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1、Module1 Unit2周末练习一、单词拼写1 Students dont have to go to school during v_.2 What a m_ the room is! Everything is in disorder.3 He is the director of the factory, so he is the person who is in c_ of everything here.4 Anyone who breaks the window will be p_.5 The teacher gave a clear e_ on use of the word

2、.6 Tom, dont be so _(自私). You should learn to share.7 Were quite surprised at that mans strange_(举止).8 “_”(青少年) usually refer to the boys and girls between 13 and 19.9 He is always _(心烦的,苦恼的) about his own health.10.We agreed without much further a_ with each other about our sons education.11.This i

3、s really a t_ story, from which we can learn a lot.12.He left home without e_, never to be found again.13.The department was badly organized until she took c_ of it.14.A good marriage is based on t_, that is, Husband and Wife should believe in each other.15.I dont think we should leave those who bre

4、ak the rules go u_, should we?二 介词填空1The teacher doesnt know what he is going to do_ this naughty boy.2 Maxs house is always _a mess .This makes his parents angry .3 It must be John who is _charge of the department when Susan leaves .4 Dont be too hard _Leo ,because hes new to the job .5 The lawn wa

5、s laid out _the form of the figure eight.6 The music was turned _so loud that Mary couldnt concentrate(集中) her mind .7 The tiwns look alike ,but they differ _hobbies.8 Little Geoge loooked _carefully for possible danger when he walked into the forest.9 The teacher shouted _Elizabeth when he found th

6、at she cheated in the exam .10 Jay and Steve were arguing _where to go .11 Amy is travelling around Europe _present .She began her tour a month ago.12 Friendship that has stood the tests will remain unchanged. _all, old friends are gold.13 Sue often mixes _red with green because of colour-blindness,

7、 so its dangerous for her to cross the street.14 My father and my brother stayed _so late to watch the European champions League final-AC Milan vs Liverpool.三 完成句子 .1 安德森的父母不想让他出国,我一点也不惊讶。It doesnt _ _ _Andersons parents dont want him to go abroad .2尽管他们尽了最大的努力,实验还是留下了许多没有得到解答的问题。Although they tried

8、 their best ,the experiment still _a lot of questions _.3像抢窃这种严重罪行不可不受惩罚。A serious crime like robbery mustnt _ _4既然朱莉亚已经从学校毕业了,她就不再是那个学校的学生。Since Julia has graduated from school, she is _a student of that school _ _.5 既然费罗拉已经长大了,她就不应该任性了。_ _Flora has grown up ,she should not be willful.6 会议完全没有得出任何结

9、论,它简直是浪费时间。That meeting achieved absolutely nothing. It was really_ _ _ _.7 露西开车送那个孩子回家,真是太好了。_ _very _ _Lucy _ _ the child home.8 一旦阿瑟开始一个装潢工作,直到完成他才会停下来。Once Arthur starts a decorating job, he _ _ _its finished .9 在作出决定以前,我们最好弄清楚每件事情。Wed better make everything clear before we _ _ _10 奥利菲最近很忙,所以他没有

10、时间写博客。Oliver was busy recently, so he _ _ _ _write on the blog.11他们应该在一小时以前达到这里。但是事实上,他们并没有到。They _ _ _be here an hour ago ,but in fact they didnt.12 别怪他打碎窗户,他毕竟是小孩子嘛。Dont blame him for breaking the window ; _ _he is a child.13 我让我哥哥买一个钱包给我作为生日礼物。I asked my brother to _ _ _ _as a birthday gift .14你是

11、否同意我的看法将会对我的决定起着很大的影响。_ you _ _me will have a great effect on my decision .15看到这张照片,我就想起以前我们一起度过的美好时光。As soon as I saw this picture , I_ _the wonderful moments we had spent16 .Nancy将要去罗马度假,她最好的朋友在那儿工作。Nancy will spend her holiday in Rome ,_ _ _ _ _.17 每一次当我有麻烦时,第一个来帮我的人总是我的母亲。_ _I am in trouble ,the

12、 first person that comes to my help is always my mother.18我认为Michael不应该浪费太多的时间玩电脑游戏。I _ _Michael _ _too much time playing computer games .19 Arthur为自己没有放弃那个计划而骄傲。Arther _ _ _ himself for not giving up the project.20经理不在时,他负责这个商店。He was _ _ _the shop while the manager was away .单项选择:1. Mrs. White bec

13、ame a teacher in 1986. She _ for twenty years by next summer.A. will teach B. would have taught C. has been teaching D. will have been teaching2. Which one can I take? You can take _ of them. Ill keep none.A. either B. both C. anyone D. all3. He has always insisted on his _ Dr. Tuner instead of Dr.

14、Turner.A. been called B. called C. having called D. being called4. Is this TV set _ you wish to have _?A. the one; repaired B. which; it repairedC. the one; it repaired D. which; repaired5. Could you please explain _ in a simple way.A. me the problem B. me to the problem C. the problem to me D. the problem with me6.


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