愚钝,战胜恐惊和无望。他们就是亨利基辛格口中所说的“把大部分中国人爱护得很好的少数英勇的中国人”,也是玛格丽特米特笔下“可以变更世界的有思想、信念坚决的一小群人”,更是这个时代最令人钦佩和爱戴的人。

14、他们的学问才智、素养修为、诚恳英勇,构筑起人性中最美妙的部分,任何魔鬼和凶险在他们面前都望而却步。 These knowledgeable people are usually not as eye-catching and well-known as movie idols and internet stars, but unknown. However, in times of national crisis, they are like a light of hope, leading people out of blindness and stupidity and overcomin

15、g fear and despair. They are what Henry Kissinger called a few brave Chinese who protect most of the Chinese people very well. They are also a small group of people with strong ideas and beliefs who can change the world written by Margaret mitt. They are also the most admired and loved people in this era. Their knowledge, wisdom, accomplishment, honesty and bravery build up the most beautiful part of human nature, and any devil and danger are deterred in front of them. 学问就是力气,学问就是财宝,学问就是希望。这是对比和思索,通过这场疫情,带给我的结论。 Knowledge is power, knowledge is wealth and knowledge is hope. This is


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