五年级英语上册 Module 5 Unit 1(3)教案 外研版

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1、五年级英语上册 Module 5 Unit 1(3)教案 外研版教学内容:Unit 1 There are enough!教学重点: Words of Unit 1教学难点:1. There are ten pencils in the blue box.2. There are enough pencils.教学用具:radio and pictures.教学程序:1. 复习Review the words of Module 42课文教学(1)SB练习1A. T播放磁带,学生听并思考以下问题。1)How many people are there in this dialogue?2)Wh

2、at is Sam doing?3)Are there enough pencils?B. 听第二遍后学生小组讨论上述问题,并派选手参加每个问题的抢答。在抢答的同时,T把一些单词写在黑板上,领读学生掌握不好的词。T给获胜的小组加分。示例:enough give every everyone them carefulB.放录音,SS跟读。a)俩人一组完成AB练习2b)SB活动31) 学生独自完成此活动,后俩人一组练习描述图。2) T准备一些图片或实物,学生练习描述。例:一大瓶水,俩个小杯子。There is too much water.There are not enough cups.许多页

3、纸,俩个小袋子。There is too much paper.There are not enough bags.3)必答,每组派3人比赛,对一句加一分。4)全班完成AB练习1放一遍磁带。然后对编号。第二步要求写句子,难度比较大。六人一组,每人负一幅图。最先完成每一幅的组,要以最快的速度把句子写在黑板上,并得到加分。教师要多在教室里走动,以防有的组为了速度而由同一个学生完成。4.课后作业Copy the key words and sentences and recite them.教学板书设计 Module 5 Unit 1 A B C DUnit 1 There are enough.

4、Words Sentences. 附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 5 Unit 1(6)教案 外研版语言功能:比较物品的数量与实际需求是否相符。 学习任务:There are ten/too many pencils in the blue box? There are/arent enough. 运用任务:描述事物的数量;比较物品的多少;叙述日常生活中遇到的问题。 模块分析:Unit1主要是通过学习课文后,学生能够表达事物的多少,并且与现实所需要的情况进行比较,最后做出这个物品是否与需求相符的结论。Unit 2主要是叙述现实生活中的问题,如公交车很拥挤,书太多而书包太

5、小等。语音方面主要了解字母组合ear,eer,oor,our,air,在单词中的常见读音,让学生在朗读单词的过程中体会字母及字母组合的发音。二、运用任务 任务1:联想画图 活动目的:提高听力能力,练习:There are 活动准备:一张大白纸,一支彩笔,每位同学自己再准备一张白纸和一支铅笔 活动过程:教师请一位学生到讲台上来,按老师的要求在白纸上先画一张桌子,然后请同学们闭上眼睛想象,老师要请他们来做客,桌子上已经摆了各式各样的水果及食物,请同学们描述都有哪些东西。学生可以用:There are two oranges on the desk.展开想象。之后四人小组活动,设置不同的场合,如画一

6、画公园、操场、商店的等,再进行描述。任务2:给市长的一封信 活动目的:巩固和练习There are too many There are/arent enough。 活动准备:复习There are too many There are/arent enough。 活动过程:四人小组先讨论我们学校的不合理问题和现象,再将这些问题罗列出来,如:There are too many children in the class. There arent enough seats. 然后请全班同学一起讨论解决办法。由这一点再想一想生活中还有哪些问题,如:There are too many peopl

7、e in the bus. There arent enough space.等。然后将全班的问题集中在一起,给市长写一封信。任务3:Frozen Man活动目的:提高学生的口语表达能力。 活动准备:复习There are too many There are/arent enough。 活动过程:教师先讲明游戏规则:每个同学都不动,教师触摸到谁,谁就站起来说。第一个学生说:There are two ice creams.第二个学生说:There are three children. 第三个学生说:There arent enough ice creams.依次类推,不能重复前面的。Uni

8、t 1 There are enough .教学内容第五模块第一单元学习任务There are enough/not enough.功能表达物品数量是否充足运用任务任务1:联想画图 活动目的:提高听力能力,练习:There are 活动准备:一张大白纸,一支彩笔,每位同学自己再准备一张白纸和一支铅笔 活动过程:教师请一位学生到讲台上来,按老师的要求在白纸上先画一张桌子,然后请同学们闭上眼睛想象,老师要请他们来做客,桌子上已经摆了各式各样的水果及食物,请同学们描述都有哪些东西。学生可以用:There are two oranges on the desk.展开想象。之后四人小组活动,设置不同的场

9、合,如画一画公园、操场、商店的等,再进行描述任务2:SB Unit1 活动3教学程序Step 1 Warmer:1.Greetings: Good morning,boys and girls. How are you?2.song:Before the class,lets sing a song :Row a boat3.Free talk,主要围绕There be 句型展开。How many windows are there in our classroom?How many doors are there in our classroom?How many boys are ther

10、e in our class?How many girls are there in our class?How many chairs are there in our classroom?Step 2 Leading in:利用游戏来学习enough和not enough这一单词。T:Lets play a game:Catch chairs.Ill call 4 students e to the blackboard to catch chairs.The other students count with me.Are you ready?T:Are there enough?板书T

11、here arent enough并领读。此时老师让没有抢到椅子的学生回座,转身对获胜的学生说:Sit down please.You are the winners.面向全体学生问:Are there enough? 板书There aren enough并领读。Step 3 Presentation:1. 创设情景,进入课文。转身对获胜的学生说:You are the winners.Ill give out pencils for you.Ms Smart is giving out pencils to every child,What happened?Lets have a loo

12、k.Open your books at page18,Listen and circle the new words.2. 学习生词。叫学生上黑板写出所圈的生词,老师逐一讲解。 (1)学习everyone时,我们可以通过刚才学过的every. (2) give 课件出示Give out pencils和 Give them out 告诉学生两种说法都可以。(3)让学生感受一下they 与 them的不同用法。(4)新授careful时,利用音标教学的方法来学习,要提醒学生注意观察老师的口形,以做到发音准确。3. Show some questions to ask students to a

13、nswer. (1)How many pencils did Ms Smart buy yesterday? (2)How many children are there in the class? (3)Are there enough pencils? (4)Whose pencil was broken? Make the students to follow the tape,then answers questions. 4.Read the text by themselves. 5.Ask the students to read it in roles.Step4 Practi

14、ce1.完成运用任务1:联想画图 活动目的:提高听力能力,练习:There are 活动准备:一张大白纸,一支彩笔,每位同学自己再准备一张白纸和一支铅笔 活动过程:教师请一位学生到讲台上来,按老师的要求在白纸上先画一张桌子,然后请同学们闭上眼睛想象,老师要请他们来做客,桌子上已经摆了各式各样的水果及食物,请同学们描述都有哪些东西。学生可以用:There are two oranges on the desk.展开想象。之后四人小组活动,设置不同的场合,如画一画公园、操场、商店的等,再进行描述2.完成运用任务2:SB Unit1 活动3Step5 Homework for today。Use” enough” or “not enough” to describe something.板书设计Unit 1 There are enough . There are enough them give There arent enough every everyone Careful enough教后记:


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