研究生英语 书籍读后感

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1、南京信息工程大学2012 2013 学年 第 二 学期 研究生英语写作与翻译 任课教师: 赵岚_ 专业 信息与通信工程 年级 2012级 学号 2010208303 姓名 徐玉伟 Essay AssignmentDirections: Pick one of the following tasks to write an essay about 500 words, with your personal information marked clearly. 1. Write down your suggestions on the curriculum of Graduate English

2、 based on your own experience of graduate English learning.2. Introduce and give comments on a book or paper youve read recently. You are suggested to give brief information of this book/paper first, and then settle the comments in a logical order.3. Put your comments on “The best preparation for li

3、fe or a career is not learning to be competitive, but learning to be cooperative.”4. Remind yourself of a great change that occurred at some point in your life, and what youve got from such experience.5. “Chinese Dream” is frequently mentioned these days. Collect the information you know about it, a

4、nd compare it with “American Dream”. The Eastern and Western cultures and their benefits to the world might be discussed in the essay.“I wait for you in the heaven” and “The distant heaven”“I wait for you in the heaven” tells the story of retired general Ou zhanjun after hearing the news that the th

5、ird daughter was having an affair of divorce and Little sons supermarket was closed,and heiding a family meeting.The meeting is end with unpleasantness. Ou zhanjun have a sudden cerebral hemorrhage and died. The family into chaos. Silent mother finally opening and telling about the real things about

6、 the woman warrior went into Tibet happended in 50 years ago. Unting the mystery of filials lotSome peoples lift is exist by the way they should be,and some peoples lift is exist by the way they must be.Qiu shanshans book and.A novel and a copy of essay .All about Tibet,about soldiers,about sufferin

7、g and about belief.In the authors own words,”I want to write these with objective and inexcitable style but they still have strong feelings of color.Some people criticize me,said I was easy to be moved .So the book is not deep.And said me liking to write something about nice rather than exposing pro

8、blems and revealing ugly .”I think let others expose problems and reveal ugly.At least author let us fall in love with Tibet and have a strong yearn with it ,and let us pity suffering with her sincere affectingion,and making inquiries ours heart with everythings her told. tell us that maybe sufferin

9、g is really not be refused and escaped.As the doctor Xin said “building the world is not by refuse,as fate is not by refusing and casting off.Some peoples lift is exist by the way they should be,and Some peoples lift is exist by the way they must be.Either way,everyone must bear the fate of his own,

10、 especially the suffering of his own,and try hard to defeat it.One may refuse many things suah as honour,position,money,enjoyment,even love.but he cant refuse suffering .suffering is unable to select.and since it is unable to select,we should face it remain calm”Maybe now people will not undergo the

11、se suffering,enen many people dont know what is belief.But I think the authors words will resonate us whenever even they will become the powre and courage that let us staunch our life faith” No matter how the times changes,how the society develop ,I revere these people who have steadfast belief and

12、put effort into it,revere these people who struggle for their ideality. Revere these Emotion-Righteous and think highly of quality of life,revere these people as the flag in life,as the foot in soul and go forward all their life .”From the book I know one man must have belief whatever the society is

13、,the belief will give us courage and tell us how to overcome suffering and defeat hard,and guide us how to walk ours life each step.毕业论文答辩开场白尊敬的主持人、评委老师:早上好,我是09春行政管理本科的学生xxx。我的毕业论文题目是论我国城市公共物品及其供给,指导老师是xxx老师。我的论文从确定题目、拟定提纲到完成初稿、二稿、三稿到最后的定稿,得到了x老师的精心指导,使我很快掌握了论文的写作方法,并在较短的时间内完成了论文的写作。不论今天答辩的结果如何,我都会


15、发展到70%的国际公认的加速发展时期。随着中国城市化进程的日益加快,如何在新的形势下,实现城市公共物品有效地供给以满足城市发展的需要,成为我们当前急需解决的重大问题。为此,研究我国城市公共物品的问题,具有十分重要的理论和现实意义。于是最终将论文题目定为论我国城市公共物品及其供给。其次,说说文章的具体结构。论文阐述了城市公共物品的定义及特点,分析了我国城市公共物品供给不足的现状及城市公共物品供给方式,着重探讨目前提高我国城市公共物品供给的方法:树立“公共财政”观念,转变政府职能 ;加快投资融资体制的改革,加大对城市公共物品的投资 ;改进政府对公共物品生产的管制方法 ;发挥市场与社会的力量,形成供给主体多元化格局等。只有切实做好对城市公共物品的供给,才能使公共物品满足城市公众的需要,更有效地为社会和民众服务。唯有如此,和谐社会的建设才会事半功倍。我想谈谈这篇论文存在的不足:限于各种条件的制约,使得本论文对城市公共物品的供给方式探索不够深入,还需要继续进行思考和探索。最后,再次感谢x老师在我的毕业论文写作过程中所给与的悉心帮助与指导;其次我要感谢各位专业老师在这两年来我的教育与培养,使我初步掌握了行政管理专业的基本知识,还要



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