外研版英语2019-2020学年八年级上册Module 10 The weather单元测试(有听力无音频)(I)卷.doc

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《外研版英语2019-2020学年八年级上册Module 10 The weather单元测试(有听力无音频)(I)卷.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版英语2019-2020学年八年级上册Module 10 The weather单元测试(有听力无音频)(I)卷.doc(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研版英语2019-2020学年八年级上册Module 10 The weather单元测试(有听力无音频)(I)卷一、 听句子,选择最佳应答语。 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分)(2017邵阳)选择正确答语完成对话( ) A . Yes, he does.B . Yes, he is.C . Yes, he can.2. (2分)听句子,选出作为恰当反应的最佳选项( ) A . Sunday.B . Cloudy.C . At ten oclock.3. (2分)听句子,选出该句的最佳答语( ) A . Yes, its quite near.B . Sorry, Im not sure.

2、C . OK, you cant miss it.4. (2分)听句子,选择最佳应答语 A . Red.B . Tall.C . Fat.5. (2分)听句子,选择最佳应答语 A . Thank you.B . Sounds great.C . It doesnt matter.二、 听短对话,选择最佳答案。 (共5题;共10分)6. (2分)What should the woman do? A . Lie down and rest.B . Drink more water.C . See a dentist and get an X-ray.7. (2分)What is the man

3、doing? A . Shopping online.B . Watching videos.C . Fixing the computer.8. (2分)听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案( ) A . Nancys brother.B . Nancys sister.C . Nancy.9. (2分)How can the girl get to the post office? A . By bike.B . By bus.C . By car.10. (2分)When will the party begin? A . At 14:00.B . At 14: 30.C . At

4、15: 30.三、 听长对话,选择最佳答案。 (共2题;共10分)11. (4分)听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 (1)Where is Daisy at the moment? A . In the school.B . On a bus.C . At a bus stop.(2)How might Daisy go home? A . By taxi.B . By car.C . On foot.12. (6分)听下面一段对话,回答第三个小题。 (1)What did the man want? A . Herberts room number.B . Herberts phone n

5、umber.C . Herberts address.(2)Why didnt the woman help him? A . Because she didnt know the roomnumber.B . Because she didnt know theaddress.C . Because she couldnt think of the phone number.(3)What did the woman advise the man to do? A . Call Michelle.B . Wait for Herbert to call back.C . Forget abo

6、ut Herbert.四、 听材料,选择最佳答案。 (共1题;共5分)13. (5分)听短文, 完成表格。Time of the accidentLast week.Place of the accidentOn my way to Li Mings _.Reason and result of the accidentI rode too _. My bike hit a big tree. I was in a lot of _.AidA passerby _ me to the _.五、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)14. (2分)What _ useful book! And _

7、book is popular with students.A . a; aB . an; aC . a; theD . a;an15. (2分)Miss Brown is looking for a big house a garden. A . hasB . haveC . withD . of16. (2分) You bought the car about ten years ago? Yes. _ its old, it still runs well.A . BecauseB . SinceC . AlthoughD . But17. (2分) We may move to ano

8、ther planet in the future with the population increasing. I think so. We will have no other choices if it gets a lot _.A . largeB . manyC . larger18. (2分)(2015苏州) In North America, meat eaters are bears and mountain lions. They eat smaller animals such as rabbits and mice.A . smallestB . the smalles

9、t C . largestD . the largest19. (2分)The Beijing roast duck smells _. A . brightB . badlyC . niceD . well20. (2分)I was seriously _ that day and decided to stay at home and have a good rest. A . relaxedB . lazyC . illD . lonely21. (2分)Last summer I took a course on _.A . how to make dressesB . how dre

10、sses be madeC . how to be made dressesD . how dresses to be made22. (2分) Does Jane like sports? Yes. She wants _ a sports club.A . joinB . joinsC . joiningD . to join23. (2分)Mother said to Joe, “ You should remember _ play football in the street.”A . dontB . not toC . dont to24. (2分)We _ half an hou

11、r _ in the playground after class A . spend;to practise runningB . take;to practise to runC . spend;practising runningD . take;to practise running25. (2分)He always his friends about everythingIn fact,he has no thoughts of his own A . agrees withB . plays withC . deals withD . talks with26. (2分)Peopl

12、e a lot of meetings because of the dangerous illness.A . turned offB . set offC . put offD . took off27. (2分) Whats the matter?A . I was going to bedB . Youll be fineC . I had a fight with my brotherD . Its sunny today28. (2分)Whats your math teacher like?_.A . Hes twenty-seven years oldB . He works

13、in our school 。C . Hes creative and outgoingD . He likes physics and biology六、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)29. (10分)选择正确选项,使短文意思完整。(Whats the best thing to eat on a summer day? Many people would say ice cream. Yes, eating ice cream 1 some fruit on top is a great way to cool down. But think before you eat. If your body is hot from playing sports, its not the best time to eat ice cream.When your body is hot, a lot of ice cream may give your 2some problems, and



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