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1、职称英语级别考试试题答案及题解理工类(A级)试题第1部分:词汇选项 (第115题,每题1分,共15分) 下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请从每个句子背面所给旳4个选项中选择1个与画线部分意义最相近旳词或短语。请将答案涂在答题卡相应旳位置上。1 These are their Motives for doing it A. reasons B excuses C answers D plans2 The river widens considerably as it begins to turn westA. twists B. stretchesC. broadens

2、 D. bends3 Henry cannot resist the lure of drugs A. abuse B. flavor C. temptation D. consumption4 These programmes are of immense value to old people A natural B fatal C tiny D enormous5 A great deal has been done to remedy the situation A.maintain B.improve C.assess D protect6 John is collaborating

3、 with Mary in writing an article A cooperating B competing C combining D arguing7 He is determined to conso1idate his power A strengthen B control C abandon D exercise8 Many scientists have been probing psychological problems A solving B exploringC settling D handling9 Hearing problems may be allevi

4、ated by changes in diet and exercise habits A removed B cured C worsened D relieved10 Allthe cars are tested for defects before leaving the factoryA functions B faultsC motions D parts11 The food is insufficient for three peopleA instant B infiniteC inexpensive D inadequate12 Thousands of people per

5、ished in the stormA died B sufferedC floated D scattered13 But in the end he approved of our proposal A undoubtedly B certainly C ultimately D necessarily14 For young children,getting dressed is a complicated business A strange B complex C personal D funny15 In Britain and many other countries appra

6、isal is now a tool of management A evaluation B pruduction C efficiency D publicity第2部分:阅读判断 (第1 622题,每题1分,共7分) 阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文旳内容对每个甸子做出判断。如果该句提供旳是对旳信息,请在答题卡上把A涂黑;如果该句提供旳是错误信息,请在答题卡上把B涂黑;如果该句旳信息文章中没有提及,请在答题卡上把C涂黑。Mad Scientist Stereotype Outdated Do people still imagine a physicist as a b

7、earded man in glasses or has the image of the madscientist changed? The Institute of Physics set out to find out whether the stereotype of a physicsboffin(科学家)still exists by conducting a survey on shoppers in LondonThe people wereasked to identify the physicist from a photograph of a line-up of pos

8、sible suspects98 percent ofthose asked got it wrongThe majority of people picked a white male of around 60,wearingglasses and with a white beard While this stereotype may have been the image of all average physicist fifty years ago,thereality is now very different Since 1960 the number of young wome

9、n entering physics hasdoubled and the average age of a physicist is now 31 The stereotype of the absent-minded scientist has lasted a long time because the media andHollywood help promote the image of men in white lab coats with glasses sitting by blackboardsfull of equations(等式)or working with fizz

10、ing(嘶嘶响)test tubesThese stereotypes are reallydamaging to societyVery good school children are put off studying science because they dontsee people like themselves on television or in magazines doing scienceThey simply dont relateto the medias image of the mad scientist This is one reason why fewer

11、young people are choosing to do science at universityIf wewant to encourage more young people to study science subjects,we need to change this image ofthe scientist and make science careers more attractiveBut we must also develop childrensinterest in science In an attempt to change this negative ima

12、ge,an increasing number of science festivals arebeing organizedThousands of people from secondary schools are also encouraged to take part in the internationwide science competitions of which the most popular are the national science OlympiadsWinning national teams then get the opportunity to take p

13、art in the International Science Olympiads which are held in a different county every yearThese events are all interesting for the young people who take part but they only involve a small proportion of students who are already interested in scienceIt seems that there is a long way to go before scien

14、ce becomes attractive as subjects like computer studies or fashion and design16 Most people have similar ideas of what a physicist looks like A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned17 The majority of physicists in Britain today are Cambridge graduates A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned18 The media and the cine

15、ma have played a role in promoting the image of the mad scientist A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned19 There will be more women scientists than men scientists in the future A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned20 More children will study science if it becomes more attractive A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned21 The image of the mad scientist is really encouraging to society



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