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1、大学英语四级考试710分全攻略答案及解析(全) ; 大学英语四级考试710分全攻略答案及解析 第一局部 听力局部第一章 短对话第三节 专项训练1【预测】介词+地点名词选项说明,此题是问对话发生在何处的场景题。【原文】W: Wow, I do like this campus. All the big trees, the green lawns, and the old buildingswith tall columns, its really beautiful.M: It sure is. The architecture of these buildings is in the Gre

2、ek style. It was popular in the 18th century here.Q: What are the speakers talking about2023.6/T9【解析】选C。此题如果听到了开头局部的关键词campus,简直是易如反掌。 2【原文】M: Id like to buy a copy of Professor Franklins book on the American culture.W: Im sorry. The book has been out of print for some time.Q: Where does the convers

3、ation most probably take place2023.9/T3【解析】选C。录音原文中的动词buy a copy是解题的关键。3【预测】选项中出现了定冠词the和代词his,都表示特指,因此此题不会是问对话发生的地点。要注意听细节和问题。【原文】M: Hello, this is John Hopkins at Riversides. Id like to speak to Mr. Jones.W: Im sorry, Mr. Hopkins. My husband isnt at home. But I can give you his officephone number.

4、 He wont be back until 6 oclock.Q: Where does Mrs. Jones think her husband is now1996.1/T1【解析】选D。女士说要把丈夫办公室的 号码告诉V1,显然她认为丈夫现在在办公室。 4【预测】多数选项用了To+地点,问的一定是动态性的方位问题去哪里。 【原文】M: Can you stay for dinner W: Id love to. But I have to go and send some registered mail before picking up the children from schoo

5、l. Q: Where will the woman go first1997.1/T8 【解析】选C。女士答复时用到了but表转折语气,她说自己现在要先去寄信然后去接 孩子放学。but是一个信息指示词,后面的内容要着重听。before在听力中表时间的先后时,可以直接翻译成然后,这样就不用颠来倒去的套中文,省事儿多了。5【原文】W: Look at that big field of cotton. And theres a farm with some beautiful houses.M: You really get to know the country when you go by

6、train, dont youQ: Where did the conversation most probably take place 1998.6/T10【解析】选D。此题如果听到了关键词go by train,选出正确答案不费吹灰之力。 6【原文】W: Where did you say you found this bagM: It was lying under a big tree between the park and the apartment building. Q: Where did the man find the bag2000.6/T6【解析】选D。此题关键词为

7、between and 。 7【原文】M: Can you tell me the title of this oil paintingW: Sorry, I dont know for sure. But I guess its an early 18th century work. Let me look it up in the catalog. 1 Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place2023.1/T2 【解析】选A。此题关键词为oil painting。8【原文】W: Oh, dear! Im starvin

8、g, I cant walk any farther. M: Lets go to the restaurant across the street and get something to eat.Q: Where are the two people2023.6/T5【解析】选D。此题关键词为across the street。9【原文】W: You seem very confident about the job interview, dont youM: Yes, I feel ready for it. I bought a good suit at a clothing stor

9、e and I had my hair cut. I had studied almost everything about finance and economics.Q: Where is the man probably going to work2023.1/T10 【解析】选A。从finance and economics来看,说话者是想在银行工作。 10【原文】M: Excuse me, Id like to place an advertisement for a used car in this Sunday edition of your paper.W: Ok, but y

10、ou have to run your advertisement all week. We cant quote rates for just Sunday.Q: Where is the conversation most probably taking place 2023.6/T9【解析】选D。此题的关键词是place an advertisement, Sunday edition 及your paper。 11【原文】W: Mr. Watson, I wonder whether its possible for me to take a vacation early nextmo

11、nthM: Did you fill out a request formQ: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers2023.6/T7【解析】选C。此题属于推理身份关系题。女士说:华生先生,我想知道我是否可以在下月初休假。男士说:你填了申请表了吗根据对话中的请求休假与填申请表,可以推断说话人之间的关系是经理与员工。12【原文】W: John, what are you doing on your computer Dont you remember your promiseM: This is not a game

12、. Its only a crossword puzzle that helps increase my vocabulary.Q: What is the probable relationship between the speakers 2023.1/T3【解析】选D。此题的关键就在于要听到your promise和increase my vocabulary,女士严厉的语气也很重要。13【原文】W: I heard you got a full mark in maths exams. Congratulations!M: Thanks! Im sure you also did a

13、good job.Q: Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers2023.6/T1【解析】选C。此题的关键词是mark,exams。听到这两个词,马上就知道对话应该与学生有关。再听到V2中的also did a good job,立刻就能做出判断这是同学之间的对话。14【原文】W: I often mistake Jim for Bob. Can you tell them apartM: No, they look so much alike that they even confused their mother so

14、metimes whenthey were young.Q: What is the most probable relationship between Jim and Bob1998.6/T1【解析】选A。此题只要听到their mother,选出正确答案简直易如反掌。15【原文】M: So, when are the other guys going to get here The train is leaving in tenminutes .We cant wait here forever.W: Its 10:30 already. They are supposed to be

15、here by now. I told everybody to meet here by 10:15.2023.6/T3 2 Q: When does the train leave【解析】选D。此题是计算题。男士问:则,其他人什么时候到啊?还有十分钟火车就开了。我们不能就这样一直等下去吧。女士说:已经十点半了吗?他们这个时候应该在这儿呀。告诉大家十点十五分在这儿见面的。 十点半加十分钟,火车当然是是10:40开。因此答案选D。16【原文】M: I wonder if Suzy will be here by 5 oclock.W: Her husband said she left home at 4:30.she should be here at 5:10, and 5:15 at the latest.Q: What time did Suzy leave home2023.6/T7【解析】选C。此题是计算题。V2说她丈夫说她四点半离开家的,直接就出现了正确答案。这种几个数字在对



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